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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. I believe you could do these with Entity commands. First, point A toward B with PointEntity. Then, use MoveEntity to move A toward B. Finally, point A toward C with PointEntity again. I haven't tried this myself but this would be my first thought.
  2. Oh my god. Please make those affordable. I've gotta buy them!
  3. The price for any form of Leadwerks3D has not been made public.
  4. Don't get me wrong, I like the sharp rocks too. But these seem maybe a touch too sharp. I can understand if it helps to save triangles though. Here are what I see for these "edgier" rocks: And here are some rounder ones:
  5. I hope you include some slightly rounder rocks too, not just the ones with sharp edges shown. Looks great though. Price it well and I'll buy these from you too.
  6. That worked. It runs on his computer now. Thank you.
  7. Good info on both counts. I'll have him try Metatron's suggestion.
  8. gamecreator


    I sent a program to my friend and to my surprise, it crashed on him. I put in notifications to help me debug where it fails and it seems to be on the CreateFramework function. It tells him that the graphics mode was set successfully but after he clicks ok, the program just crashes. Neither of the next messages are displayed. The code snippet is below. He has Windows 7 (I have XP), has modern games installed and I'm pretty sure he also has .NET (but not 100%). Any idea what the problem could be? if(!Initialize()) exit(1); if(!Graphics(1024,768)) { MessageBoxA( 0,"Failed to set graphics mode.","Error",0); exit(1); } MessageBoxA(0,"Set graphics mode successfully\nAbout to create framework","Message",0); fw = CreateFramework(); if(fw==NULL) { MessageBoxA(0,"Failed to create framework.","Error",0); exit(1); } MessageBoxA(0,"Set framework successfully","Message",0); I've attached the program if anyone else would like to try it and see if they can run it. Thanks!
  9. It's pretty easy to pick apart most whiners' arguments. Some complain about the community which makes it clear they're just disgruntled. One talked about LODs popping which can be adjusted and fixed and also depends on the models themselves, not the engine. A few talked about performance, which I can't really speak to. Is the developer allowed to respond to comments, like on NewEgg? If so, I think it might be worth correcting some misconceptions. Also note that except for the first five "reviews," everything else is from 2009 or older.
  10. Rick, unfortunately I don't know the answer to your question. I would test it on a fresh Windows install if you have access to one. No luck with a quick search but I didn't try to any great extent.
  11. Works here as well. I suggest also including OpenAL in the installation package as your game won't run without it. XP SP3
  12. Any chance that there are multiple entities loaded right on top of each other?
  13. I run the game. It seems frozen. I press the buttons to move. Nothing seems to happen. I then move the window. The window updates to the current frame - no animation, just jumps from the old to the current one. Press more buttons. Nothing moves. But as soon as I move the window it updates again. I'm probably one of very few people who this happens to.
  14. All I can help with is that I know his exporter takes longer the more triangles you have in your scene. If it's an option to break up your scene into multiple objects, you may consider exporting them in groups. I don't know anything about FBX exporting though except to make sure you have the correct exporter version matching your Max version.
  15. Yup, that's it. I can make a video if you want to see it in action.
  16. I'm guessing you have Flip(1) in your code. tkunze found that it makes it so the game doesn't update for me unless I move the window.
  17. I hope I didn't miss it on the wiki but is there a way to pause physics but keep everything else going (like mouse picking, etc.)? I thought PauseApp might work but the physics keep moving. I'm using Framework.
  18. After some detective work, I found what I did wrong. CameraPick works on models too, but not directly. It can pick the model's child, which is the mesh. My mistake was that I didn't specify the third parameter of EntityType, the recursion. As it's shown in the code above, it's 0 by default, which doesn't change the model's mesh entity type. But specify it as 1, and the mesh child (and so the model), will be properly picked, like so: EntityType(model,1,1); Live and learn. Thank you for your help mackelbee.
  19. Please feel free to delete this thread. I've learned something about how models and picking commands work.
  20. Right, but then it hits both meshes and models for some reason. It would be nice if it hit meshes and models if the collision type was specified too. And that third parameter was copied from the Josh's Collisions_and_Raycasting.PDF from the source example but I knew better.
  21. That makes sense but I wonder why it picks it when collision type is 0. Will look into that function. Thank you. Edit: On first glance, it looks like that function returns a body, not a mesh...
  22. Could someone please let me know why CameraPick doesn't pick model in the following code? #include "engine.h" int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd) { Initialize(); Graphics(640,480); TFramework fw = CreateFramework(); SetGlobalObject("fw",fw); TCamera camera=GetLayerCamera(GetFrameworkLayer(0)); PositionEntity(camera,Vec3(0,5,-12)); RotateEntity(camera,Vec3(15,0,0)); TLight light=CreateDirectionalLight(); RotateEntity(light,Vec3(45,45,45)); TMesh cube=CreateCube(); EntityType(cube,1); TMesh model=LoadModel("abstract::frame.gmf"); PositionEntity(model,Vec3(1,1,0)); EntityType(model,1); Collisions(1,1,true); while(!KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)) { TPick pick; UpdateFramework(); RenderFramework(); if(CameraPick(&pick,camera,Vec3(MouseX(),MouseY(),1000),0,1)) DrawText(0,20,"HIT"); Flip(0); } return 1; } As it stands, CameraPick only picks the cube. If I change the collision type to 0, it selects both the cube and the model. Any ideas?
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