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Everything posted by reepblue

  1. This should do it, didn't test it, but should work. animatedtrans.zip
  2. There is some commented code int he shader, but it only looks decent if a lot of MSAA is applied. I hope this get's addressed at some point.
  3. That reminded me a lot of Source's projected texture entity. For Portal 2, Valve made light masks to cast interesting shadows on top of the ruins of Aperture Science. And since all of Source's lights are baked, they were a scapegoat for dynamic shadows for doors and such. The entity can do so much more that lightmasks, but that's mostly what Valve used them for. The flashlight in HL2 is another example. I recall Josh mentioning something relating to this in a hangout, or I must of dreamt it. Would be cool, seems like it will work well with the current render.
  4. I also made a cubemap factory for Shadmar's shaders it and the results were pretty impressive. It had a few flaws though. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/164/entry-1661-building-cubemaps-in-leadwerks/ It might be possible to merge Shadmar's Shaders and the Probe System. I haven't tried, but all you'd have to do is remove the cubemap texture and link the roughness map/settings with the editor's slider. I've thought about it, but never had a chance to do it. Matt's system looks the best, but has a lot of gotcha's.
  5. Hi Josh, I understand that the window class was heavily modified for the GUI development that's going on, but I've noticed that this chunk of code doesn't work properly. #define WINDOW Leadwerks::Window::GetCurrent() int stacksize = Interpreter::GetStackSize(); Interpreter::PushObject(WINDOW); Interpreter::SetGlobal("window"); Interpreter::SetStackSize(stacksize); It's like the window class never gets pushed anymore like it did in the past. If I roll back to 4.1, it'll work fine. Again, I understand you're in the process of GUI and haven't got the chance to put back together the window class (for example, the window title is also missing), but I just ask that you look at this when you start cleaning up for the next release. Thanks.
  6. Fixed, thanks. I've pushed the script to the repo. Seems it was removed from the common folder as of late.
  7. The user is using a different desktop for Linux. Josh is working on the GUI system in which he mentioned a dark theme would be possible.
  8. I like vector graphics!
  9. I've noticed this too. I think it has something to do with the Lua Interpreter as my C++ FPS player code runs smooth as butter. If you have the professional edition, I highly recommend hard coding your player.
  10. There is no way to do this in lua, you need the professional edition. Again, just add the bit before the main function.
  11. reepblue

    GUI Design

    I really hope when finished earn it's own spot in the tutorial section!
  12. The water plane or my water material? One requires a shader edit, and the other requires making the spectacular value black.
  13. It's old documentation I assume. Hopefully Josh will fix this.
  14. This is in the current build.
  15. Welp, the git is shot now due to my branch conflicts. So here is the exe's via zip. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16218991/Requests/lex1.zip What will help is if you post your log as we don't know what's happening. It shouldn't be the application. As for the template (LEX1), I'm thinking about nuking the git and uploading a lighter version of it. It was a bad idea to add shaders and scripts that get outdated and no one seems to be using anyway,
  16. Thought about this for a while now, there should be a way to create a visual radius proper for our scripts both spherical and rectangular. Something like: Script.myradius=1.0 --radius "My Radius" And Script.myradius=Vec3(1,1,1) --boxradius "My Box Radius" Having these properties would improve the quality of scripts by allow for visualization of things.
  17. Try this, edit pivot.mat to load pivotupdate.tex and compare the two. It looks kind of dumb as the top is shorter than the rest. Ehh.. Looks fine.. I'll send the final final version to Josh, for now try that. Let me know how you like over the one that's in the build now.
  18. Hi TJ, I've had a quick chat with Josh about this during the hangout before I had to go. Although this is only a slight annoyance, I'm kind of bothered by it myself. The issue is that where the three points meet doesn't line up to the center of the image. My first idea would be to add a dot/an x to represent the origin of the pivot. I'll take a look at this by the end of the weekend and I'll post alternates to address this, so stay tuned!
  19. I do use the collision hook for adding objects to the touch list. It's removing the object from the volume is my issue. I tried the Enter/Exit trigger script on the old wiki, but it only detects if all objects are out. I'm also using list because vector doesn't seem to have a way or removing an object from it.
  20. I think setting multisampling to 0 should fix the issue. But it's an "abandoned" implementation due to lack of support for post process effects. But if Josh didn't take that stuff out, you can use that for the time being.
  21. Hey all, I've created a trigger class that on touch stores the entity in a list, and checks a listed entity left the bounds in UpdatePhysics. The code I have works fine, but I'm running into an issue that it seems that the extra padding for brushes are causing incorrect values. The entity has to leave the volume, plus a few centimeters for the onendTouch function to be called. Here is the UpdatePhysics code. void SimpleTrigger::UpdatePhysics() { if (!m_bEnabled) return; if (!m_bHadCollision) return; if (m_hTouchingEntities.size() <= 0) return; list<Entity*>::iterator iter = m_hTouchingEntities.begin(); for (iter; iter != m_hTouchingEntities.end(); iter++) { // zentity is the entity where looking for. Entity* zentity = *iter; if (zentity) { if (entity->GetDistance(zentity) > entity->GetAABB(Entity::GlobalAABB).size) { onendTouch(zentity); break; } } } While this works really well, again, I think the extra AABB padding is getting in the way. I also feel that the for loop is a bit over the top/expensive way of doing this. Any help to make this work better would be appreciated! Thanks.
  22. Thanks man, If your interested in the newer project, please take a look at this blog. In the next version, I'll probably not be releasing a lot of scripts and such so the engine can continue to update without conflicts. Glad it helps.
  23. Add: $(LeadwerksHeaderPath)\Libraries\glslang to the included directories listing.(C++ -> General)
  24. Hopefully you can increase the hangout limit. I heard that some people couldn't join the last one cause it was full. I'll try to be there.
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