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Everything posted by shadmar

  1. shadmar

    using a timer

    something like this would do the trick: In Start(): lasttime=0 In Loop(): if Time:GetCurrent()-5000>lasttime then lasttime=Time:GetCurrent() ...do stuff you want to happen every 5sec end
  2. You should set the context blendmode to Blend.Alpha prior to drawing the button.
  3. Congrats Josh, well done, company is going/growing well
  4. Not trying to undermine the request, but if you dont want to wait : shaders/Terrain/wireframe.shader Just add the a line somewehere in main() : discard;
  5. Make tower search for enemies by doing World:ForEachEntityInAABBDo() Then check Entity:GetDistance() for all and choose the least one.
  6. Git or subversion can do this if you install a repository locally.
  7. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/models-and-animation-r8#section6
  8. 1. Not sure, I think it comes with a slow framerate, but disable occlusion culling might help if it's on. 2. MSAA looks great but is a very slow AA technique in my opinion. You could try combing, like 2 x MSAA + FXAA looks pretty good. Or just use plain FXAA for speed.
  9. Only your trunk and branches are uvmapped, the leaves are not.
  10. Well I like the guessing game just as much as the next guy Post your model/materials so we can have a look.
  11. Click double sided in the material editor.
  12. shadmar


    Nice atmosphere. Are you loading worlds between doors?
  13. I believe it's just another update (free)
  14. Here is a way to mod an existing shader to produce fresnel (rim) http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9312-rim-lightening/#entry70608
  15. Add a return model to your addtiles function and use this to register a grid: grid = {} for i = 1, 10 do grid[i] = {} for j = 1, 10 do grid[i][j] = AddTile(i,0,j) end end and you can then access individual tiles by grid[x][y]
  16. Use filter mode pixel, not smooth on the texture. Also uncompressed might help.
  17. 3.7 will have that. It's not entirely done yet. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1-joshs-blog/
  18. It has ben changed since that video. You will find c++ project files for Windows and Linux inside the project folder for all your projects.
  19. I'm desirable Map::Load() does this for you. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/map/mapload-r510
  20. Disable physics for it, using SetPosition() on physics enabled objects isn't really how you are suppose to do it. You should use forces. EntityDoor->SetMass(0.0f); Also note that the door prefab you are using has a connected script : SlidingDoor.lua You would be better off just loading the model file (mdl) for the door in your example, not the physics enabled prefab which also has a script attached to it.
  21. Ah sorry. Yes the function is not written by me. So x,y,z = x,h,y But it should be easy for you to convert the function to LE standards :-)
  22. camera->SetRange() is deafult 0.01,1000, just increase it so it's extends beyond you terrain.
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