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Everything posted by josk

  1. Chaging how the Editor looks etc would be good, happy to wait for LW4 for it. Concentrate on improvements to aid workflow and adding more functionality like carving, decals, scene tree etc.
  2. josk

    Droid planet

    Or where they discharge their batteries.
  3. More Scripted Character packs would be good. If it can be arranged FlowGUI would be good.
  4. Whats this Vulkan from Khronos then? https://www.khronos.org/vulkan Will it be replacing openGL? Will Leadwerks have to change to this? I have no clue about Open GL etc, was just wondering.
  5. josk

    DA 19 weeks in

    Looking forward to a demo, adding more content and keeping the area to explore small would be good for the demo. The inventory system is your own if I recall? Like how an item can take more than one slot.
  6. josk

    Buildings, Doors & Zombies

    Looking good. If you cant see interior objects does that still hinder performance? So items you cant see (behind a wall etc) have to have set to near?
  7. What DLC is planned next? People will want different things but for me Sci-fi props would be good. I can see a nice asset store being a nice addition, was there talk of allowing other people to sell assets via steam?
  8. How do you Dechildify a pivot? Great word by the way.
  9. This has been mentioned before and I think Josh is deciding what to do with the Scene browser rather than just attack bits one at a time. Its a pain at the moment though.
  10. Soon, though it wont have final look. I want the player to be able to get to the end of the first level, only a short level but shouldn't take to long.
  11. Got started on a journal, basic at the moment but a start. Pressing J brings it up and also hides it. Might not use the name journal.
  12. Your ideas sound fine, I think you can can just use a pick(not tool) to check whether you are in range to hit the tree. Actual physics collision is not necessary. Doing it in LUA is the way to go and move onto C++ when you have gained more experience. Start with fixed locations for your buildings and then maybe play with placing buildings anywhere in a specified area. Unless you have made your own I d recommend FLOWGUI by Aggror. Look forward to seeing progress in this.
  13. Exploring, loot and equipment. all the basics are working. Aliens, Ai and Combat. Have only done a little bit with this, the game play is different to a normal fps so its not done the standard way. Take a look at Grimrock. The first level is about learning what has happend and the basics of movement and interaction. You also come across one of the puzzles that you will find throughout the levels. The puzzle itself looks basic and will require more work to look better though it works. The first level is short, a taster to see what people think. The next level will be a lot bigger.
  14. Yeah tempted myself just to show support, dont need a zombie..... yet.
  15. Inspired by all the great vidos and screenshots I have revised my list of things to do before a demo can be released. Most if not all are needed. Depending on feedback that will leave just adding better lighting, textures, models and sounds where needed. Gui/inventory Any instructions and storyline need adding. Events for equipment need changing. At the moment you click the inventory and then you have to press F to activate flash light. Should only work via the inventory panel. Fire extinguisher Needs smoke effect applying when used and limited use only through the inventory needs applying. Store Room door Keycard needed to access. 0% done. Props Some basic medical supplies/food/equipment/weapons. Also room and corridor props and furniture. Sounds Generator, Flickering lights and footsteps. Lift The end of the level needs doing.
  16. pivot button pivot button pivot button
  17. To add a function to your player code all you need is something like this function Script:torchactive() self.Target2.script.active =1 end If you look at your player script you will see functions like start and updateworld. It's just the same, you just need to call the function to run it as in the example player:torchactive() In the function place the code you need to run when the condition is met. If you ask in the programming/general discussuin forum even if its something small you will get plenty of answers. Also Rick runs lessons at a cheap price, might be woth looking into.
  18. I'm assuming you are able to pick up items and have storableobject.lua attach to them. In the inventorytGUI script around line 235 function Script:SetItemSlotProperties() remove the -- on the following bits of curitem code (removed in the code snippet.) --retrieve the item in the itemslot curItem = guiElement:GetItem() --The item in the itemslot can have a UseInventoryItem() function. curItem:UseInventoryItem() In the storable object script goto item.UseInventoryItem = (about line 40). In that function put your code. In my case I put player:torchactive() In my player code I have a torchactive function that makes the torch usable. Hope you understand this, I'm no teacher.
  19. Thanks. Done a bit more work, movement smoother. more texture and lighting done. Working on a GUi for a bit.
  20. I had a variable that just got called when you collected the flash light that enabled it. There is a player use function in the inventory script or similier which i'm going to go through instead when I get time.
  21. Just a great tool for general converting, shader still gets me sometimes.
  22. Looking forward to the sewer and cave levels. I think you are including some files in your download that are not needed. (mediafire download) Check through and delete to help keep the size down. Edit - Only keep bugging you because this looks like it's gonna be good.
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