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Everything posted by bandrewk

  1. Hello Cassyblanca, here is a link to the Leadwerks 3.0 trial version, it allows programming in C++: http://www.leadwerks.com/counter/click.php?id=2
  2. Hello, I think the following points would make a good improvement to the model editor: Show bones This is an major feature missing. I always have to switch to another tool to check where the bones are actually located. An option to show bones would be nice. "Extract Animation Sequence" The tab order is broken in this window. This gets annoying when extracting multiple animation sequences. In my opinion, the tab order should be: First Frame -> Last Frame -> OK -> Cancel . "Resize Model" When resizing a model to fit a specified size, it would be nice to see the resulting scaling from the original size in percentage. Model editor window Having the model editor and Leadwerks stick together when minimizing is annoying. I would like to be able to minimize Leadwerks independently of the model editor. Animation sequences The drop down list is good for a few sequences, once you start using 20-30+ this is pain. I would suggest a list for it, just as the bones are shown. Another thing missing here is re-ordering sequences.
  3. I can confirm this, also using Windows 8.1 Pro.
  4. Hello, when trying to release an Leadwerks::Source my program immediately crashes with error code 1: Loading: Sound* buffer; buffer = Sound::Load("Sounds/Weapons/" + name + "/fire.wav"); source[sND_FIRE] = Source::Create(); source[sND_FIRE]->SetSound(buffer); buffer->Release(); buffer = nullptr; Playing: // Play source if (source[sND_FIRE]->GetState() == Source::Playing) { source[sND_FIRE]->Stop(); } source[sND_FIRE]->SetPosition(entity->GetPosition(true)); source[sND_FIRE]->Play(); Deleting: for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SOUNDS; i++) { if (source[i]) { if (source[i]->GetState() == Source::Playing) { source[i]->Stop(); } source[i]->Release(); // Crashes here source[i] = nullptr; } } The last thing Leadwerks writes to console is "Open AL: AL_INVALID_OPERATION". I noticed exactly the same behavior when trying to play a sound that is already playing. I attached the sound used in the example above. A screenshot of the object after the crash: source[0] is the object on which the crash occurred.
  5. Did you find a solution for this? I am experiencing the same.
  6. Final build usually means that no more features will be added. As Josh said, both compile of the same source, from that you can deduce that there will be bug fixes in the future.
  7. Although I'm using c++, my code looks very similar to yours: __super::UpdateAnimation(this); Leadwerks::Entity* ent = model->FindChild("Bip01_Spine1"); if (ent) { ent->SetRotation(Vec3(0,0,rotation.x), false); } I can't spot anything wrong within your code, maybe this is something lua specific.
  8. Hello Rick, how are you applying the rotation? It seems to work fine for me. I apply the rotation right after updating the animation.
  9. Hello KVADRO! As far as I can tell from testing Leadwerks, the only trial limitations are that it is a very outdated version (from early 2013) and, well, it will expire after about 30 days. I also noticed that there are no comments in the header files except for "//lua", but, I am not sure if this is actually a limitation to the trial.
  10. Hello, I'm new to this forum but I wanted to ask the same question. I'm using the leadwerks 3 trial and light is shining through walls (see screenshots attached). Is this still not fixed in the latest version? Thank you.
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