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Everything posted by bandrewk

  1. There is a "publish" button inside the project manager. It will create an installer for you.
  2. Leadwerks 3.1 does not support mobile development.
  3. That's complete nonsense. Just use the AdjustWindowRect Windows API function. I fixed a related bug on another engine with the code below. //Window rectW.left = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)/2 - nScreenWidth/2; rectW.top = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)/2 - nScreenHeight/2; rectW.right = rectW.left + nScreenWidth; rectW.bottom = rectW.top + nScreenHeight; styleW = WS_POPUP|WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU|WS_MINIMIZEBOX|WS_VISIBLE; //WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_SYSMENU | WS_MINIMIZEBOX; AdjustWindowRect(&rectW,styleW,false);
  4. Hello, Leadwerks is not creating correctly sized windows. When setting the resolution to 800 x 600: window = Window::Create("UISystem", 0, 0, 800, 600); A window with the window size of 800 x 600 will be created, it seems correct at first but what I really wanted (and expected) this command to do is create a client area with the size of 800 x 600. Leadwerks behavior: Expected behavior: Thank you.
  5. Try setting the swept collision mode (Entity::SetSweptCollisionMode) to true.
  6. I can't do anything like that since I'm using 3.0 (C++) and prefabs are completely broken there. Bone markers are favored by my artists too.
  7. That sounds logical and makes sense. I was disappointed because it is not written anywhere in the documentation. But since this is an expected behavior, it is not a problem at all. In this case it was important to keep some of those bones because the model is a weapon and the bones were marking positions that I need to access programmatically i.e. "FIRESPOT", "SMOKE", "BRASS". Thank you for the clarification Bolt and Josh.
  8. Doesn't work. Blender is no all-time god like solution. Anyway, thanks for trying to help, hopefully this will be fixed soon.
  9. Seems like your "quick search" was too quick http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/user-guide/getting-started/programming-with-c-r58 In short: yes
  10. The problem is still existent when exporting through blender. As stated, this is a bone import bug.
  11. Hello, if you import a model that has bones with zero vertices (no weight) attached they will not be recognized inside Leadwerks. A workaround to this is attaching vertices to the bone or adding a new children to it. Leadwerks will now recognize the bone, though not the newly added children. Here's a picture to demonstrate this behavior: Thank you.
  12. Hello, I would like to be able to exclude certain folders inside my project from being auto-converted to Leadwerks file-formats. If you are working with some other middle-ware software i.e. for the GUI this, by no means bad, mechanism becomes quite annoying. Thank you.
  13. Nothing official but there probably will be an upgrade option available someday: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8452-steam-upgrade-for-leadwerks/#entry65800
  14. Is this still valid for Leadwerks 3.0+ ? It should be written somewhere easy to find.
  15. Seems like I forgot to upload the prefab. It is now included in the original post.
  16. It's exported from blender. Ex- and importing the .fbx through various programs can't be a solution to this.
  17. I actually forgot to upload it. Thank you
  18. Hello, we have found a bug while importing .fbx files into Leadwerks. Sometimes, for whatever reason, they won't be converted to .mdl files. The editor is not showing any error, quite the contrary, it is logging that the conversion has completed successfully: The roof.mdl is not existent. I attached the .fbx that is causing this bug. Thank you. roof.zip
  19. There is a command line parser inside Leadwerks. Accessible from both, LUA and C++: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/system/systemgetproperty-r538
  20. Hello, is it just me or are prefabs broken inside Leadwerks 3.0 ? I am not able to create any prefab that does not crash the editor and my application. My application will crash with the following error: The exception is thrown inside Prefab::Load(): Entity* entity = Prefab::Load("asd.pfb"); The Leadwerks editor crashes as soon as trying to open the prefab with ACCESS_VIOLATION. The documentation seems to be wrong too for the prefab class. I have not been able to find the "static const int NoStartCall" member inside it. I attached a prefab that is causing the error stated above. Thank you. asd.zip
  21. Since there is no real change log we can't be sure. Anyway, since I posted that bug report no update has been released for Leadwerks 3.0 so it's definitely not yet fixed in the (currently) released version. All these old bug reports that are not yet fixed will make their way back in here anyway when 3.1 is released with c++ support.
  22. I wrote a bug report for this last year. Haven't received any answer yet. You may push it up again: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7999-releasing-source-causes-al-invalid-operation/#entry63067
  23. You can use Leadwerks on any computer, log-in into your steam account and just install it. But you are not allowed to share one steam account between different people. This is against the SSA.
  24. Another concept is the world- and view-model: The view model contains the gun with hands attached to it. That's what the player sees in first person view. The world model is for third person view, it's just the gun that is being attached to the players hands in third person.
  25. You just have to write functions to hide / show the light Take a look at tutorial video for the flowgraph editor.
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