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Everything posted by Genebris

  1. if window:KeyDown(Key.C) then self:Run() else self:Idle() end AnimationManager.lua is in Scripts folder in FPS project template. See how it's used for crawler animation.
  2. Where is this config file? I can't see it in my project folder.
  3. Replace your fps script with this FPSPlayer.lua
  4. Leave the rest of the code untouched. use default FPS prefab. When camera is attached to it's pivot set camera position to 0,1,-1 in local space. It will be offset by 1 meter behind player and one meter above player.
  5. That's actually a very basic task so you should do it yourself. Take FPS script, find a line where it creates a camera and replace camera creation with pivot creation (Camera:Create -> Pivot:Create). Then right after this create an actual camera, parent it to this pivot and offset by -1 meter on Z in local coordinates. You will probably want to remove a part of code that makes FPS player model invisible because you actually want to see it from this perspective. It's somewhere in Start(). Or just attach any other model to the player.
  6. Place a pivot inside player, parent camera to this pivot, rotate this pivot depending on mouse coordinates. To avoid walls throw a raycast from this pivot to the camera, if it hits something in between then position the camera in hit position.
  7. Default player script has animations, you can look there.
  8. Try it on the new project. Also, I see now that Turn is actually worse for this.
  9. Did you just replace SetRotation with Turn? No wonder it spins like a tornado. You need to rotate by the needed difference. EDIT: Your script works fine for me too.
  10. Check default FPSPlayer script, it draws HUD in PostRender function.
  11. I guess you should use http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/entity/entityturn-r29 instead of setrotation.
  12. No, it would take millions of very small particles to make fire like this. It could be made with particles simulation in blender, but in the game it has to be animated sprite.
  13. But hidden entities won't cast shadows, will they? How do you get your shadows from the first world render on top of the render from the second world? I just don't like the idea of forcing player not to shoot simply because he is near the wall. It can be that he is still able to shoot someone but his controls are taken away. Actually, while I was playing Fallout 4 I noticed that my weapon didn't seem to receive true shadows, most of the time it was completely dark or completely bright and I was wondering why. Maybe they simply check if the player is inside the light cone (they anyway need no to do this for the stealth system) and make the weapon darker if not. Have you noticed anything like this in other games?
  14. But how do you make it render only your weapon?
  15. Can't you duplicate your directional light into the second world to make it affect the gun?
  16. Why do you need it without GetKeyValue()?
  17. I don't understand, what's the point of roughness slider with float value if there are only 4 possible variants? Also, it doesn't allow us to use roughness map, right? Only one value over entire material? Overall, it looks like simplified PBR workflow, exactly what Leadwerks is supposed to have. Great work!
  18. And try shadmar's pbr shader. It will look great on metal plates. Also, image that you linked has more pipes and details like that, you should add it too.
  19. fx or fy is a nil value. Make sure you set them to numbers you need.
  20. Genebris

    white out

  21. You need Math:Cos(angle) http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/math/mathcos-r583 It's always Class:Method. Also there is the same thing in Lua itself: math.cos(angle)
  22. Genebris

    Shifting to DLCs

    I'm afraid that some people visiting Leadwerks steam page for the first time can be scared away by the amount of DLCs. They probably won't realise that they all are just models packs, they will probably think it's parts of the engine and that they need to buy everything to get all features of the Leadwerks.
  23. Substance Painter + Designer of course. Must have for every developer.
  24. Will it take texture from the current skybox? What if it doesn't have mip maps or has wrong compression?
  25. You can loop through all keycodes instead of using Key calss. window:KeyHit(70) is the same as window:KeyHit(Key.F)
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