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Everything posted by josk

  1. Noticed it's on offer on Steam, seems ok. Have people got any thought's on it for use with Leadwerks, Ease of use etc.
  2. I have Bootstrapper come back, using Grid View to get round it.
  3. Thanks, works for me. It was really bugging me
  4. It happens to me when I click on Library, software or installed, if I just click games all is fine. It looks like it's trying to start a program up which then causes the problem.
  5. I thought I had noticed this before. After updating to 3.2 if you update a project, App.lua gets updated to the default script. I know most code goes in scripts attached to Objects but I do have some code in there.
  6. So you can, learn something new every day. Thanks.
  7. More like the name was inspired after drinking those 5 pints of strong German beer.
  8. Maybe turn off collisions but keep the player on a set path while going through the vent. Smoke and mirrors all over in my code.
  9. In your object script there should be a PostRender function function Script:PostRender(context) App.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) App.context:SetColor(0,1,0,1.0) App.context:DrawText("Value: "..self.val, 100, 100) App.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) end
  10. When you reply to a post, next to post there is a 'More Reply Options' button. You can upload an image or put a link to an image.
  11. There's a check in there at the moment that stops a unit moving twice. The plan is you have a number of points to spend on your forces so once a unit is activated it will stay active until you pick another unit.
  12. A Small video showing the start of a game I'm working on, it will be a turn based strategy game.
  13. Double click on Diffuse in Layer 1 and pick your texture.
  14. I changed the speed values of the shapes and also the time between them appearing many times. It can be hard judging whether you have it right as has you test it you get better at the game yourself, I think I managed to get it just about right. Have some idea's to expand it if I carry on with it at some point.
  15. Yes, someone let me know if I'm wrong as that's what I have been doing,
  16. Never thought of that, good idea. I have Guitar Hero on PS3 very addictive. Maybe someone else can adapt it and maybe make a full game. Was moving on to a new project but might come back to it.
  17. Submitted my mini game, Shapes Alive. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/527-shapes-alive-april-mini-game/
  18. French keyboard, never figured. Just another sign how ignorant us Brits can be
  19. Both good mini games for April, makes mine seem very basic by comparison. Will upload during the week. I changed the controls for shoot em up kit, WASD keys are standard, do you play games with ZQWD Once I had changed the keys I completed the level, models were good. A lot of code in there to help people out. Really liked the Submarine game, didn't have a clue what I was doing just bouncing around underwater, crazy. I think a bit more work on this and it will be fun to play, l liked the models.
  20. I remember using something called Sprite Candy for BB3D (was for Sprites) that had layers, worked very well. Something like that would be good.
  21. Started work on my Mini Game for April. Basic CSG graphics and gameplay. As usual I start trying out other bits of code not related to the game which which add extra time but helps me learn some things. Short video I found amusing, no game play shown. Some commented out while trying out other bits of code and some to do, Should not take too long though.
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