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Everything posted by josk

  1. On my map my character passes through, still picks up the collision. i have the stationary object change colour when collision occurs.
  2. Have you unchecked navmesh. also on the stationary object I have collision type as Prop with no mass.
  3. After playing around I think I understand, basically though if we could add custom collision types under the Physics tab that would help.
  4. @Rick unless I have misunderstood you, If you use require you don't need to duplicate code, its kind of like an entity having mulitple scripts.
  5. If you have a moving object and a stationary object. Call your moving object gobbo in the Scene editor. attach the following script to the stationary object. function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) being = entity:GetKeyValue("name") if being == "gobbo" then self.entity:Hide() end end
  6. josk


    This is great, also nice relaxing music while you watch the video. I'm assuming normal/hover/click image would show a different image on clicking. Do you record video with Fraps?
  7. This looks great, like the desin.
  8. You can create a box and set it as trigger under the Physics tab, then you can reference it from code.
  9. Had me scratching my head for a bit until I saw this.
  10. 2 projects, with a 3rd yet to be started. I can imagine started more before I manage to finish a single game. Gobo Soup is the main project which I have started from scratch. More thought has gone into it, just about worked out the level design system to allow more levels easier.
  11. Some good info in this post. There might have been a few ups and downs but everythings starting to fall into place. Looking good and am looking forward to 3.1.
  12. Will Linux support be included with 3.1 or an upgrade like the Android/ios?
  13. The tutorial by Aggror is good, I use Lua but made sense of it. Here.
  14. Approved system would be good, the suggestions you stated are needed and will help workflow. Also the copy/paste in the Lua Editor needs fixing, I think it has been mentioned in the bug reports.
  15. My post wasn't clear, I'm happy to pay for and I think you have to charge for a OpenGL 4 renderer, I also think most people are. Its more a a clarity on price, if its $200 for kickstarting linux/windows/mac which I understand is 3.1, how much for a current user to do the same. If its $200 its means they will have paid double. i know we have LE3 now so get to use in advance, Some current people might be happy to pay upfront. Also what about adding European postage for the t-shirts I need to add to my collection.
  16. Did I read that the Pledge levels on Kickstarter are for Leadwerks 3.1 , if so Is it worth having a pledge level for existing owners of LE3 who want Linux? For example $100 for Linux but get 3.1 upgrade for Windows/mac when available.
  17. Yeah, sorry. Doing two things at once.
  18. Keep at the OU, I did a few courses myself and know how easy it is to fall behind. I only stopped with the OU because I realised that I enjoyed my day job. I found some useful info in Game Design - Theory and Practice by Richard Rouse. For inspiration I found Masters of Doom by David Kushner good, both can be found on Amazon. Also non computer related for inspiration is Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know by Ranulph Fiennes and Losing my Virginity by Richard branson.
  19. Hopefully you will reach your goal for Linux on Kickstarter, this can only be a good thing for Leadwerks and the community. From what I understand you will be charging for LW3.1 which I am OK with. Paid updates so long as its not to much and to often is understandable. What I would like to know is if the Linux kickstarter reach's it goal which I think it will, do you have you an idea of what you are going to charge existing users to upgrade to Leadwerks 3.1. I know decisions, prices etc can change but some info for the community would be good. Are people better off paying $200 for the Kickstarter to get 3.1 and Linux or will $100 Linux backer suffice to get you 3.1. Also if things go to plan and Steam Greenlight is a go and Linux is a go, a new roadmap would be good.
  20. I will just make a cup of tea and then get comfortable
  21. Video wont play, saying its private.
  22. One hobbyist to another I think LE3 is the way to go, it might not have everything you want at the moment but by the time you have found your way around the editor and got a basic game up and running hopefully more features will have been added.
  23. josk

    To make a game.

    After getting so far with Gobbo Soup I have done my usual and started working on 2 other types of games. This is in part because I have been working a lot lately and sitting back at the pc I find it hard to get back into my current project. I am determined to carry on with Gobbo Soup to see if I can turn it into an enjoyable game, If so I will finish it. This will involve kind of starting from scratch again. I have also decided to make as much of my code reusable, when I start a new project I start from scratch including camera movement etc. Code like this can be made into stand alone Scripts that can be added through include. It can be the start of a mini framework I suppose. A bit more effort will need putting in at the start but code should be easier to maintain and reusable. I like working with Leadwerks 3, there justs seems to be something special which has really motivated me (maybe I'm just getting older). Yeah there are some teething troubles and I'm not sure exactly where it is going but I'm sure it it is going somewhere great so this part-time/hobby/indie coder will be along for the ride.
  24. If you have a model or just a primitive box, using the command PhysicsSetRotation does not work if you set Physics mode to Character Controller. It does work setting as Rigid Body.
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