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Everything posted by Genebris

  1. Or don't use character controller at all, depends on how important it is for your game.
  2. Friction won't work, I had to use rigid body for skiing.
  3. Context and Window are different classes, SetColor is a method of Context class: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/context/ KeyHit is in Window class: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/window/ That's why you can't use KeyHit on context and SetColor on window.
  4. Nav mesh won't work, that's right. Default AI script obviously won't work. Other than that you could use character controller, but what are benefits over rigid body then?
  5. If I create a prefab of decal with "Paint models" option disabled and load this prefab in code, this decal will still be visible on models and GetRenderMode(Object.ModelClass) will return true. Though, loading this prefab in editor will work correctly, Paint models will be off.
  6. We constantly get new updates. What exactly do you want? What kind of character creation? Leadwerks isn't a tool for modeling. Josh has shared some of his plans here http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1763-preparing-leadwerks-for-the-future/ I also would like improved visuals, mainly full official PBR support, but it's not planned atm.
  7. Not enough to care about it.
  8. Honestly, if I wanted to make my own collision system, I wouldn't use Leadwerks.
  9. I understand that it's more realistic, but there should be a way to work around that. Like another maxacceleration parameter. Have you played Volgarr the Viking? This is what I'm trying to make. In this game you can't control character in the air, but you instantly change speed when using double jump. This includes horizontal and vertical speed. If you are falling down for a few seconds you gain speed, but when you use second jump you instantly get positive vertical speed which wouldn't happen with simple AddForce. Same for horizontal speed. It's like calling SetVelocity(0,10,0) the first frame user presses a button, but then letting physics engine to calculate everything. I have recorded a short clip to show this Basically, I could use SetVelocity for both, but it doesn't work with character controller. Can you make it work with it? Pretty sure it was AddForce, SetVelocity isn't working for me right now. Did you use rigid body in your game? What did you do with bouncing? I can't launch your game because it starts with too high resolution for my monitor.
  10. I'm making platformer and I have two problems with character controller and SetInput. 1: When walking on the ground movement speed changes instantly, but when in midair it changes very slow. I need my character to instantly change direction while in midair. 2: Jumping applies force instead of instantly changing speed. Again, I need this to be instant. There wouldn't be problems if SetVelocity worked on character controller, but it doesn't. I can't use rigid body because it bounces on collisions and there doesn't seem to be a way to disable that.
  11. Same happens when using buffer like this: http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/wiki:render-to-texture-security-cam Is it a bug? Josh, can you look into it?
  12. Use a regular particle system with your fire sprite sheet and uv animation to the size of your sheet. Like in this tutorial http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/particle-emitters-r10 This way you will also benefit from new soft particles.
  13. Use particle emitter for this, it also has uv animation.
  14. entity:Translate isn't supposed to work with physical objects, it will brake the simulation. You should use AddForce or PhysicsSetPosition. Use methods from Physics part http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/entity/
  15. I have a better controls in my game with 120 FPS than with 60.
  16. You want half transparent model? You can set it's material mode to Alpha, but it won't work with lighting. Maybe this can help you http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12091-dissolve-shader/
  17. Material with Z-sort enabled works incorrectly when rendered to a texture. See the screenshot. Green and grey materials are regular, blue mat has z-sort enabled. Right part of the image is rendered normally, left part is rendered to a texture and drawn on the context. You can see that blue cube on the left is visible through the grey cube. I need to have z-sort enabled for my particles with UV animation, but it makes them visible through the walls. Script on the camera in this scene: function Script:Start() self.tex = Texture:Create(512,512) self.cam = Camera:Create() self.cam:SetRenderTarget(self.tex) end function Script:PostRender(context) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) context:DrawImage(self.tex,-180,0,512,512) end
  18. Jetpack, skiing and shooting with inheritance. dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/an1lrw57r2u1yza/ClansArise.7z Player script
  19. No, but you can create an actual model box with the same size.
  20. It's a box, you know it's center and size, that's it. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/aabb/
  21. This: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/world/worldforeachentityinaabbdo-r66
  22. Wait, I thought Leadwerks doesn't work on XP? It does with new VS or you are talking in general?
  23. Thanks! I was always wondering why restarting the map is so slow.
  24. It's easier to just make a sprite sheet and particle emitter with UV animation or Shadmar's fire shader.
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