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Blog Comments posted by gamecreator

  1. To play devil's advocate as you have: you don't need a team to make a great and successful game.  A lot of people fall into the trap of wanting to make the next World of Warcraft or Call of Duty or whatever.  You need to either seriously reduce your scope or accept that you won't finish your game (as you seem to have done).  There have been a ton of single-man developers and especially two-person teams that have been wildly successful.  Also, if you have money, you can always hire artists, musicians, coders and others to help.

    To address your second point, yes, there's a good chance that not many people will play your game.  Even completed, far more games fail than succeed.  That's the nature of the business.  It happens to big companies too.  Then there are random little games like Minecraft that one person starts as a hobby, shares on a forum or two, the community goes wild and the game makes millions.  There are a ton of factors that contribute to this but a big one seems to be that you're connecting with your fans early on.  Minecraft and Spelunky (original) were released early as hobbies and communities enjoyed them and it grew from there.  Then there are companies you can hire (somewhat like publishers) that can work on getting your game out there for you (just be careful of shady ones that demand too much - I've seen devs screwed over).  How much of the marketing side have you read up on and tried implementing?

    • Like 1
  2. On 10/7/2019 at 4:32 PM, Slastraf said:

    there are still some bugs here and there that just drain your motivation always a bit

    This exactly.  There have been quite a few show-stopping bugs for me too.  A character controller that was buggy that still isn't completely fixed (though Josh tried), navmesh generation by code that is broken on large maps (though navmesh isn't even dynamic so it doesn't support basic things like doors opening), glitchy vegetation, broken vehicles, etc.  I used to start a game with fingers crossed that things will be OK.  Now I mostly just use Leadwerks for its clean C++ commands, renderer and simpler projects.  I don't try to do anything fancy.  If I did this for more than a hobby, as much as I love Leadwerks and have been a fan and active community member since version 2.x, I would use another engine as well.

    On 10/7/2019 at 4:32 PM, Slastraf said:

    I am not a friend of monthly subscription payment for Turbo

    As far as I remember, the subscription model may only be here for the beta.  There was talk about it being a one-time purchase on release but I don't think a final decision was made.

    • Like 2
  3. Great start but this is a little confusing to me.  Some questions:

    • What does GetSize return?  Is it the number of pixels across and down on the given monitor (the monitor's resolution)?
    • What does GetPosition return?  What are the XY coordinates on a monitor?  Or, how does the display have a position?
    • How would you make a full screen window over two or more displays of your choice?
  4. 3 hours ago, Josh said:

    @gamecreator If you are asking about shadows on vegetation, there is no vegetation system currently, so that problem is solved. :D

    Variance shadow maps don't work without all objects casting shadows so I think this will be in there.


    I'm not sure I understand the second sentence.  Does that mean that you couldn't turn shadows off on objects?  All or nothing?  Or can you maybe make some shadows so transparent as to be invisible?  ...  And come to think of it, from your recent blog, how would an item merely emitting light, like a ball of light, work?  Would it cast a shadow too?

    • Confused 1
  5. 7 hours ago, Josh said:

    I can't really think of a way in which user events would be useful. It seems like it just complicates the code for no reason. I am curious to see what you think.

    I hope that even if events were implemented, we were still left with at least the basic Down function we have now.  It's great to have options but often simpler is better.

  6. 7 hours ago, reepblue said:

    While I think we should have less tutorials, example content is a must. I myself learn things by looking at examples, and then modifying those samples to make it do what I want it to do.

    I'm the same.  I gave up on the Leadwerks GUI because it's not documented and a question I asked wasn't answered clearly (and it's also more convoluted than I feel it needs to be.  I just want to put down a button and detect if it's clicked on.  This should be like 2 or 3 lines of code).

  7. 1 hour ago, Josh said:

    Using Vulkan does not automatically make anything faster.

    This could be true.  I did some searches and one response said that it depends on if you can put it to use for your engine or game.  Wiki says something similar:


    Vulkan is intended to offer higher performance and more balanced CPU/GPU usage ... Vulkan is said to induce anywhere from a marginal to polynomial speedup in run time relative to other APIs if implemented properly on the same hardware


    • Upvote 1
  8. The good news is that it's been done elsewhere so there is at least one working solution.  I suspect the path is broken up into multiple points and all an engine calculates is the path between the current point and the next point.  When you get to the next point, you calculate the path to the next one after that, etc.  But there's gotta be information out there on this.

  9. Did you already figure out how the infinite terrain will work with navmesh generation and navigation?  I'm guessing for generation you'll have to load all the terrain at once.  I assume it's not a problem to have character controllers navigate on a navmesh when a terrain isn't loaded (they're independent of each other?).

  10. 37 minutes ago, rogy said:

    instead off-racing I would suggest 3rd person shooter with ability to drive vehicles

    I would prefer the opposite: games that are simple as possible so people can learn from them (and I say this as a C++ user while I'm sure the examples will be in Lua, since that's what most Leadwerks users use).  But I know it's kind of two opposites, to make games that are simple but impressive.

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