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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Thanks guys. Aily, I've thought of doing what you mention and wasn't sure if it was necessary but it seems it is. Rick, surprisingly, I'm only having the controller go strictly left and right and the plane it's on is level. Even if it goes up and down it doesn't tilt forward or back, if that makes sense. And yet, I've had the controller fall off the edge on the back somehow. Not a problem. I'll just implement Ailly's method. Was just wondering if what I suspected was the case. Thanks again.
  2. I'm trying to code a 2D platformer and am using a controller. Everything is working fine so far but when I tried to keep the character on the 2D plane, the controller didn't react as I expected it to (it got slow and more jittery). Here's the code. UpdateController(player,270.0,move,0.0,jump,50); pos=EntityPosition(player,1); PositionEntity(player,Vec3(pos.X,pos.Y,0)); I take it PositionEntity and UpdateController don't get along. But maybe I'm just doing something wrong. (These lines are just before UpdateFramework() and RenderFramework(), by the way.) Thanks. Edit: I tried putting it between Update and Render and also after both but neither worked.
  3. ArBuZ, your suggestion worked. Thank you!!!! And not just that, I learned what un-triangulation is (the mesh wasn't). Two for the price of one!
  4. I'm not sure how to tell. Will look that up.
  5. Thank you sir. Will try that first.
  6. Hmm, or maybe not. I really don't know. If I uncheck Export Skin in the exporter, it looks fine again. Will try to reassign the vertices when I get back home.
  7. Good thought. It could be a driver error. I think it's safe to rule out the the vertices not being weighted to bones as it acts fine in Max.
  8. I exported a mesh from Max 2009 using ArBuZ's tool and got the below error. At first I thought it was an export error but when I started rotating the mesh, I noticed that the point where the jutting points go is always to the center of the editor window. Any suggestions on how to fix this or is this a bug I should report? Below is the material file, in case that helps.
  9. You may be right. Found Q1 2011 sales from IGN.
  10. I had to look this up to vote for the mobile platform. I don't care as I'm sure I wouldn't code for it but why was Symbian/Nokia not included? It had almost twice the sales of Apple 2010 Q4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smartphone#Operating_system_market_shares
  11. Good lord you guys are a pain! I've downloaded and uploaded the 94MB Basic file here (slightly smaller zipped as Leadwerks doesn't allow EXE uploads): http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/223-cloakworks-shroud-studio-setup-basic/ Now go make a Leadwerks tutorial.
  12. File Name: CloakWorks Shroud Studio Setup (Basic) File Submitter: gamecreator File Submitted: 15 Jun 2011 File Category: Tools This is NOT my work. It has been uploaded as a convenience to members who were unable to download it per this thread and this thread. I hesitated to upload this because registration is required on the CloakWorks site. However, because it's available for free and because the author could not be contacted, I've decided to provide it. That said, I will immediately remove it if requested by anyone from CloakWorks or Leadwerks or if it breaks any rules to provide it here. Click here to download this file
  13. File Name: CloakWorks Shroud Studio Demo File Submitter: gamecreator File Submitted: 14 Jun 2011 File Category: Tools This is NOT my work. It has been uploaded as a convenience to members who were unable to download it per this thread. Click here to download this file
  14. Nothing announced yet but it's coming along reliably.
  15. gamecreator

    Too Cool

    Sweet! I take it passwords will work as before?
  16. Originally from this thread I wonder if he's still working on it. This was very very cool. But I suspect that since roads work in a similar way in LE2, rivers will likely work this way as well in LE3. At least, fingers crossed for it. Though frankly, I wouldn't mind also being able to paint water (and roads) with brushes. It would be faster and more fun (and nodes can be auto-generated from it for adjustments).
  17. Thanks Josh. And in another form, that would be a wise saying Pixel Perfect.
  18. Do I remember right that purchasing the beta also means you've purchased the final release? Or will there be another charge for the full version (upgrade)?
  19. I'm always amazed by how much detail a normal map adds. I'll have to learn more about it if I get into serious modeling. Unfortunately, the skeleton I bought (which, once reworked, would be my main character) didn't come with one. Don't know yet how I'll make one for it. Great base mesh, by the way. Did you model the entire thing from scratch?
  20. Yeah, what day am I calling in sick to code a network game?
  21. gamecreator

    Louie, Lua

    I'm VERY excited about the network support!! It sounds like it'll work exactly how I was hoping it would! I would also love the option to not include an entity in the network. NetworkEntityExclude(Entity); or something.
  22. DSL. I think it's supposed to be 3.0Mbps down and 512Kbps up.
  23. Maxed out my slow connection on all 3 (~340KB/sec). Location: West Coast USA
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