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Everything posted by reepblue

  1. Really cool, Really useful for projects that might contain additional libraries.
  2. You can open a prefab file like if it were a map.
  3. Crawler's Den is a short experimental demo that was made just in the nick of time for the Summer Games Tournament 2016! This demo is a recreation of the AI and Events map of the SDK, however, the entire project was written in C++, and had it's connections made via Lua scripting thanks to LEX2's puppeteer class. This demo showcases: 4.1's visual enhancements. (Probe reflections, volumentric lighting) A map in which all game classes are written in C++. The LEX2 Template which allowed for in-game debugging, and smoother development. Known Bugs (Things I couldn't fix before the deadline: The animation manager has a hiccup switching from a non-looping animation to a looping animation. You might see crawler's glide after they attack. It's sometimes hard to press buttons using E. Not sure what's causing this, Sometimes it works fine, other times you have to press E all around the button. If you notice anything else weird, let me know, I can't say I'd patch it, but it's good to know of problems going forward. Although it's not perfect, this demo had a goal of stress testing LEX2 seeing what in the template needed improvement or not needed at all. This project made me think about what I want to do with this going forward, but I'll write a blog post about that. I'd like to thank CrazyCarpet and Mattline1 for their help. Crazy helped me with vectrors and math, while Matt made the input system which will allow plug and play XInput support in the future. Thanks guys! Download (Note, it's on my dropbox because I got a permission error when I went to upload it to the database. I hope this can still qualify.. :/ ) Enjoy.
  4. I was working on this map and then all of a sudden, I got an error: String Index Out Of Range I restarted the editor, and got the infamous error message and now the map is just an unreadable pile of bits. Luckly, I backed up the map before today's edits. The only thing I did that I think I shouldn't be doing was using the beta branch to work on a map for a game using 4.1. Josh, if you need the full project, I can send you it. Unfortunately, I might postpone the project to next tournament anyway due to design reasons. Thanks! brokenmap.zip
  5. Seems to be an issue of the Probes not displaying correctly. The editor is running the latest beta, Game running on 4.1 And this screen is right after I've created a brand new project using the beta. Funny enough, the map I'm working on for my summer game doesn't seem to have this issue. Maybe might have to do something with the directional light? Then again, AI-Events SDK map doesn't have one.
  6. This might be why my project crashes. I thought it was a linker problem since I saw the project file changed.
  7. Open map with no navmesh. Go to Tools->Build Navmesh Create one at default settings. See nothing was created after the wait. OR Open map with a navmesh. Go to Tools->Build Navmesh Create one at default settings. See that the existing one was deleted. I ended up going back to the default branch because of this. I needed to build the navmesh for my game. Might I add, the default branch of the editor runs a lot smoother.
  8. LEX2 uses the user's native res for the default fullscreen. If you look back a few topics, Mac posted code containing how to get all supported resolutions for the machine. Use System::CountGraphicNodes()-1.x and System::CountGraphicNodes()-1.y.
  9. Yeah, the prefab system was really meant for models, and acted like a workaround adding shapes to models. The system should be updated to allow you to make rooms and put them together in one map. Technically, you should make your door stuff models.
  10. Yeah, I was missing ReadLine, I got involved looking into raw C++ stuff meanwhile that function is what I needed. >< All working now, thanks. Does not support everything, but it will support most things. std::string GetKeyValue(std::string pPath, std::string pKey) { Stream* stream = FileSystem::ReadFile(pPath); string command(pKey + "="); std::size_t found = stream->ReadString().rfind(command); if (found != std::string::npos) { std::cout << pKey << " found at: " << found << '\n'; } stream->Seek(found + command.size()); // Read only the line we're on! string finals = stream->ReadLine(); // Delete the quotes if any. finals.erase( remove(finals.begin(), finals.end(), '\"'), finals.end() ); // Return our value! return finals; } // This function will be called once when the program starts. bool Start() { std::string path = "materials/developer/bluegrid.mat"; cout << GetKeyValue(path, "shader") << endl; }
  11. I did it like this, I'll look into compare right now, thanks. std::string GetKeyValue(std::string pPath, std::string pKeyVal) { std::string path = pPath; Stream* stream = FileSystem::ReadFile(path); string command(pKeyVal + "="); std::size_t found = stream->ReadString().find(command); if (found != std::string::npos) std::cout << pKeyVal << " found at: " << found << '\n'; stream->Seek(found + command.size()); string finals = stream->ReadString(); finals.erase( remove(finals.begin(), finals.end(), '\"'), finals.end() ); return finals; EDIT: still has a problem if the value isn't the last.
  12. My main problem would be the Seek command. How would it know where to find it? The keyvalue can be at the top or at the bottom of the file.
  13. I've noticed that by default the engine creates a settings file and saves it to the AppPath. The issue is that there is really no clear documentation about how to read or write keyvalues in a stream. So I just used PugiXML for settings instead. Now I'm faced with this issue again. I want to get a custom value in a material file, but I want to check if it's there. and read the value after the equal symbol. I've spent the last few hours looking at the FileSystem/Stream classes. I'd hope there was a ReadKey() function. The only thing I saw that looked like what I was looking for is: Stream* ReadFile(const std::string& path, uint64_t fileid, const std::string key); But I have no idea how I'd set up the fileid. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks.
  14. reepblue

