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Everything posted by reepblue

  1. I've got a GTX 750Ti last year for my 5 year old PC, and I can do everything I need to do.
  2. I would agree with Rick to exclude the element of Steam from the whole thing, but there would be less exposure of items, and the fact you don't need to submit your payment options to another website. I'm one of those people who doesn't like to submit their payment information to a lot of websites. Although there would be more slices of the pie to go around, Steam is still the better choice for the content creator (More Exposure) and the customer (Easy to find items and pay for them).
  3. reepblue

    2016 Plans

    I'm actually afraid to make my prefabs more than a model + script.The prefab imo system needs improvements to accommodate for texture cords for brushes along with other error prevention. It would be great if you can load buildings, rooms, and other contraptions without any hiccups which I ran into in the past.
  4. I would not use it with Vectronic, but I can think of cases of which disabling the physics mesh would be nice to do. Shouldn't having the collision type set to 0 automaticly disable the collision, or would it slow down when/if the user changes it's collision type via script?
  5. Yeah, also a recompile of the project is needed. Use the beta branch until I merge it to the master. I haven't updated it in a while since I'm working on a new version of it.
  6. Such an interesting discussion here. Definitely gonna use this in the future.
  7. All I see AppGameKit and DLCs that released months ago RPGMaker stuff.
  8. reepblue

    2016 Plans

    Yep, this is why I stuck with Source over the years. There was a collection of assets, and code to modify and tweak.
  9. I don't have a Facebook, (nor want one) but I do have Twitter, and I'll post more of my experiments and such on YouTube. Hope that will help.
  10. Alright, just makes me feel better knowing you acknowledge issues posted.
  11. Don't mean to sound annoying, but any update on this since 4.0 is in preview?
  12. Postcards too? You never showed what images you used for them. I can't wait for my sticker. Hopefully it will come before Christmas!
  13. "Unlike the original application, LEX2 is command based and allows the user to use lua commands to access all of it's additional classes. "
  14. Ahh, but in this case, it's already built in. More commands just need to be exposed to lua, that's all. In the meantime, how bout this? for i=0, world:CountEntities()-1 do local entity = world:GetEntity(i) if entity.script then if type(entity.script.Reset)=="function" then entity.script:Reset() end end end Stick that in your changelevel loop after Map::Load()
  15. I've been playing with the vegetation system a bit and here are two problems I've found with the collision. 1) The collision checkbox does not seem to do anything. It seems it's stuck at true and if a model has a phy file, it will automatically enables collisions. I set collision for all my layers to false, and the trees and rocks still had collision. 2) Collision models don't scale with the actual model scale. I created a few rock models in blender. One model (rock01) has it's scale uniformed to 1.0,1.0,1.0, while the other two are a little bigger/smaller. If rock01 is used, it behaves as expected. When the others are used, the collision does not match the model. Here are my rock models to test with, Note the scale value on each model. If you place the models in the scene "normally" (Not vegetation), everything will work fine.
  16. Did some searching, use tolua++ to expose these functions and they'll do exactly what you want. //Script virtual bool CallFunction(const std::string& name, Object* extra=NULL); virtual bool CallFunction(const std::string& name, Entity* entity, const Vec3& position, const Vec3& normal, const float speed); Then in Lua: -- One entity self.entity:CallFunction("Reset",extra) -- Do All Entites! for i=0,world:CountEntities()-1 do world:GetEntity(i):CallFunction("Reset",extra) end
  17. I can make this happen in LEX easily. Thanks for the idea.
  18. I'm putting a capital W in front of window. I'm putting a capital W in front of "Window". I'm putting a capital W in front of "window." Wow, very odd.
  19. Just expect to see this model more than the crawler.
  20. I can't wait to see how the model looks animated. I hope it ends up being a nice player model, or an enemy model that can be coded to fire weapons at you! I'm also getting a Counter-Strike vibe from this.
  21. I'm not having any issue on my end, and I run the 4.0 beta. Did you try making a shortcut link?
  22. Me neither, but I tested it, and it works. Brushes are still objects, but not entities. local p0 = self.entity:GetPosition(true) local p1 = Transform:Point(0,-1.0,0,self.entity,nil) ---3.84 if self.entity.world:Pick(p0,p1, pickinfo, 0, true, Collision.LineOfSight ) then if pickinfo.surface~=nil then local pickedmaterial = pickinfo.surface:GetMaterial() if pickedmaterial~=nil then local surfacemat = (FileSystem:StripDir(pickedmaterial:GetPath())) if IsDevMode() then System:Print(surfacemat) end if surfacemat == "mymaterial.mat" then System:Print("It works!") end end end end
  23. For the record, CSG will work unless you use entity:GetClass()==Object.ModelClass exclusively. I'd also would have it compare the sounds with the materials home folder (ex: Snow/mysnowmaterial.mat) so any future materials will work automatically. You can check this with the FileSystem. I plan on doing something similar myself, so just sharing what my plans are with you.
  24. To be honest, since this was dubbed the "3.7 beta", I thought 4.0 was gonna be the update with the 64-bit editor, OSX support, and Paid Workshop items would be integrated, but this works too. I hope Shadmar's weather/time shaders make it to the official SDK for maximum awesomeness. I'll be writing a blog about what I've been working on soon.
  25. I only sometimes wish this when my internet goes out for a long time. No internet these days means you can't use half your PC as most software uses the internet for online DRM or something else. And Steam has a limit on how much you can sign in offline before it wants a connection again. That's just how things are today for the most part. Regardless of that note, Leadwerks is much better off with Steam as it takes full advantages of Steamworks. It uses Steam more of an experience than just a DRM client.
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