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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. it looks like Josh removed framewerk from lua? if you run the example02.lua it fails at "CreateFramewerk()"... which is what AndyGFX was trying to point out in his post but I wasn't understanding that he was just referring to lua...
  2. what are you using to model? how are you exporting it from your modeling app? How are you converting it to gmf? this looks like bad modeling to me and not an LE problem... your walls appear to have the surface normals facing the wrong directions...
  3. run it in debug mode and hopefully it will give more info than just that generic error
  4. ?whats wrong with the one that comes with LE?
  5. yes, thats what the water in LE is currently. Look at the how the framewerk renderer does this for water... well, kinda... it takes multiple textures and changes the material texture over time
  6. don't use a controller if you don't want physics... thats the reason it falls and all you see is a spinning skybox...
  7. It will automatically load the bumpmap for the selected texture, as long as the bumpmap follows the naming convention... like mytexture.dds has a bumpmap of mytexturedot3.dds
  8. that worked for multi-state... it doesn't appear to work for single state... if anything it causes problems.
  9. my guess is he is hitting the 'run script' button... which since this isn't a 'game script', he shouldn't be trying to RUN it...
  10. i believe its in the 2.28 SDK...
  11. i converted this to use framewerk and it works just fine. SuperStrict Framework leadwerks.framewerk Import maxgui.drivers Import brl.eventqueue Import brl.timer GCSetMode(2) RegisterAbstractPath AppDir SetGraphicsDriver GLGraphicsDriver(), GRAPHICS_BACKBUFFER | GRAPHICS_DEPTHBUFFER Local w:TGadget = CreateWindow("Easy GL Cube in a GUI window", 10, 10, 512, 512) Local c:TGadget = CreateCanvas(0,0,w.ClientWidth(),w.ClientHeight(),w,0) c.setlayout 1, 1, 1, 1 SetGraphics CanvasGraphics(c) Global fw:TFramewerk = TFramewerk.Create() If Not fw RuntimeError "Failed to initialize engine." fw.renderer.SetSkybox(LoadMaterial("abstract::FullskiesBlueClear0016_2_L.mat")) PositionEntity fw.Main.camera, [0.0, 0.0, - 2.0] Local material:TMaterial = LoadMaterial("abstract::cobblestones.mat") Local mesh:TMesh = CreateCube() PaintEntity mesh, material Local ground:TMesh = CreateCube() ScaleEntity ground, [10.0, 1.0, 10.0] PositionEntity ground,[0.0,-2.0,0.0] PaintEntity ground,material Local light:TLight = CreateDirectionalLight() fw.SetStats(0) RotateEntity light,[45.0,45.0,45.0] Repeat SetGadgetText(w, UPS()) WaitEvent() Select EventID() Case EVENT_WINDOWCLOSE End Case EVENT_WINDOWSIZE SetGraphics CanvasGraphics(c) EndSelect RedrawGadget c TurnEntity mesh, [AppSpeed() * 0.5, AppSpeed() * 0.5, AppSpeed() * 0.5] If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Exit If AppTerminate() Exit fw.Update() fw.Render() Flip(0) Forever fw.renderer.gbuffer = Null FreeEntity light GCCollect() End
  12. Also if you wish to have access to the forum's private boards, see this post.
  13. okay... figured you would prefer LE tech questions and possible bugs to not be posted in the public forums by sdk owners... since that appeared to be the reason for even having private forums... but its your forum.
  14. no thank you! already do that on two other forums... and all I am doing is pointing out that all SDK owners need to start being more observant when they are putting info/questions or answering questions in posts.
  15. since he is doing this in the editor he could have put it in the Editor forum... not to mention the topic of the post is "Editor stretching weirdly fullscreen"
  16. hmmm i can say the same for crysis as well when ran on a POS pc... <<--speaking from experience
  17. you have two directional lights in the scene. you cannot have this at the moment. See this post in the bug tracker. In any case, General Discussion is not the place for these types of posts. Questions on how to do something in LE or an issue you are having with LE should be posted in one of the private forums that is most closely related to your issue. The two public forums, General Discussion, and Showcase, are meant to allow open discussions about things not necessarily related to LE, questions about if LE can do this from non-SDK Owners, and people showing off what they have accomplished in LE. But not technical questions on how to accomplish something in LE or issues you are having. The third public forum is for 3D World Studio and its public because not everyone that uses 3DWS uses LE.
  18. good point... just dont copy the PHY file over to the 2.3 SDK and when you load it into the editor it will 'automagically' create the phy file for you.
  19. Nothing to apologize for... it wasn't meant as an admonishment directed at only you... everyone has been doing this myself included. Just all of us need to start using the appropriate forums for posts. I assume you are using bmax, so zip up your program code into a text file and attach it to new post that you make in the BlitzMax programming forum and see if anyone can give you a hand with your issue.
  20. it was just being used as an example, but if you really want them, look in the old LE 2.22 SDK and you should find the rock and cliff files inside the meshes/rock folder.
  21. There could be several things causing this cassius. Anything from the collision type to the acceleration of the controller to mass given to objects to perhaps even the number of collision iterations being calculated. Without seeing your code and scene, and testing it, its anyone guess. In any case, General Discussion is not the place for these types of posts. Questions on how to do something in LE or an issue you are having with LE should be posted in one of the private forums that is most closely related to your issue. The two public forums, General Discussion, and Showcase, are meant to allow open discussions about things not necessarily related to LE, questions about if LE can do this from non-SDK Owners, and people showing off what they have accomplished in LE. But not technical questions on how to accomplish something in LE or issues you are having. The third public forum is for 3D World Studio and its public because not everyone that uses 3DWS uses LE.
  22. The same could be said about stealing a car. The thief never paid for the car so there was no money lost? The point was Josh put time and money into the product, and $200 is what he is willing to receive to give that product to a consumer. The only difference between them is its harder to police these kinds of things. Everyone is under the impression that just because they are sitting at their house while they are doing these actions that they are not stealing. Everyone can rationalize whatever they want about it to make it seem like its perfectly acceptable or that its different for whatever reason, its still stealing. Just because its easier to get away with and it seems like everyone does it, does not make it less of a crime. Owner.Object = [X] value Thief = person who takes Owner.Object without giving [X] value to Owner Object can be replaced by any physical/intellectual property with any value given to [X], but Thief is always equal to a person that takes the object without giving the object's value to the owner.
  23. I use 3DWS on Vista 32bit with no problems.
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