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Blog Comments posted by gamecreator

  1. 22 minutes ago, Josh said:

    Do you have any idea how big a deal that would be? It would take a year just to get back to where we are now.

    I didn't know.  What more would you need to do other than replace Newton functions with another engine's?  (This assumes, of course, that there are 1 to 1 functions available.)

    Vehicle WIP in Leadwerks 4.6

    Yeah, the rules seem pretty easy to set up and probably best to search for minimal terms, not combined terms.  If the name contains "steering" then it's safe to assume it's a steering wheel.  Name could also be "steering wheel" or "steering_wheel" so searching for "steeringwheel" might not work.  Though it's not too bad to ask devs to name limbs specific things (like how we have collisionhull right now), it's ideal to be flexible, if possible, to not even need to have devs alter their models.

    Also, the model could include a spare tire on the back (or in the trunk), like Jeeps do (https://ddcfq0gxiontw.cloudfront.net/Review/39832078/17545495/medium_square.jpg) so not sure how you'd handle that.  I guess if the name includes "spare," it's disregarded.

    Vehicle WIP in Leadwerks 4.6

    That video looks pretty solid.  I assume we create our own collision mesh(es) for the body?  For example, a car. a truck and a plough truck will have different looking meshes.

    It would also be nice if the code that detects "wheel" and "tire" could also detect the words "front," "back," "left" and "right" in the names.  That way there would be no ambiguity and we can name a tire tire.front.left or FrontLeftWheel, for example.

    Also, what do you mean by a script doing the interpretation?  How do people using only C++ get their car tires detected?

  2. 3 hours ago, Josh said:

    Incidentally, the extra spring parameters were the only thing that were missing to build your own vehicles. I will be implementing this with the standard Leadwerks API.

    Love it.  I hope there will be a clear example somewhere of how to set it up and what to adjust for certain effects (less or more bounce, tighter or looser steering, etc.).

    • Upvote 1

    FBX Converter Updated

    I updated a project that was current before this: 85 files updated (most of this was Leadwerks returning the Grass, Plants and Trees folders and their contents after I already deleted them).  I hope Turbo will be smarter about this.  But despite that, thank you for the update.  I look forward to the bug fixes.

  3. I have a random question: will Turbo continue to incorporate libraries/tools Leadwerks has now?  I'm thinking specifically Steam SDK but also libcurl, GameAnalytics and anything else currently in Leadwerks.  Is there anything that might be cut?

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