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Everything posted by Marcus

  1. I'm considering going back to 2.x with the performance of 3.1.
  2. I'm sure Josh can make the necessary improvements. I'm not sure by what factor things can improve, but I will say the engine will have to be multiples more efficient to even do a small project.
  3. I have done some further testing and I'm not too happy about where the performance is at. I have about 10 CSG brushes and each brush has four textures. My framerate is VERY, VERY low. I replaced my mats with some of the developer mats and it doesn't change at all. I think that there are some serious issues at the core of the engine code. I hope this gets fixed in the very near future. Hard to start a project with the engine with such poor performance.
  4. I agree with the performance optimizations. At this point, I don't think Leadwerks 3.1 could be usable for a serious project. With some major optimizations, it could serve nicely for a project.
  5. Yeah I see a shader that just says emissive. I was hoping that there would be one that would work for diffuse, specular, normal, and emissive.
  6. I'm having some trouble trying to figure out how to add emissive to a material that already has diffuse, specular, and normal. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  7. I support this project 100%. The LE3 script editor with 8 space tabs is ridiculous. Too much white space and I'm sick of having to scroll over to see my deeply nested code.
  8. Has anyone ran any test/experiments about the scalability of Leadwerks 3? I'm curious if there is confidence that it is capable of full, large-scale projects. I just don't want things to break down when I have AI, events, and a detailed map.
  9. I would guess they just use a rectangular plane with a mask that makes it appear round.
  10. What I do is define variables in each of my classes. I just call it something like: Script.entityType = "Player" Then on the other entity that I want to get a collision with, I just check what object type I'm colliding with: if entity.script.entityType == "Player" then -- Do something end
  11. I would also love to see a physics based grenade.
  12. So I took a slightly different approach than you. I actually check for the entity type and have the scrip attached to the jump pad itself. Script.x = 0 --int "X" Script.y = 0 --int "Y" Script.z = 0 --int "Z" function Script:Start() self.enabled=true end function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) if self.enabled then self.component:CallOutputs("Collision") if entity.script.entityType == "Player" then entity:AddForce(self.x, self.y, self.z) end end end
  13. Bravo! I also experience issues with scripts unattaching. Not quite sure what is causing it.
  14. Along the lines of render-to-texture, how about a portal gun?
  15. +1 for lightmapping. I would love to use a combination of the two similar to Unreal. You can get much better looking scenes. Plus realtime GI is very expensive.
  16. Here are some off the top of my head: Enemy Spawn Points Melee Jump Pads Inventory
  17. I get really bad frame drops when I activate and ride on the elevator on the 'AI and Events' map.
  18. I'm guessing a limited time exclusive of Half-Life 3, Portal 3, or Left 4 Dead 3 on SteamOS. Doing a combination of all three would definitely help with adoption.
  19. @John Smith - How does something free compete with Unity? If you think the purpose of a business is to NOT make money, then you are 100% correct.
  20. I'll help with the cost of Linux. I recommend Linux Mint Cinnamon.
  21. Totally skipped that part.
  22. A few questiosn: 1) Does purchasing the backer level entitle me to Leadwerks 3.1 with the deferred renderer? 2) Will this be less expensive than purchasing Leadwerks 3.1 when it is actually finished? 3) Any timeline on completion date?
  23. I highly doubt that we will get it at 20-60% of the engine price that we paid for LE 2. You should count on it being 20-60% of $999. That is what scares me. I'm a little hesitant about getting LE3 because of it. $200-$600 for an upgrade to 3.1 is pretty steep. 60% upgrade is unheard of. I can't think of a company that charges that much.
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