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Everything posted by Clackdor

  1. The hair looks like a helmet. The bottom piece looks the most natural on this chick. The girl, herself, looks pretty good. I'm not artist, so I hesitate to give creative advice, but it looks like you need to work on the textures a little bit more.
  2. Clackdor

    Darkness Awaits

    3 if you can make it very readable, else 4.
  3. Thank you mack. I love when others post questions I have.
  4. If anybody has these, and you are willing, can you put them on the Asset Store?
  5. If you parent the camera to the controller, it is parented at the bottom of the controller. So, no matter how tall your controller is, the camera will always be in the grass. Use the PositionEntity(camera); command to move it up on the Y axis. Your code should look something like this: //Create the character controller controller = CreateController(); PositionEntity(controller,Vec3(x,y,z)); // Get framework main camera camera = GetLayerCamera( GetFrameworkLayer(0) ); EntityParent(camera,controller); //Position Camera off the ground and behind the controller (for 3rd person) PositionEntity(camera,Vec3(x,y,z)); Result is this: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/videos/_/leadwerks-engine/my-first-demo-r105 Also, use the DebugPhysics(1); to show an outline of your player controller.
  6. Ahh yes. Blue background is a dead giveaway that you might have framework issues.
  7. Frustration post. I immediately downloaded the plugin for UU3D and it worked. Read somewhere on these forums that the fbx2gmf tool was "better" than using UU3D. The skin shader is the special shader for animations.
  8. So, the following doesn't seem to work right for me: 1. Download a model with an animation in FBX format. 2. Open in UU3D. Use the animation editor. (desired animation in UU3D still) 3. Save as FBX format. 4. Use Leadwerks fbx2gmf.exe tool. 5. Animations do not play in Model viewer. So sad. Oh, also, when using a skin shader, the material sphere is severely warped and doesn't display properly on the model.
  9. Well, I was able to use Blender and UU3D to give the models the same bone hierarchy and names. Now, I need to see if I can transfer animations between them. Any tips?
  10. That really limits us guys who are buying artwork to one artist/shop for animations. It looks like I can trim up bone hierarchies and names in UU3D, though.
  11. So, I had this great idea that I would be able to buy certain models that had different animations and that I would somehow be able to combine them and have all the animations available for both models. Having trouble figuring out exactly how to accomplish that. For this exercise, I'm using a bought model from Dexsoft that has all of the animations I want, except a strafe. Well, I picked up a model on special from Arteria3D that does have the strafe animation. I'm wanting to "export" the strafe somehow and "import" it to the Dexsoft model to use. I had thought UU3D would let me do this, but I'm having lots of trouble. How might I accomplish creating a GMF model, with all the animations I want, using only Blender, UU3D, Leadwerks Tools/Commands, and other freeware? Thanks!
  12. The 500 bucks is also required for the correct licensing.
  13. The reason that makedds would say the texture files are corrupt is that they need to be perfect squares in order for LE to handle them properly. 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048 Also, I had a real issue with DAZ and getting game ready models. There is a $500 tool for DAZ that allows you to make the models low poly enough for games.
  14. I've discovered that using the fmodf method sucks. Instead (thanks Rick) I used an iterative method. if (framebegin != lastframebegin) { frame=framebegin; } else { frame=frame+0.1*animationspeed*AppSpeed(); } if (frame >= frameend) { frame = framebegin; } Animate(mesh,frame,1.0,0,true); Each action has a framebegin and frameend value. For a new action, frame is set to framebegin. A new action is detected by a change in the framebegin value in each loop. The frame value is incremented without using the fmodf command and animation is played until the frame value reaches the frameend value. Meanwhile other code has determined the value of the next framebegin value for the next action. I hope I explained that well enough. It's off the cuff. Though that code segment is pulled directly from my game project. See video here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/videos/_/leadwerks-engine/my-first-demo-r105
  15. This is very high level of what I did here: My First Demo Video controller = CreateController(); camera = GetLayerCamera(GetFrameworkLayer(0)); EntityParent (camera,controller); PositionEntity(camera,Vec3()); //position the camera in local space to be behind the controller or wherever you want it mesh = LoadMesh(); EntityParent(mesh, controller); //begin looop while { PointEntity(camera,controller); Animate(mesh,...); UpdateControler(); } Of course there's more logical code in there, but those are the Leadwerks commands I use.
  16. I am still getting. error: structure 'Player' with uninitialized const members in .h file class cPlayer { public: void LoadPlayer(); void UpdatePlayer(); private: const float movespeed; in .cpp file void cPlayer::LoadPlayer(): movespeed(4) { // stuff }
  17. How do I make use of the declaration 'const' if the variable is declared in a header file? resource.h class cPlayer { public: //stuff private: //other stuff float const movespeed; } Can't do this because I get a compiler error 'structure Player with uninitialized const members' class cPlayer { public: //stuff private: //other stuff float const movespeed=4; } Can't give it a value in a .h The code really works fine without the const, but some best practices I've been reading indicate it is a better idea for variables not affected by code to be declared as const being better for debugging than using #define or variables without const.
  18. I like it. Are you planning some more intricate animations such attack, die, etc? Would love to see a video of them walking.
  19. What sort of conditions do you need to meet in order for a program to be multi-platform? By multi-platform, I mean Windows/Linux/Mac. For instance, I am using CodeBlocks instead of Visual Studio and compiling with MiniGW. (I actually have no idea if that makes any difference, I like CodeBlocks interface better.) But I would like to avoid unknowingly relying on tools that would pigeon hole me into Windows only.
  20. I'm taking a look at this function: What do I multiply this relative terrain value by to get the appropriate y coordinate for my PositionEntity() function. For the moment I am simply setting my y value high enough that no matter where on the terrain I place my character, she falls to the ground and I can start from there. This isn't an acceptable method for dynamically placing entities in a finished product. Another question. Are the x and y grid coordinate arguments identical to the x and z global position that is returned by EntityPosition(); or is there a conversion? Thanks.
  21. So, I realize that I need to write some of this stuff down. My game ideas are mostly in my head and that place is really messy and things tend to get lost. Can anybody recommend a good design document outline or provide a link. I've done some Google searching and many design documents focus a lot on levels. My first games won't have levels in the traditional sense. I'm a fan of worlds that are more free than that. I"m more a fan of character development. For example, I was the guy who played the same Diablo II level over and over again for XP instead of pushing my character forward in a storyline. My games will have little story line or plot.
  22. Do you mean that cylinders would stay rigid when they roll and therefore the character would be stiff rolling over bumpy terrain? I would say that you should never let your body "fall over" and handle it with animations, ragdoll or some combination (no I don't know how to do it, but that is my first thought).
  23. I have been using the cylindrical body a little wider than the trunk of the character. I don't really consider that if she's swinging a sword and it happens to pass through a tree or wall that it is really that immersion breaking.
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