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Posts posted by josk

  1. Good start to a game. Apart from the know physics bug the ball control was great.

    More textures would make a big difference.


    Couldn't go further than the map where you have to avoid being crushed. Assuming it is the last level for now.


    Its good to see these projects, it gives inspiration.

  2. Great little game, can see you adding a lot more levels. This game would be perfect for tabs and phones.


    Had some of the issue already mentioned the only other one to add is I got the ball off the map so it just kept falling, needs to reset. I think it went through a wall.


    You could always add a marker to the power indicator to see what strength you had it the previous turn.

  3. I think the problems might have more to do with my code than the Lua garbage collector, I will have another look tonight.


    My laptop specs are CoreDuo T7250 2GHZ 2gig memory Nvidia 8700M GT 32bitVista. Not sure if the laptop is up to it. I would have thought Ricks PC would run fine though.

  4. Thanks ParaToxic, A few issues need sorting before taking it further.



    One other question.

    Have you used the default lightning or do you use directional lights?


    I had some default lighting and then added a directional light. I will have a play with lighting a bit.

  5. Using System:GetMemoryUsage() it seems my game demo is increasing memory usage.


    If i use Aily's code from the other thread in my main loop and lower 80 to around 10 it seems to keep the usage low. I get the idea of garbage collector but don't really understand how it works.


    I would imagine its my code, I have looked at my code to see if I can spot any obvious errors. Any ideas what I should look out for?


    I thought it might be the sound loading as I had a Sound:Load in the main loop but changed that and no change.

  6. The installer is SmartPacker Pro http://www.smartpacker.nl/smartpackerpro.html. Hope the link is ok to do.

    Recommended and good customer service.


    I did put a direction light in when I had shadows on the Gobbo's. Not sure if I left it in. i will check when I'm back from work.


    Smooth graphics but clicking the coloured squares seems a bit random.


    I will look at this, I uploaded a demo with the CelShader added but without the shader the Gobbo you click is highlighted. I wonder if the Gobbo wasn't clicked on.


    I will upload the game without the Shader.

  7. Thanks for testing.


    It can get a bit choppy on my laptop, I have a few idea's to hopefully get rid of it.

    I noticed Aily's post


    I wonder if that has anything to do with it.


    I need to clean the code up, I started this just seeing how to get an animated character to work and then just kept adding. This is not the way to make a game.


    It is Lua or C++ ?

    Design improvments :

    - grass more cartoon like rocks (mix of cartoon and semi realistic textures look strange)

    - use a irregular terrain mesh , better than flat plane


    Lua used.

    Consistant textures are needed, I thought the grass looked ok thoughts. Any thought anyone.

    Flat plane can be changed, looking forward to LE3 terrain.

  8. New Update, cleaned up some code hopefully better performance.


    A small game being made to help me learn LE3 and Lua. I added Shadmar's Cel.Shader, to see what it would look like (not pictured).


    Needs more game play elements which I have planned.

    Sound effects need improving.


    Any comments appreciated.




    The Gobbo's change direction when they are within certain range of a pivot using the :DistanceToPoint command.

    On my laptop I noticed the Gobbo's take longer to turn round thus causing issues. I will have to change the way I do that.

    • Upvote 3
  9. Yeah the Animation script has been redone without a Start() etc.


    As well as the require I think all that needed adding to the Start() of your entity code was

    self.animationmanager = AnimationManager:Create(self.entity)


    Also in your code where it would have said


    replace any self.entity with self.


    I have yet to look at flowgraphs but they do look intresting and I imagine i will use them a lot.

    I wonder if Aggror has done a tutorialbiggrin.png

  10. Dont know why nothing is showing its just a video link to you tube, one of the videos is in the Video section of this website as well.



    @ Aggror. A 3D lemmings type game, not thought of it that way but your right.

    I will start a topic for it when I next update it, thanks.


    @ Rick. Angry Andy when do we get to try that out?

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