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Blog Comments posted by Marcousik

  1. On 3/15/2023 at 8:48 PM, havenphillip said:

    That ice rock looks pretty cool. What other shaders should I attempt?

    Hi havenphilip,

    Would it be possible to make a shader that generates water little circle-waves around the position, where for exampl someone would have thrown a stone in water?

    Would you have a start idea for this or is that a way impossible?

  2. In my opiniom looks outdoors pictures best.

    indoors: ... Well very nice but somehow I find the walls reflection a bit too much? Bit like metallic. I don't think concrete should reflect so much...?

    Or maybe too much details..

    I don't know but when I come into a room I don't expect to see the veins on the walls 10 meter from me.

  3. That's right...so much game design questions and many inspiration is needed

    I'm thinking about bit of GTA like or village management with transport, something like this, not sure maybe adding educational purposes like mathematic little puzzles instead of shooting, really it is difficult, most because thinking about thtat alone is like turning around the same ideas again and again.

  4. Well I downloaded the GPU-Z and did a test.

    There are a lot a values, not sure which is the one representativ for the working performances of the GPU but


    The game runs at "only" 34 FPS and the GPU Memory used is at max (fast 6000) but the GPU load value is not max 38%

    Other screenshot of the task manager shows that the GPU values are not at max...


    Stupid? why does the system not use more ressources and could give the game 60 FPS?

  5. Quote
    23 hours ago, Josh said:

    If two systems are each running fast separately there is no reason they would not continue to run fast when combined.


    Well that's excatly the problem I get with LE 4.6.... Each feature runs separately ok, but together on a big map for example  I become FPS dropped.

    I imagine performance possibility like a bottle that get filled, the more yo add to a scene, the more it fills the bottle, until it is over. Does that not run like this more or less?

  6. Reading this article was very interesting.

    I would be so happy to see a test combining the features, like 1000 NPCs walking using mass, with lightning (like holding a torch?), with animations, with collisions (like if collides, takes another way), with pathfinding (like woalking through 100 trees models)...

    Would tha be that hard to do?



  7. Thx a lot for this.

    Well this would change completly the structur and concept of what I wanted to do but I see the enorm positiv effect that it only generates what is needed.

    The map 4096x4096 is big enough for a car game but a way to heavy to be filled correctly - I mean no way to have a game at 60 FPS.

    With this technic of procedural it could be possible to have infinity, persistence and performance.

    If we could generate more than one terrain on a map you could use this perlin noise function on little terrains used as chunk, it woulld allow you all terrain functions.

    Maybe it is possible to load many little maps with little terrains and make this?

  8. Very interesting ...

    I never thought about this.

    So you are generating the terrain depending on the height map, is that correct?

    Would this run with an open third person cam game typ?


    You would check for the "whiteness" and if it is above a threshold,

    How do you do that???



    1 hour ago, Slastraf said:

    Well for one, have an engine that allows you to walk more than 10 minutes into one direction with my character controller without despawning the camera.

    what do you mean exactly? I never had problems with cam and player.

    I know the terrain is not infinite and over the choosen map size, things become to disappear. BUt 4096x4096 is big enough if performances stay ok, isn't it

  9. A procedurally generated map could be the only way I could recover a bit more FPS.. So that means a lot.

    But in open world like I want to keep for such cars games, the view distance is most important in balance for both quality and optimization.

    Occlusion culling is not sufficient to keep a game fluently, the not rendered objects in the world should be hidden() to get a really positive effect and get the possibility to add so much things in the world as you want without having performance issues.

    But there are things in an open world that have to remain persistent or your world will become nonsense. Nothing for the player that can be recognized is nothing good.

    How do you handle persistence?


  10. 11 hours ago, Slastraf said:

    You should add AI to the game that follows you really fast and shoots guns and stuff at you
    and you will be able to get revenge by upgrading your car + weapons

    Yes nice the problem with adding complexity and features like this is at the end FPS = 10

    For this we need LE 5 or a powerful engine.

    With LE 4.6 you can really make everything but by setting all features together on one map you will encounter big performance problems

    I think Avalanche made such good games like mad max or just cause. They could have continued with such off-road pursuits game but now they make games like Generation zero or Jurassic Shooter



  11. Thk you for the nice answer, yes it is important to find a balance between work and recover time, and it is always a challenge. Recover or decompress  must not mean "do nothing" - there are active ways to recover like meditation or sport, but yeah burnout is no way. 


    there were points where I seriously questioned why I decided to make so many textures haha.

    I'm not sure about this... I mean there is painters with talent (as you have) who make a lot of pictures and nobody is questioning, so why not if it is a dream, it is art so it is very ok, in my opinion. Just feel free and give your talent a chance, there is no need to explain or justify this for nobody, is it ?

    • Like 1
  12. Your comment is actually interesting, because I'm thinking a lot about the difficulty that we encounter to give a game popularity,  as a little indie programmer.

    Nowaday there are so much games that the risk is real to become just forgotten, like a little boat between 1000 bigger ones, even if your game has a good quality.

    As example I feel so free to take those games (one just comes out) from DNA Army GAming




    Evenif the games are evaluated as good, no publicity ran for those games, nobody heard about those and there are max 50 people that are going to review those games.

    I mean when you know how expensive in money, time, patience and work it is to make a game...

    I just feel little bit disappointed that every success only depends on add campaign, but I'm sure if I get my game to be finished, I will encounter the biggest problem: Nobody will play it.

    I say this evenif it is ok for me to make a game just like a piece of art, just to fill the challenge or as brain-trainer.

  13. Thx for ideas, suggestions  help a lot to get inspiration.

    59 minutes ago, aiaf said:

    Lets say your some kind of private Indiana Jones you got one year sabbatical on this island :) and need to find some treasure on this island

    Yes  I'd like to make  something like this. I want to add simply mathematic puzzle challenges, and a bit of shoot functions in TPS form to get a little something to loot, and a concept that will lead the player through different little mini games or destinations to get more and more informations on the treasure's place on the map.

    The treasure once found gives a big loot.

    But everything should run in a smooth chilling atmosphere, such of games you play to relax after work, with nothing big to loose and nothing big to care about, just to play and have fun.

  14. On 7/30/2020 at 2:46 PM, beepboop said:

    lense effect on the edge of the screen

    •  - That would be great yes, but how, maybe shader knowledge too? A lense would round up the complete screen ?


    •  - I cannot augment the view distance of the vegetation, because there is no option between far view and max view range (as infinite). 

                The max view range that seems infinite is not supported with so much models (FPS drops <10)

                But it is possible with shaders to smooth the "pop up" effect of the models. I modify for this each shaders that are used for the materials of the models, using the                    depth camera.z calculation from the groudplants.shader

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