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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. I don't know how hard it was to make but it looks impressive.
  2. gamecreator

    Week 2

    Oh, and fingers crossed to be able to use more ground textures. I think that was the last big thing I was missing.
  3. gamecreator

    Week 2

    Yes! Assuming the library will remain as easy-to-use as it is now (or easier - using the post-processing effects, for example, seems a little more complicated than it could be) it seems this library will have everything I could ever want.
  4. gamecreator

    Week 2

    Does this mean that if you buy the beta at a discounted price you'll get the full version for free once it's released? Also, does entity movement include pathfinding? If not, will that also be included in version 3? That said, I'm very happy and extremely excited about some of the upcoming features. I'm one of Leadwerk's low-skill users so I look forward to the "simple" things: networking (yay!), water/river and plenty of brief and easy to understand examples, tutorials & samples. I hope all these new features don't make things too complicated.
  5. Thank you much for sharing this! Since the Leadwerks 3 Roadmap doesn't seem to include pathfinding, this could become very valuable once you have reliable shortest-path picking down. Edit: I stand corrected. Leadwerks 3 is planned to include pathfinding!
  6. And I know this isn't the game at all but... I can't wait to run among it. I hope you include a secret or something that lets you do that.
  7. My congrats as well, Dave! It has been both enjoyable and educational watching this progress. I wouldn't have guessed that it would get as detailed as it has when I saw your first blog post about this. Please keep in touch regarding your next project.
  8. I think I could definitely use the C++ version in the future. Thank you very much for this!!
  9. gamecreator

    Not Time

    What time period will it be set in? Or is that even applicable?
  10. Rest assured that RakNet is a close second on my list. If I crash and burn with Netwerks, it is where I'll turn. I've looked at enet as well (what I understand Netwerks to be built on top of) and though I like its documentation the most of the three, it doesn't seem to have a visible community behind it (does it even have a forum?).
  11. Have you seen the tutorials? They're hardly brief, easy-to-understand-at-first-glance snippets. Even though they're broken up into what should be small segments, like "Creating Packets," each page is stuffed with rules of things you must and can't do to make sure your program works. Hardly an indication of a friendly engine.
  12. Thank you Lumooja! Appreciated as always. Small steps forward...
  13. Alright! Finally getting up and running on the netwerks front. Josh was kind enough to update the SDK to include the DLL. I can now get it running but it crashes on TerminateNetwerks(), after user presses ESC. If I comment out that line, the program exits properly. At this point my program is super simple. #include "engine.h" #include "netwerks.h" int main() { if(!Initialize()) return 1; InitializeNetwerks(); RegisterAbstractPath("D:/Programming/Leadwerks Engine SDK"); // Set graphics mode Graphics(320,40); // Create framework object and set it to a global object so other scripts can access it TFramework fw = CreateFramework(); // Set Lua framework object SetGlobalObject("fw",fw); // Set Lua framework variable BP lua=GetLuaState(); lua_pushobject(lua,fw); lua_setglobal(lua,"fw"); lua_pop(lua,1); // Get framework main camera TCamera camera = GetLayerCamera(GetFrameworkLayer(0)); PositionEntity(camera,Vec3(20,60,-50)); RotateEntity(camera,Vec3(45,0,0)); TLight light=CreateDirectionalLight(); RotateEntity(light,Vec3(45,45,45)); THost host; host = CreateHost(0,80,2); SetStats(0); while(!KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)) { UpdateFramework(); RenderFramework(); DrawText(0,0,"Host Keys: "); DrawText(0,20,"Peer Keys: "); Flip(0); } exitapp: TerminateNetwerks(); // Crashes here if this line isn't commented out return Terminate(); } I removed the error checking to make things as easy as possible. Any ideas why it would crash?
  14. Good thought. I haven't updated in a bit though so I think I actually have 2.30 (at work now so I can't check) so it seems it hasn't been included in some time. That's actually what I was trying to PM Josh about (see Recent Status Updates on main Forum Page). Darn. enet is undocumented. RakNet is a bit complicated for me. Leadwerks networking is undocumented and kind of half broken. Bleh. Thank you for everyone's help though. It truly is appreciated more than you know.
  15. Thank you. Added it. Still crashed. But now the console says that netwerks.dll failed to load. I tried to find the dll but it doesn't seem to come with the program. Very odd. On a side note, for those like Lumooja who seem to be familiar with this: how did you learn? Is there a resource outside of the wiki and related documentation that I'm missing? Nothing mentions functions like InitializeNetwerks() and TerminateNetwerks() that I could find, for example.
  16. I added netwerks.cpp and it compiled then crashed but thank you both! That's one step forward. (I was under the impression, by the way, that including netwerks.h would cover this but it seems I was wrong.)
  17. It seems this comes up from time to time but does anyone have a basic network example they could share? I'm stumped right from the start. All I'm trying to do is send integers back and forth from host to client and reverse. Even putting this in THost host; host = CreateHost(0,80,2); results in: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "unsigned char * __cdecl CreateHost(int,int,int)" (?CreateHost@@YAPAEHHH@Z) referenced in function _main What does that mean? Any help would be really appreciated!
  18. This project is really shaping up well! Getting a good sense of the environment and feel of the game, even though I haven't played it yet.
  19. Incomplete sentence and spelling mistake.
  20. I've never used scripts but it seems to me that if you can have 90 Update functions, you might as well run all of them independently.
  21. Networking has always intimidated me since it never looked easy enough to grasp. As I mentioned in the thread, all I need is a connection and a way to transfer integers or packets and I'm set (of course, checking on packets and other basics are part of that). No need for lobbies and the like. I would just like two people on different computers to interact with their characters. I'm another who is following what you're doing Drew.
  22. I would also still love to see a simple tutorial showing the basics of networking. I don't need lobbies or patching or chat or anything "higher level" - just reliable transfer of simple data (integers or I guess packets) between two computers. I've looked at RakNet and frankly, it seems more complex than what I need. A lot to learn for "little" need.
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