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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Yes but with caveats. Last I asked about this (last year) it was possible one of two ways: 1. You control your character, positioning it yourself and doing physics yourself. 2. You use Leadwerk's physics but put an invisible wall behind and in front of the character so it doesn't go toward or away from the screen (so it's locked into 2D). This is because last I checked, the physics engine Leadwerks uses doesn't allow you to lock physics to 2D. This all assumes that you want to use 3D characters/models in your 2D game, like Trine. If you want to use 2D animated graphics/sprites, I'm not sure how good Leadwerks is for that.
  2. You can write games with only C++. You don't need BlitzMax or scripting.
  3. A few questions (and sorry if these were covered in some form): What do we do about previously uploaded assets? It sounds to me like you're going through them and will see how reasonable it is to reupload them. Is that right? I ask because I have a saved copy of a file I uploaded (Leadwerks Joystick/Gamepad Example). I assume I should hold off on uploading to not mix things up. Why is the documentation lost? Was there only an online copy? I would have imagined that Jorn would have worked on it offline and then uploaded it when he was ready to, so he would still have a copy offline which he could reupload. But it sounds like this isn't how it worked. Just curious. You made it sound like it needs to be recreated pretty much from scratch (for entries created after November). Thanks and best of luck with painlessly restoring as much as possible!
  4. Sweet! So very excited about this, even though my actual game-making skills are very very minimal. I like even just to have such a powerful tool at my fingertips and to explore and play with everything it can do. I can't wait to use the new water & the pathfinding and having my friends join in some silly networked game I make.
  5. Very curious how smooth Leadwerks will make the process in the end. Will the editor detect changes to model/texture/physics/etc files since the window was last active and update the active world automatically? That would be pretty handy.
  6. Thank you very much for sharing this klepto. I got it to work on the first try (and that's a feat for a beginner like me)! The only thing I noticed was that the snow texture remained bright white even when the sun was fully gone but I'm guessing that may not have been addressed yet. I also didn't play with any other settings beyond turning up the rate of the sun movement. Finally, how can this be used in C++ code? Is it possible yet? Thank you again!!
  7. Well done. Easy to follow. My only question is: why was the FPS font replaced as well? I wouldn't have expected that to happen.
  8. Looking great. In the end, I hope one of your greater goals is to have LE3 be easier to use, with less lines to code a project, than LE2. That would definitely be a good selling point. Whether it's possible or not is another matter, I know.
  9. I had to chime in on Split Second; have you seen Zero Punctuation cover it? If not, check it out. Great progress on your project, as always. I'm jealous.
  10. gamecreator

    Model citizen

    Always love to see these progress updates! I'm rooting for Leadwerks 3! Ha! That sounds like a t-shirt.
  11. Pong is the easiest. Then breakout. Then tetris, as Rick mentioned. This article has a few other suggestions. That said, how are you doing on your RPG? If you've stuck with it for 2 years (which is pretty impressive!) then you seem to be in a good place, having likely overcome quite a few setbacks. You are probably better off sticking with it than abandoning it.
  12. If you're near a Best Buy, you may want to look around here or give them a call.
  13. Thank you thank you for making this simpler!! Shaders are a bit daunting at the present and I'm hoping LE3 will make it much more straightforward to use.
  14. Darn. I really wanted access to both the beta and the discount. I hope I'll get a chance to buy it. But I could also understand the need to focus the beta process. Also, I vote for: texture->WritePixel(x,y,color);
  15. I definitely hope not. It would destroy the simplicity of Leadwerks. I think they're talking about the code behind the scenes.
  16. Thank you very much macklebee!! Here's how the one-time switch looks in C. TMaterial ballmaterial = GetSurfaceMaterial(GetSurface(GetChild(ball,1),1)); TTexture boxtexture = LoadTexture("data/box1.dds"); SetMaterialTexture(ballmaterial,boxtexture,0); or combined into a single line: SetMaterialTexture(GetSurfaceMaterial(GetSurface(GetChild(ball,1),1)),LoadTexture("data/box1.dds"),0); And thanks again ZioRed as well. Bonus points to anyone who gets GetEntityMaterial working with this. I couldn't get it to do anything but return 0 or crash.
