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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. I asked specifically about adding colored shadows for colored glass much like I showed in the video from 2 years ago. A black shadow for colored glass looks almost as bad as having no shadow. And no, I mean colored shadows - something we had in LE2 over 6 years ago. And no - not the purelight global illumination - but colored shadows. Granted i know I am asking too much since we cannot even get simple projected textures for lights that LE2 had for its entirety.
  2. Need to have colored shadows or be able to have something other than just dark shadows. Ruins the effect without it. The only other option is to not have shadows at all then it leaves you with a floating object that doesn't seem part of the scene.
  3. try this: shadow+animation+alphamask.zip I dont have anything to try it on myself, but its essentially it is just the missing alphamask code put into the animation shader so it should work...
  4. You are not showing enough information to be able to see or replicate the problem. What is setting the values for the 'centerMouse.x' and 'centerMouse.y' variables? And which 'window:SetMousePosition()' is occurring first/last? The one in the main loop or the one when the SPACE key is pressed?
  5. Yep, we had it in LE2 but it was missing in LE3. In LE2, it was a global setting: SetTextureQuality C++: void Engine::SetTextureQuality( int quality ) BlitzMax: SetTextureQuality( quality:Int ) Sets the quality of loaded textures. If quality is one, textures will be loaded at full resolution. If quality is two, textures will be loaded at half resolution. If quality is three, textures will be loaded at one-fourth resolution. .dds files must contain mipmaps for this setting to have an effect.
  6. hmmm... did the water shader change?
  7. yeah - it appears there was some sort of update and it failed? I cannot launch it either at the moment. EDIT - I deleted the local contents, re-installed, and now it works.
  8. Had that a couple of weeks ago and only went away after rebooting computer.
  9. Well you are loading the lua script via c++ then lua is loading the shader. I am suggesting you load the script as you showed above but also try loading the shader in c++ so you have access to the shader in question. So instead of doing: int index = pCamera->AddPostEffect( "Shaders/PostProcess/bloom.lua" ); Leadwerks::Shader *pShader = (Leadwerks::Shader*)pCamera->posteffects[ index ]; pShader->SetFloat( "cutoff", fMycutoff); try doing (psuedo-code): int index = pCamera->AddPostEffect( "Shaders/PostProcess/bloom.lua" ); Leadwerks::Shader *pShader = Shader::Load("shaderpath.shader"); pShader->SetFloat( "cutoff", fMycutoff); --Note that i'm saying "try" since I do not have a way to attempt it - but it has worked for the previous attempt as shown in the link above.
  10. Try loading the shader in question via C++ and then adjust its uniforms. It should affect all the bloom shaders loaded in the scene. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/14230-global-uniform/#entry97586
  11. Export is performed through the Editor from the terrain tab.
  12. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12537-drawing-a-section-of-a-2d-texture-setting-uv-coords/#entry90453
  13. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/doors-r24
  14. My test of your issue I had the KeyHit check in the player's script: Script.Message = "" ... ... if window:KeyHit(Key.H) then -- in UpdateWorld function System:Print(self.Message) end And in the trigger's script, I had: function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) entity.script.Message = self.entity:GetKeyValue("name") end Simplified in the KeyHit code, but your nested check of the room's name will work inside like you posted above.
  15. Was going to comment essentially the same as Genebris. The shown code that you say does not work should work as it does for me. If it's not, then the problem is elsewhere. You should avoid checking for a particular Key's action more than once or across multiple scripts in an update. If you are doing this, it may cause issues. My suggestion is that you post an example project that encapsulates the problem so others can try to duplicate exactly the issue. On a side note, you can check for different actions for a particular Key in an update. Edit -- the only thing I can think of is how maybe you are setting the value for self.room? How is that variable being set via the different rooms' triggers? If you have multiple triggers with scripts, are all the triggers' scripts checking the state of H's KeyHit? If so, that may cause problems.
  16. I can change it via a dark theme or a high contrast theme in Windows - can you not do that?
  17. I think this is what you are looking for: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7992-physics-oncollisionenter/#entry62987
  18. macklebee

    Hello Mac

    hello? er... my bad. not talking to me
  19. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10171-buffer-commands-exposed-to-lua-with-documentation/#entry75315 Very similar to LE2's Buffer class and can be used as guide. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/le2/_/command-reference/buffers/
  20. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10311-drawing-dynamic-material-on-models-and-similar/#entry76089
  21. Visible in the 3d perspective or just the 2d viewports? For what purpose out of curiosity? Will this be used/visible in game as well?
  22. The flicker light script is meant to be a random effect (hence math.random being used). But you can try using my simple sequential light script to be changed as needed for your needs. It was written with the cagelight prefab in mind which is why it searches for the child entities of the lens flare and point light. The first light to be lit should be checked as the 'Start Light' in the object properties panel. Then just drag the next light to be lit into the 'Next Light' property. Do that in order for each subsequent light. On the last light, set the first light as it's 'Next Light' to continue the effect. sequential light lua script for the cagedlight prefab: Script.delay=2000 --int "On Time" Script.enabled=true --bool "Start Light" Script.nextlight="" --entity "Next Light" function Script:Start() self.flare = self.entity:FindChild("Lens Flare 2") self.light = self.entity:FindChild("Point Light 2") self.currenttime = Time:GetCurrent() + self.delay end function Script:UpdateWorld() if self.enabled then self.flare:Show() self.light:Show() if Time:GetCurrent()>self.currenttime then self.flare:Hide() self.light:Hide() self.enabled = false if self.nextlight~=nil then self.nextlight.script.enabled = true self.nextlight.script.currenttime = Time:GetCurrent() + self.nextlight.script.delay end end else self.flare:Hide() self.light:Hide() end end
  23. It appears the one that is listed first ("top") in the Scene Panel is the one on top. Order after that seems to be driven by order in the Scene Panel as well.
  24. Its exactly the same thing in reality. The colon is for implementing methods that pass 'self' as the first parameter. So object:method( argument1, argument2 ) is the same as object.method(self, argument1, argument2 ) - where 'self' is the object. I would suggest you spend more time on lua specific programming sites to learn more about the language. I use these two for reference: http://pgl.yoyo.org/luai/i/_ http://www.lua.org/pil/contents.html
  25. Look at the API reference for Context. Context:DrawImage() will draw an image on the screen. Suggest going through the API Reference and the tutorials.
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