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Everything posted by Clackdor

  1. I just uploaded Swords and Skellies to the Asset Store in the Games section. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/324-swords-and-skellies/ This game release represents the first milestone in the larger project I have in mind. Creating such a simplistic game serves as a mechanism for advancing understanding of game coding, asset management, and engine usage. That is not to say it was simple. There were quite a few challenges when throwing this together. There were also major accomplishments: Developing and implementing a sandbox scene. Developing a 3rd person player controller. Developing a non-player character controller. Incorporating 3D art assets. Incorporating animations. Rudimentary GUI. I have several next steps in mind. Of course, I will be fixing some of the more egregious bugs that are found. But also, I need to do some major code optimization. The program is bloated and performance is terrible for what it is. I also need to go back and do some better documentation. There are already places in the code I have found that I am puzzled by what I was thinking. To help with this step, I'm going to pick up two of the more recommended C++ books available: http://www.amazon.com/Programming-Principles-Practice-Using-C/dp/0321543726/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1330789894&sr=8-1 http://www.amazon.com/Coding-Standards-Rules-Guidelines-Practices/dp/0321113586/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1330789459&sr=8-1-spell Looking forward I have a list of the next features I want to be adding to the game. On the technical side: SQLite for game settings and entity management. A real installer. A release version as opposed to debugging version. A* pathfinding for the skeletons. On the gameplay side of things: More levels and sandbox maps. An overhead minimap feature. RPG fight sequence (as opposed to pac-man mechanics). Wizard character. Simple networking for head to head competition. Eventually, I plan to get a page going on indiedb.com. But that may be a ways in the future. Let me know what you guys think of what I have so far.
  2. This is exactly what I want to do for an overhead camera. I'm just not sure I know how to do it. Buffer documentation is a little lacking here.
  3. It bothers me to read the title of this thread. A C++ linked list simply doesn't exist. It's a C concept that has been replaced by vectors in C++.
  4. Very professional looking. Very organized. Very fast loading for me. The only criticism I have is that the content does not automatically adjust to my widescreen. Thats true of lots of other professional websites, though, also.
  5. Good perspective. I'll keep it in mind.
  6. OK, this is the first time I've read this particular piece of advice on these boards. Why avoid parenting?
  7. Yes, Pixel, thanks. That seems to be a more correct way to do it.
  8. Ok, took another look at this. I used: TTerrain terrain=GetChild(scene,CountChildren(scene)); I took a look at the sbx file and Terrain is the very last item listed. Had a hunch and it worked out.
  9. Ok, so neither of those is working. In the case of GetChild, I get a reference, but the TerrainElevation function causes a crash, which tells me that it is not returning a TTerrain type, but a different entity. If the case of FindChild, the reference is null, so I'm thinking that "terrain" isn't the correct name to be searching for.
  10. I appreciate the answer. Haven't put it in my code yet, but, how did you know that it was the 0 child? I figured it would be a GetChild or FindChild function. I spent about an hour though assuming that I couldn't know the child order, looking for the name of the terrain to use FindChild.
  11. I want to use the TerrainElevation() function. flt TerrainElevation( TEntity terrain, flt x, flt y ) If I have loaded a map using TEntity scene = LoadScene("abstract::pacman.sbx"); How do I access the TEntity terrain reference required as an argument for TerrainElevation?
  12. Man, it could be almost anything. I found myself looking at some strange stuff when my animations weren't quite right. When debugging animations, I was displaying the sequence, frame, frame end, and frame begin.
  13. Is ForEachEntityDo() what you are looking for? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/le2/_/command-reference/entities/foreachentitydo-r163
  14. Good stuff. Ahh the unforeseen challenges associated with creating an RPG.
  15. After DrawImage, Flip(). I also do Update and Render Framework, but I don't know if that is necessary. I have an intro function that is called 5 times in the game loading before the main loop. It draws a background, some icons and my progress bar, along with Flip, Update and Render framework. Each of the 5 calls updates the loading progress bar.
  16. You usually get better "support" posting on the forums, anyway. I could probably guess at the answers to your questions. The cost of the license is firm, and it will cost less to buy the LE license, then upgrade to LE3D later, than wait for LE3D. Source Code is not available. The tutorials are very much out of date, but they are still relevant.
  17. Convert roll to the closest int value and try.
  18. Last I looked, there was a $200 plugin and $500 license agreement in order to make their stuff work.
  19. Windows barfed on the .exe in the last link you posted, even running as admin.
  20. Clackdor

    In Like a Lion

    Do you think there is a business case for delaying the release of LE3 in order to have it available on Lion? I would think that you would sprint to a release on Windows and work on Lion after, much as many other software packages do.
  21. Pass the radius and height of the controller to the server and create a body?
  22. Are you calling UpdateController every frame? Or only when you receive info from the Client? You should call UpdateController everyframe with information received from or extrapolated from info received from the client every frame, even if that info is only updated every 10.
  23. It's truly astounding the number of details you have to take into account as you develop a networked multi-player game. Good info, but most everything I have read suggests using a modified UDP for games. What sort of advantages does using TCP bring?
  24. This is fascinating to me. I plan on implementing some similar functionality, just haven't gotten to it, so I love to pick the brains of those doing it ahead of me. Why are you not calling UpdateController on the server with the velocity that you passed it from the client? What do you mean "things are not smooth at all"? The first thought I had was that you are not taking into account network latency. rotation_on_server = rotation_on_client + omega_on_client * network_latency
  25. Had to run as administrator again, but works.
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