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Everything posted by josk

  1. First day of the new Year and I am a winner already. Looking forward to the new engine, will carry on throwing things around in 4 til then. Happy New Year
  2. I don't even know what the f*** is going on with all the acronyms
  3. Will get from the workshop, thanks for this and the videos.
  4. josk


    If you have not done so already I have used Jumper pathfinding library for LUA and found it worked well and was easy to intergrate. Just search google for it if needed.
  5. Lua, I think it is wise to stick with this scripting language unless something major intervenes. Autocomplete is a must.
  6. I'm one that sits on the sidelines, not much hobby time. I think a template other than FPS would be good even a third person like Torchlight. You could show how to load from one world to another, inventory system, melee and ranged combat. Tower derfense would also be good. A template would have to be pretty complete. Not sure Kickstarter would suceed, Udemy might be the way to go. Getting it advertised on the main LW site would be good with Josh phelping promote it, though that would need agreements in place. I do like the idea of paid templates and add-ons, TD template, inventory, ai. I have bought quite a few in the past. Good luck with it.
  7. josk

    Dwarf Beard

    Looks good, love anything with Goblins.
  8. josk

    Scripted Behavior

    +1 for behaviour trees.
  9. Like it, can see this has potential. Ran out of food, died on my way what looked like a berry bush. Is it and can you eat them yet? Maybe change the tree chopping so you chop if mouse is down. Have I just got a lazy finger though? Night came on quite fast the first time so died. Maybe you could have the rain put the fire out so you have to upgrade your fire. Will keep checking on this one.
  10. I would stick the Merc as a DLC for $11-$12. while keeping it on the workshop for $10 to drive people to the workshop that way.
  11. josk

    Games, games, games

    Maybe you can pick some games and ask the developer some questions like an interview, then from that other peole can ask questions and give ideas. Game of the week maybe. If it gets a group of people talikng about a game it will give motivation to everyone.
  12. Player controlled item is set to collision prop, and give it mass. item that gets hit, set to Collision trigger and give mass. SetGravity to nil on both if not needed. In the script.start function of the item being hit put Collision:SetResponse(10,Collision.Prop, Collision.Trigger) self.entity:SetCollisionType(10) in the script.collision function put collisiontype = entity:GetCollisionType() if collisiontype==Collision.Prop then self.entity:Hide() end Also in player item put function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) collisiontype = entity:GetCollisionType() if collisiontype==10 then self.entity:Hide() end end
  13. Collision Trigger only collides with Collision Character see the link http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/command-reference/collision-r778
  14. I did a similar post some while ago and settled for Silo2 off steam in a sale. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12243-recommend-a-simple-model-program/
  15. Delete self from self.context:Drawtext should read context:DrawText("Level 2",context:GetWidth() -3000,400)
  16. You can use Hide() and Show() on decals like other enitites. Maybe have a few decals that show for a few a few seconds then Hide while you place it further along a path taking tuns between left and right foot etc. Or have the decals already laid out on the path and show and hide along the path at a certain speed.
  17. Will pick this up soon, don't need it yet but can look through the code.
  18. Looks good, maybe add some bits off rock shooting off as you hit the rock.
  19. The simple way is if you add Script.Enemy = nil --entity at the top of player script. If you highlight player in the scene tree and look at players script tab. Then drag CSCDSoldier from the scene tree to the empty Enemy box. You can then access CSCDSoldier by using self.distance = self.entity:GetDistance(self.Enemy) //self. distance is an example or even some variable on CSCDSoldier script for example self.TakeHit was in that script. self.Enemy.script:TakeHit(self.damage) This way you can also access CSCDSoldier's child items. The following are worth looking at as well. self.entity:SetKeyValue("item","name") self.target:GetKeyValue("item")
  20. Impressive and confusing. There used to be a bug which lost all connections. You be glad to know it w as sorted ages ago.
  21. Could do with more info, maybe map to look at. Its worth checking the light settings, have you lots of lights? What are there Cast Shadow settings set to?
  22. Good to see it grow over time. You have done well, will look out for the Greenlight. Most people including myself have trouble sticking with a game.
  23. Regarding Character models I think there should be a FBX file in the download if there isn't one. I think if they were themed so you had a few sci-fi troops and another pack pack of aliens for them to fight or a similier pack of modern troops and zombies they would sell better. Also buildings/props to match. I have some Arteria models etc and its decent stuff. Might even have a lifetime membership? Scripts with them so they can do the basics would be great. People can just throw them in and play. Small extra charge would be fine. You have to make it easy for beginners. Adding more from Dexsoft or others would be good. It would be good to add scripts for sale also products like FlowGUI and shaders. I too would pay for Shadmars work. You would have to be careful with scripts because they might need updating so I think you would have to vet script contributers more closely. I think its a case of being patiant with this direction, it might be a slow start but I think the idea is sound.
  24. This looks interesting, though much past the front cover will lose me.
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