  17. Attached. It does have a material file originally and the texture loads properly. With ZioRed's help the material was even switched. Now I'd like to figure out how to switch the ball.dds texture to the box1.dds texture and that's what I'm having trouble with. Thanks! data.zip
  18. The line that causes the crash is this: SetMaterialTexture(GetEntityMaterial(ball),LoadTexture("data/box1.dds"),0); Based on what you told me, I suspected that I need to get the material not from ball but from ball's child. So I changed it to this: SetMaterialTexture(GetEntityMaterial(GetChild(ball,1)),LoadTexture("data/box1.dds"),0); This doesn't crash immediately and generates a complete log (which doesn't show anything irregular) but the program does still crash when it gets to that line. Here's the complete code: // ==================================================================== #include "engine.h" #if defined( _WINDOWS ) void ErrOut( const char* pstrMessage ) { MessageBoxA(0, pstrMessage, "Error", 0 ); } int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd ) #else #include <string> void ErrOut( const std::string& message ) { puts( message.c_str()); } int main( int argn, char* argv[] ) #endif { if(!Initialize()) return 1; RegisterAbstractPath("D:/Programming/Leadwerks Engine SDK"); Graphics(1024,768); TFramework fw = CreateFramework(); if(fw==NULL) { MessageBoxA(0,"Failed to initialize engine.","Error",0); return 1; } SetGlobalObject("fw",fw); // Set Lua framework variable BP lua=GetLuaState(); lua_pushobject(lua,fw); lua_setglobal(lua,"fw"); lua_pop(lua,1); // Get framework main camera TCamera camera = GetLayerCamera(GetFrameworkLayer(0)); PositionEntity(camera,Vec3(2,6,-5)); RotateEntity(camera,Vec3(45,0,0)); TModel scene=LoadScene("data/scene.sbx"); TModel ball=LoadModel("data/ball.gmf"); PositionEntity(ball,Vec3(0.0,2.0,0.0)); PositionEntity(camera,Vec3(0.0,8.0,-5.0)); // SetMaterialTexture(GetEntityMaterial(ball),LoadTexture("data/box1.dds"),0); SetMaterialTexture(GetEntityMaterial(GetChild(ball,1)),LoadTexture("data/box1.dds"),0); while(!KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)) { UpdateFramework(); RenderFramework(); DrawText(0,100,"children = %d",CountChildren(ball)); Flip(0); } }
  19. That worked! Thank you much!! One down, one to go. Any idea why the second should crash or how to properly replace a texture in a material?
  20. I'm sure I'm doing something incredibly stupid and this should be simple but... I load a model like so: TModel ball=LoadModel("data/ball.gmf"); I then try to put a new material on it: PaintEntity(ball,LoadMaterial("data/ball2.mat")); Engine.log shows that the material and the new texture (box1.dds) are both successfully loaded but the ball doesn't change. Any idea why? I also tried swapping just the texture with this: SetMaterialTexture(GetEntityMaterial(ball),LoadTexture("data/box1.dds"),0); But that crashed at the very start of the run (Engine.log was empty). Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
  21. Thanks from me as well. Just came across this and was so glad the answer was here.
  22. In a future version (hopefully with Leadwerks 3 or sooner), could you please include partial settings for Effects Commands? I love the ease with which Bloom, HDR and GodRays can be turned on and off but sometimes it's a bit much and I would like to use a little less than what turning it on provides. I'm not an advanced user so I don't know how to code shaders. Frankly, despite reading some of the documentation and looking at .vert files and whatnot, I couldn't get a handle on it at first try. So I would love to be able to do something like: SetBloom(0); (turns Bloom off, like it does now) SetBloom(0.5); (turns Bloom on at half strength) SetBloom(1.0); (turns Bloom on at full strength) SetBloom(2.0); (turns Bloom on at double strength) Similar for HDR and GodRays. This way the effects can even be modified during runtime depending on where a character is in the game world. Thanks!
  23. This is simply awesome! I've never used Lua so that's a bit intimidating (I code in C++) but I'm sure this is super helpful for a lot of people. Thanks again!
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