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Everything posted by Clackdor

  1. Where was that hidden? It is not what I get when navigate to Documentation/User Guide? Very helpful.
  2. 1. Why is my environment_atmosphere not loading into my C++ program when I use LoadScene(abstract::pacman.sbx"; All of my other models load. Should this work or should I be setting atmosphere settings with the Framework commands like I have been doing up until now. 2. How do I set LOD ranges in the editor? I can do it with vegetation command under the terrain tool (I guess, see below). 3. How do I set collision in the editor on models? I can do it, like LOD, with vegetation. 4. How do I know my LOD models are working?
  3. Even if I fail, I will not have considered it a waste of time. I have already learned a great deal about rigging, animations, and 3D characters in general. Also, have been able to explore some of the features of Blender and UU3D, I might not normally have been into. That will definitely come in handy, I think.
  4. FYI, Dexsoft, does allow modification of assets as long as they are not redistributed. I'm pretty much assuming that most purchased art will have the same the same sort of allowances. I will probably pursue this off and on throughout the next several months. I'll let you guys know how it goes. I'm just too stubborn to not work this out for myself. FWIW, I was able to stick the "sit_idle" animation on another model after altering the bone hierarchy in Blender. Unfortunately, she was all bent out of shape when she should have been sitting. Need to play with some other settings.
  5. I was able to spend a lot of time with the editor over the past couple of weeks. I was also able to get all of my art assets converted for use. Take a look below at a video tour of my prototype world. This will (hopefully) be the world I use for my first finished game. It will be a re-imagined pacman clone, in 3D. Instead of ghosts, There will be skeletons. Instead of a pac-man, there will be a classy red-head with a sword. This game will be a sort of project milestone. I still have what I think is a great idea for a game, but working on this simple 3D game has been tremendously educational. You may recognize some of the assets. The huts, walls, and rocks were downloaded right here for free from the Asset Store. Thanks to the community for providing those. All of the vegetation and the character came from Dexsoft. I have plans to use zaphos' skeleton model prominently. First thing that really jumped out at me is that I have got to do some optimization. My CPU was struggling to do everything it was asked there. I'll need to go back and fully implement LOD models, and look at texture resolutions. (Any other suggestions?) Hopefully, my next blog entry will be a gameplay demonstration. FYI, I'm fairly disappointed in my video capture. The FPS is 60 when running alone and most of the distortions are caused by the capture.
  6. So, this has been a really interesting challenge for me, so I'm going to pose it to the community. How might one convert art assets from different artists and utilize the meshes, poses, and animations across all of your assets? Consider that many artists use their own bone hierarchy. My own goal. Apply Zaphos skeleton animations to a free villager from Dexsoft. Utilize only Blender and UU3D Link to Zaphos work on the Asset Store: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/290-skeleton/ Link to Dexsoft free villager: http://www.dexsoft-games.com/models/medieval_free.html [*]Apply the Sit Idle Animation that comes in the Dexsoft pack to the skeleton model. I work on this as the mood strikes me. I just get to thinking how awesome it would be to make this work, to have those kind of interchangeable art assets available. Too often I read that this is impossible. It's not impossible, because at the most difficult, I can re-rig a mesh with any skeleton I want (after learning how to do that, of course). Any insights the community has, I would appreciate posted here.
  7. Merry Christmas. Here's more English.
  8. You have great timing. Hoping to play with this in the next couple of days or weeks. Hows it coming with rendering this on top of 2D images rendered by LW?
  9. How was your experience with CEGUI? Love the video.
  10. Sounds fascinating. Do share some of the more hilariously sad emails.
  11. Prefer more black bars to draw the eye to categories on the page. Would prefer a black bar over status window also.
  12. Ack! Are you serious? Microsoft really has entrenched itself deep if this is true. I switched to Code:Blocks for a few reasons, but I hope I don't run into this problem for awhile. So, how does Unity do 3D web play?
  13. Ok, just starting to think about pathfinding in my game. How would what you are doing change with an .sbx file scattered with .gmf instead of a single .gmf?
  14. Clackdor

    Over the Hump

    I hope there's more than 32 pages! OK, so seriously, I'm glad you are putting a big emphasis on Documentation. I didn't really understand the history behind the poor documentation of LeadWerks 2, but you gave the hint that you were not satisfied. This is good.
  15. I don't know how to ask this. Is it really necessary to conform to a rigid style as is being suggested? Everybody has a style, but that doesn't keep us from using LeadWerks, or RakNet or whatever. I would consider our code blocks to be much simpler forms of those libraries. Perhaps that assumption is where I error.
  16. 1. I think there needs to be an incentive to contribute to the community. Not just code chunks, but wiki articles on LW commands, tutorials, etc. One thought is to have the incentive be "recognition". This idea may require a little more hands on management of the community part of the LW project. Say, every two weeks there's a front page article (I think the front page is underutilized) that is a member feature. Highlights the LW user's story, their project, and contributions to the community. Feeding somebody's ego can get you results. Main point: incentives for contributing. 2. A key resource would be for somebody to write a guide for contributing code. What is expected from the contributor? ie: This is a player controller This was written in C++ included are a .h and .cpp file link to tutorial for integrating into your project or something. As far as ongoing support, I think you can lean on the community for this. Those who have used your code will be able to help you support it. Original writers should not be stressed out about supporting their code. This has the unfortunate effect of meaning well written and documented code will be more popular and therefore have more support than poorly documented code that may do something really cool.
  17. Clackdor

    Cover Art

    Magic naked elf who fights dinosaurs. I love your game!
  18. Good post. This is something I would definitely love to see from the community. I often find myself writing something that I know has been written countless times before. I will definitely be scouring the community for usable code for pathfinding and GUI. 3rd person character controllers are something I preferred to dive into myself and its not in any real condition to be published (though you may inspire me to do something like that). Here's a few thoughts: Regarding Sharers: 1. Preparing code to be reusable for the community is a chore. Documentation, flexibility, etc are all things that you must consider when sharing your code, whereas when you write it for yourself, the lazy among us (everybody) can take shortcuts. 2. How do you share something? DLL? .h and .c++ files? What about everybody in the community that uses other languages? 3. We aren't a charity. This sounds somewhat selfish, but what's in it for me if I give out my code? For some, a stronger community is good enough. For others, making a few bucks or at least getting a credit line is better. 4. Testing. Can you rely on the community to test your code to make it better? This would seem an obvious answer to question posed in item 3. Regarding Users: 1. No assurance that the code is complete. Gotta add this one little thing? Oh, well now you have to dive in and really understand what was written because everything you try breaks it. "It would have been easier to write this myself." comes up a lot, I bet. 2. Lacking documentation. This can range from outstanding to non-existant. 3. Where do I find things that have been created already? Can I know what others are working on? What state is the asset store code in?
  19. I would love to have a Paypal option also.
  20. Attacker's hit score - Defender's defense score = health lost switch roles repeat until 1 is dead That's my tentative plan. Sounds like fun.
  21. For the price you pay for the iStuff, it better "just work".
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