    Text Area Widget

    This will be perfect for my dev console! I really like how it's coming along. I'm hoping the dark theme stays!
  15. Actually, Source uses brushes to prevent navmesh building I'm sure you can just make an invisible brush with no collision, and set the obstacle mode to true and it'll work that way. This way, you don't need to hide anything. Just wish the brushes didn't have to be invisible as my old solution of using a transparent texture, then making it invisible during run time conflicts with GI building. But, I agree, there should be a height limit in the navmesh builder or something. So I'm not saying that this isn't a bad suggestion, but it's not like there isn't other ways around this...
  16. Go into Documents/Leadwerks/Leadwerks.cfg, and edit this command to be true. ignoreoutdatedproject=1 This will stop that annoying popup. I'm really glad Josh added that in in 4.1 Makes working on projects less annoying.
  17. Make boxes around island with nav obstacle enabled. Build navmesh Hide boxes. ??? AI will not go in water because there is no navmesh.
  18. I've spent the last 2 days working on this map. I've gotten the map to run atleast 60fps. I first implemented my Portal Volume. This is a class I've coded that turns a Brush into a volume that detects entities within it's bounds. That helped me find the main drain of the map by section as I could manually hide everything in a room if I wanted too. Next up, I merged some models, and set more stuff to use no shadows. I only saw little improvement when after doing this. My batches went down a bit, but I was still seeing 60 frames tops in that last room. I also disabled shadows on the second spotlight. I went to the other spotlight, and turns out that it's shadows being redrawn each time, regardless that all other lights are ether not being drawn, or have their shadow mode set to none. It's weird, because I thought the engine could handle a spotlight casting on a rotating fan and be fine, but it turns out that's too expensive. So I went back and re-lit the room. It's not what I intended, but I get 80-90fps in this room now. I also have a bit of volume effects on point lights to make the fan holes pop out more, but I see no performance dip having them on or off. To make up for not having a dynamic shadow, I'll take the volume effect.
  19. I don't see why not! Crazycarpet made it so it can be installed in any LE project without any issues. Nice to see that wiki getting some attention again.
  20. Ok, great. Keep in mind that I do have some things in check on my application side of things. For example, anything that has mass, automatically get's it's shadow mode set to Dynamic. From your list, I can agree I have a lot of modular bits, so I guess I can take a look at that. Can't wait for the video too. I've also just got done with my portal volume system. It basically acts like a manual area portal that collects all entities in it's volume then hides/shows them. on command. I've gain about 20fps after implementing it.
  21. Sorry, it's map den01. I was really tired when I made it, Also, that's interesting.
  22. Here it is, sorry for the delay. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16218991/Requests/framerateissue.7z Instructions: 1. Extract the project to anywhere on your Harddrive. 2. Run "run.bat". This will launch the game (Release) in fullscreen, and devmode. (you can edit this if you want.) 3. It tilde to open the console, and enter "map den01" and press enter. 4. Once in the map, open the console again, and type in "stats 2" to show stats. 5. Waik around, and look at numbers. (The door to the hallway opens with "e".) You can also open the project in the editor. Thanks, I hope something can be found. I'm working on something that might help with this, or at least test my hypothesis,
  23. Hey all, I'm working on a map and I'm running into some slow down with my map. I did the following from past topics to get the framerate back up. I only have 3 spotlights Static+Dynamic+Buffered and anything with mass (minus debris which don't cast a shadow) have their shadows set to Dynamic. Everything else ether doesn't cast a shadow or is static. Everything in the map has the view range of ether medium or near. I also did the automated AABB system as a test, no luck. Killing the lights with my fullbright command shoots the framerate back up. Which is why I think it's a shadow issue. I left any Occlusion Culling modes to their default settings. No volumetics. It's not my resolution as windowed mode has the same results. There is only a fog post process shader. One thing I think might be causing an expense is that I have some lamps hanging from a point by a ball joint. Batches seem to go up around to 230 in that room so I guess I can remove that. These are my settings: <?xml version="1.0"?> <settings> <display screenwidth="1024" screenheight="768" fullscreen="1" center="1" forcenativeres="1" vr="0" /> <graphics lightquality="1" multisample="1" terrainquality="1" tessellation="1" vsync="0" fov="70" /> <controls show_console="0" /> </settings> If there is anything else I can try, let me know. I'll be uploading the project after I temp fix the player input. As the new input system Matt made seems to be a bit busted. I also will have to use my mobile data so if there is any ideas, I'd like to try before I upload it. Thanks, I'll get right to uploading the project...
  24. I'm having this issue mostly with fullscreen. Windowed always seems to work.
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