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Everything posted by aiaf

  1. I had a window popping up every time i was closing the game.Error below: Debug Assertion Failed! Expression: __acrt_first_block == header At first i thought is something related to me not deleting all pointers or closing the app the wrong way.So i fix that up same error. More investigating i figure it up that somehow is related to poco libs that i use to connect over tcp.If game exit code was before calling poco there was no exception. More wtf and curses for not being able to work on game and debug this. Finally solution was to rebuild poco with /MTd option, default built was with /MD and was causing incompatibilities seems. Glad i got over this , back to entry development
  2. Thanks for example. Im hoping there will be a way to set label colors from c++ code.
  3. panel = Widget::Panel (20, Math::Round(gcon->getContext()->GetWidth() / 9), 200, 200, gcon->getGui()->GetBase()); label_error = Widget::Label(" ", 20, 20 + 150, 160, 28, panel); If there is a panel drawn the label gets updated.So this change got my issue solved. @Josh maybe can provide us some info on how to set text color in label. Thanks macklebee
  4. label_error = Widget::Label(" ", 20, Math::Round(gcon->getContext()->GetWidth() / 9) + 150, 160, 28, gcon->getGui()->GetBase()); label_error->SetText(label_error_connect); How can i clear the text from a label ? After code below i still have the old text printed.SetText draw over the existing text. if (event.source == button_back) { label_error->SetText(""); } And how can i color the label text ? calling SetColor i still have white text
  5. while (EventQueue::Peek()) { auto event = EventQueue::Wait(); if (event.id == Event::WidgetAction) { if (event.source == button) { I have this in main loop keeping things simple. Worse case use debugger to see what is happening in ProcessEvent.
  6. aiaf

    Entry progress

    Making a multiplayer game about territory conquest, like a board game. The winner will have the most territory. Something like risk but no dice rolls and more simple. So far i have: A socket server (written in go).This has the territories stored in db. Text communication protocol (using json). For example this is a register packet: {"t":0, "p":{"name":"test"}} Game client that can select territories (using c++ poco network libraries) Sqlite3 for game data , i really like this wrapper (makes things less verbose): https://github.com/SqliteModernCpp/sqlite_modern_cpp Working on implementing game play server side. Here is main menu trying to be in line with retro theme
  7. You can create a symbolic link with the required name, but anyway i recommend using the supported os (ubuntu 16.04) it just works. Josh cant support all flavors of linux distributions. Cya
  8. ldd output looks ok , its similar to what i have. Im using ubuntu 18.04 and has sligthly older gcc 7.3.0. Hmm this could be libc incompatibility or some problem with the newest libpng. I would try putting on the system an older libpng. Try from package manager if its posible.Or just backup include and lib files for libpng and replace. I think Josh said Leadwerks supports Ubuntu 16.04. I dont have other idea at the moment.
  9. glxinfo looks ok. definitely not related to opengl. I tried to run the editor from that directory you use and doesnt work no crash but it cant find some so files. From steam works. png_create_read_struct_2 i think is function from libpng. Try update your system to latest just to be sure. Lets see output from this commands: gcc -v ldd --version And on binary: ldd ./Leadwerks Look here if it shows missing so entries.
  10. Have nvidia/ati drivers installed. Run glxinfo program will be lot of output , should be opengl higher then 4 , i have 4.6. https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/17061-compiling-c-on-linux/ Need to find/install those corresponding packages from opensuse package manager.
  11. Would like some modular space stations, ships, turrets and more skyboxes. Hmm can this market be extended to have some artist do some custom unique work for us ? would be nice as option.
  12. Nice , please add space/scifi assets: asteroids, comets , quality skyboxes, satellites, space stations etc
  13. This is great, cool graphics and great atmosphere First I dont know how to draw weapon :) , r key doesnt work , i search around and didnt find any to pick up. You can dodge the skeletons by just running around , maybe they should be more dangerous. I would have expected to be able to close the door back , it just closes by itself when taking range from it. This should receive the best free leadwerks game award :) Congrats!
  14. Maybe some fixes from turbo will arrive in le 4 or external libs upgrades.Anyway really like the new name, i will bash with that name any poor soul i know that are stuck with unity Besides cars, c++, speed this name make me remember turbo cweing gum from the 90s that had cool cars stickers.
  15. Exploring new graphics options and more lights
  16. Got it working with space3d website, horray. Thank you very much for help and patience. I'll come back with a devblog if i manage to create a skybox from scratch with gimp.
  17. Got it working with space3d website, horray. Thank you very much for help and patience. I'll come back with a devblog if i manage to make a skybox from scratch with gimp.
  18. Yes your right but still dont know how to do this for my image Ill try to add a black border on all sides of each picture ... Gimp has one filter Make seamless but doesnt look like what i need.
  19. This is latest atempt i attached all files , i used https://pragmar.com/qbit/ to generate the 6 images from original. Then imagemagick to montage them: montage -geometry 512 -tile 6x1 s_web_background.left.png s_web_background.right.png s_web_background.up.png s_web_background.down.png s_web_background.front.png s_web_background.back.png output.png Maybe image need to be of certain type or i didnt montage it the right way. Any help is most welcome thanks
  20. Ok tried, doesn't play well.Have same issue as before.Probably the emitters as you say. Any other idea ?
  21. Spent half day trying to make own skybox texture.Tried couple of tools read the forums, created 6x1 tiled textures.But so far no luck creating something that looks ok.So kind of give up and trying to put background image. Code is below: foreground->Enable(); world->Update(); world->Render(); foreground->Disable(); context->Enable(); context->SetBlendMode(Blend::Alpha); context->DrawImage(background1, 0, 0); context->DrawImage(foreground->GetColorTexture(), 0, 0); context->SetBlendMode(Blend::Solid); It doesnt work as i expect , image is transparent and can only see it when camera is above the emitters in my game.
  22. Need to draw an image on screen as background and the 3d world be visible on top of that. Any way to do this ? Found some topic in forums but didnt help, with this the background image appear only in places where emitters are drawn.. https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/10041-is-it-possible-to-draw-an-image-as-background-and-render-over-it/
  23. This is bad , didnt give much thought to resolution that the game need to support. To simplify i decided to support only 16:9 aspect size resolutions (1920x1080, 1600×900 etc). For the hud was simple i changed to have sizes depending on resolution: context->DrawImage(sentinelModuleLaserTex, context->GetWidth() / 30, context->GetHeight()/2, moduleDrawSize, moduleDrawSize); Text sizes are the problem , I have a complicated text ui , and have to somehow fix up all spaces between and resize fonts depending on resolution. mainMenuFont = Leadwerks::Font::Load("Fonts/arial.ttf", 16); context->SetFont(mainMenuFont); Question is theres another way to have text resize automatically depending on resolution ?
  24. Because I didn't like codeblocks on linux, I created my own project setup using cmake. So i keep updating this with new leadwerks releases. I'm hopefull with leadwerks 5 i don't have to do this anymore with Visual Code becoming official editor.
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