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Everything posted by Marcus

  1. My list would be small gem tutorials: Character Controller Pickups Projectile Weapons Melee Weapons AI NOTE: I'm heavily biased towards the FPS genre.
  2. Did Josh say this anywhere? I haven't seen him commit to a specific date.
  3. I tried that about 100 times and it didn't work Rick. Though I suspect there are a lot of bugs in the editor. Everytime I click in the asset browser, it appears as a right click and pops up the menu. Upon restarting it worked.
  4. Playing around with the evaluation before I purchase. Confused on how I can change a faces material besides going to Scene > some_object > Appearance > Material and browsing for it. Surely there is the ability to just select a face and choose a material from the asset browser.
  5. How long will the price stay at $199 ($99) for LE2 owners?
  6. Just a suggestion on pricing Josh: Existing Users: $199 upgrade -- $499 iOS/Android --- $199 future updates (one year to upgrade) New Users --- : $499 purchase - $499 iOS/Android --- $199 future updates As LE3 has close to the number of features as Unity, scale the price up. I really don't think you are going to have very many takers at your current price. In fact, based on what I've seen over the past couple of days, you will lose a lot of customers. You won't have a community much longer as well.
  7. Marcus


    Will LE3 support callbacks that will automatically be called by the engine at the occurence of a specific event (i.e. collision)? For example: Player = {} function Player:new() local object = {} setmetatable(object, {__index = Player}) return object end -- Collision callback function function Player:onCollision(someObject) -- Some code end
  8. I'm currently going through learning Lua and there appears to be some differences between Lua 5.1 and 5.2. Which version will LE3 use?
  9. @smashthewindow - I'm pretty sure that Josh has said no GUI support. Hopefully I'm wrong. No networking, no terrain, no GUI make me sad.
  10. Yeah, I have no problem paying for updates (and I prefer to pay for them), but I really don't want to pay for what I would consider entry-level bare-bones features like networking and terrain. I guess it will depend on the upgrade price of LE2 to LE3.
  11. Just a few simple questions about how the upgrades will work. As I understand it, LE3 will not launch with a few features that are common to most game engines (networking, terrain, etc). Will these be free updates or are we going to have to pay for these?
  12. I think you are going to get the reply that documentation is being provided. I do agree with you though, a book is a good thing to have as well. I see documentation as a reference and a book as a series of tutorials that help learn the basics. Then the documentation becomes much more valuable. The major problem is you have to find someone willing to write a book. I'm not sure what Leadwerks customer base is, but it may not have the demand that Unity has at this point.
  13. @Josh - Yeah that wouldn't be me! Looking to change that real soon.
  14. <Watching the feast from outside in the cold while tapping on the window.>
  15. Marcus

    Directory Layout

    Please tell me that darkness awaits is a sample level based on 'The Zone' which we never got a finished version of. I have a hard time imagining you letting that go to waste.
  16. I agree with Scott. There is no reason why you couldn't use something like this for now and if it really does suck, replace it with your own later.
  17. It looks like it has built in support for binding to other scripting languages. It would probably be pretty trivial to add Lua support.
  18. Nice, MIT license. Looks pretty cool.
  19. I would love to see a GUI system based on XML and a CSS like system, that would make the editor a very trivial thing to implement later.
  20. What will LE3D provide as far as a GUI library is concerned? Or do we basically have to reinvent the wheel?
  21. I'm praying for Linux support. As a primary Linux user I would prefer to develop on my Linux machine.
  22. I see 'the zone' assets in there. Does this mean a tech demo of it may actually be released?
  23. I would like to point out that most of the largest games are primarily multiplayer.
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