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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. i am not sure if i am following you but here are the three worlds used in framewerk (fw): fw.main.world fw.transparency.world fw.background.world as for emitters... if you just place one in the editor scene then load the scene into a framewerk bmx program you should see it...
  2. why are you doing the Spawn in the Kill function? should be local entity=base_Kill(model)
  3. Its a really bad idea to make this available to people. Don't see the reason why you need to go from gmf to anything else... no 3d modelling app out there inherently makes this format (without one of the user-made converters/plugins) which means that if it really is your model, then you should already have it in another format anyways.
  4. offhand i would assume if josh hasn't made one by now means that he doesn't want one made... nor should you want one either really... having a tool like that just makes it easier for people to steal assets that don't even have the sdk...
  5. StepMode i would say you could do this in the editor as a selectable boolean property for your model and in code
  6. macklebee


    thanks flexman... this is very useful info. appreciate it.
  7. not every animated character has to be used for interaction with physics objects... this can be used for any animated model that you would have in a scene that doesn't need any physics interaction... its just another thing that people can use...
  8. looks very good... looking forward to seeing the code... much appreciated.
  9. macklebee


    what does this update include? just the single-state lua? new lua examples thats documented/commented? updated existing lua scripts for single state? a lua framewerk? a 2D feature in lua that works with editor and external language? a list of all exposed engine commands in lua and their syntax?
  10. hehe... yeah... thats one way to go i guess... but really? assuming that he does have bmax to even attempt this, doing it in blender would be a thousand times quicker to accomplish...
  11. this is not a 3d modeling application... for what you are wanting to do, you could just download blender and use that to create your bones. Then in LE, you can move the bones as you wish...
  12. if you want to delete all of the vegetation just hit the the clear button... if you want to remove just an area of vegetation, hold down the CTRL key when clicking on an area.... the size removed is based on the diameter of the outer circle
  13. macklebee


    ah... its ugly but it works name = GetEntityKey((GetParent(pick.entity)), "name")
  14. macklebee


    so how would you do this in bmax? GetParent(mesh)?
  15. macklebee


    this doesn't exist for BMAX? so this is a lua only command? or is there a bmax version of this with a different name?
  16. look at Chris Paulson's blog.
  17. uggh... public speaking... had to take 4 public speaking classes in college... always hated that... pointless too considering I spend all my time speaking to a computer/plc... well cursing mostly.
  18. macklebee


    EDIT---nevermind... it works. strange there is no mention of it in the wiki...
  19. macklebee


    ah! makes sense... thanks!
  20. note to self: come up with new game idea...
  21. macklebee


    Is there a way to relate a camerapick entity to a entity that is found by looping thru the worlds entities? when I do a getkey("name") for example for both, the camerapick returns U3D_MESH and the looped entity returns the user defined name of the model.. Also, if I do an entitypick, since the radius parameter doesn't work, how do i know what direction the raytrace is occurring?
  22. yes lets do it over a pm so we don't fill up a post with our conversation...
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