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Everything posted by josk

  1. Still no look, same error. File size about 320mb, In both betas, restarted pc. Looking at the log it seems to give the error a few times. From looking around it seems to refer to access denied.
  2. Tried to publish a few times but failed, this error in the log Error: RemoteStorageGetPublishedFileDetailsResult = 15
  3. Good read, i like the mario video clip. Food for thought.
  4. I dont know how far I will be going with my game template for a top down game (read more in my blog) but I wondered what you think people would like to see added and find useful. At the moment I have added player settings i.e speed and camera, an animation manager, waypoint manager with basic ai. I plan to add more ai, shooting and more melee. player functions including pickups, health, score. a basic configurable gui. though I will tie in FlowGUI for most. I also plan spawning for enimies and some sort of mission script. The aim is a set of scripts, maybe prefabs that some one can use to get their own game running. A game framework. It can become a big project and maybe beyond what I can do though its giving me a break from my other project and I will be a better coder at the end of it. Any thoughts ideas appreciated.
  5. The enemys now chase after the player when within a certain distance and if close enough attack. If the player manages to run off more than a set distance the enemy will resume its waypoint patrol. The range at which the enemys attack can be changed in the script panel. I think I might do a worklog in the showcase forum soon.
  6. Yeah I am ttrying to make them user friendly, plenty of comments. It's actually making me think more about my coding and making it clearer. The waypoints work similier to how you do it but more drag and drop. The scripts are really generic so can be dropped into any game. Also the camera is further away to show the npc's navigating the waypoints.
  7. As a side project I have been working on a Top Down Game Template so you can make games similiar to Shadowgrounds, Diablo etc. I have been working with waypoint navigation as the video shows. In the video example I have put two crawlers in to the scene and gave them the same script. I give them a different waypoint controller target. This waypoint controller then takes care of its selected target. The waypoint controller has 4 pivots as targets placed around the map for the target to move to. The amount of pivots can be more, any sensible amount. There is also a false waypoint target. If you drag this into the waypoint controller, say in its 4th spot. The target will then after the 3rd waypoint go to the first one. in the video the top crawler has two active waypoints and two waypoints that are false causing it to go back and forth. While the other crawler has all four active. The great thing is its a standard template, drop them in game place your pivots and just drag which ever pivots/waypoints in to the slots from first to last, any extra slots take the false waypoint. More options will follow for waypoints like a random waypoint. I have already done something with animation so you only have to type Walk or Run into the slot and it works. Hope thats all clear.
  8. Try re-calculate normals using set angular threshold in the model editor.
  9. Still working on it, Try for a demo soon, will then move onto Level 2 but with a bit of a rewrite. More info in my latest blog.
  10. josk

    Coding improvements.

    Inspired by the other blogs I thought I would write another one myself. I have been working on Lockdown, a scifi old school dungeon crawl. As usual real life gets in the way but I have made some good progress lately. I hope to have a demo out soon. As I have been adding to the game I have been improving my code skills so have gone back and tidied up some bits of code. I have also realised I could do with starting from scratch. I dont use the FPS template for movement and I know my current movement can be smoother and less complicated. The plan is though to get the first level out and then start with new code on level 2. This will give me a chance to listen to feedback etc. I can then go back to the first level if and when needed. In the game you will come across puzzles and other bits where you lose the abilty to move, reading Einlanders blog has given me the direction of seperating the keyconfigs into a seperate script. I worked my way around the level and coded bits as I got to them, this ment as the level was added to I would go back into some scripts and edit/add to them. This made a bit of a mess. Planning the level out better from the start would be better. I have also sidetracked on to a top down/third person game, this is more a template I'm working on and is all nicely commented. Quite happy with the little I have done so far. With this template you just need to specify the name of the animation ie walk or run or run and shoot in the relevent scene tree script properties box and the rest is done, speed might need altering. So Scripts can be dropped onto the player or enemies, set targets etc and off they go. AI need working on. Still lots to do but with full comments etc its easier. Next time Lockdown demo......
  11. Good link NA, I have been following these threads as I considered having the later levels of my game procedurally generated,
  12. josk

    Steady Progress

    Interesting read, taking the key config out of the controller script is a good idea. Might do that myself now. There's a part in my game where the player relinquish's control for a bit, fairly basic in my game but again I should put this in another script. The more advanced my game gets the more I see bits that needs rewriting and done in a better way. Will update my blog. Look forward to seeing your game on the Game Player
  13. I had this happen to me, when I rebooted the pc it sorted the problem though. Not updated drivers for a few months.
  14. Yeah very nice. A good showcase for LW3, My levels look quite bland compared.
  15. I just started a 3rd person type project and used the following code to attach a weapon to the players arm. Add code to script attached to weapon. Adjust SetPosition and Setrotation as needed. Script.Target = nil--entity "Player" Script.gc = "" function Script:Start() self.gc = self.Target:FindChild("rHand") -- rHand is whatever name of bone local gun = self.gc:GetPosition() self.entity:SetParent(self.gc) self.entity:SetPosition(gun.x-11,gun.y-2,gun.z+6) self.entity:SetRotation(gun.x-110,gun.y,gun.z) end Didn't the Scene tree use to show the model Hierarchy? Could just drag the weapon to the bone then.
  16. josk


    Pictures can be fine for some tutorials, A clear name and maybe a brief description would be good. Also maybe seperate what could be beginner tutorials from advanced. This is all a definate plus for Leadwerks.
  17. josk

    Developing games

    An interesting read, I try to follow those rules myself. Working on your game once a week even if its just minor things is a must. Its so easy to forget what you have been doing if you leave it for a long period.
  18. Looking good, progress reports are a good thing to do. Regarding the Indiegogo, it was probably just a bit to early.
  19. +1. These simple things tend to save the most time.
  20. I have set up a simple scene and apart from needing to set the animatoins correctly and make the model turn the right way it is working fine. Sorry no time to set up all animations at moment. Using monster ai script. Have you ticked the Enabled box?
  21. One more thing ticked off the list, the sound for the generators now work as they should. They get louder as you reapir them and the sound range is working. Mono not stereo for that. Still need a better sound effect for the Generators but for now its fine. Slowly getting there.
  22. Will take a look at Fragmotion as well, thats being going from the BB3d days. I know Blender is good when you get to know it, I am just after creating simple assets. My modelling skills are not great and any spare time I get will be spent coding rather than in depth model buillding. I buy most of my assets. Thanks for all the input.
  23. MilkShape3d, I remember that from years ago. I had a look at Silo and watched a few good videos, seems simple enough. Will get around to looking at the others. Thanks.
  24. Will take a look at the suggestions, thanks. Its only to produce simple models (not characters), Texturing, animation a bonus. Above all simple interface.
  25. I am interested in creating a few simple assets for my game, can anyone recommend a nice simple piece of software? Cheap or free. I have tried Blender in the past but was not keen on it.
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