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  1. When trying to use the guide below in order to use the CrtDbg Library for detecting memory leaks, I found, that it showed me leaks beyond count. I then tried it on a fresh c++ project (created from the wizard within the Leadwerks-Editor), and noticed, that the leaks were there even on this new project. The guide I followed: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/e5ewb1h3(VS.80).aspx I noticed the includes and define were already in Leadwerks.h so the only thing one needs to do, is call the following line: _CrtSetDbgFlag ( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF ); Also, the Output sadly didn't show, in which files and line-numbers the memory got allocated (Although I defined "_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC" and tried various different things). I therefore also tried Visual Leak Detector (http://vld.codeplex.com/). From what I saw, a lot of the memory seems to be allocated during various LW-functions, like the context-syncing, loading of the map or rendering, etc. Did I do something wrong? Do these tools maybe measure the memory too early? What really bothers me is that I can't really check my own code for memory leaks this way, as I simply wouldn't find them amongst the ~2000 (the exact count varies) number of leaks that are already there. Does anyone have a suggestion, what to do here? P.S.: Visual Leak Detector worked fine with LW2.5
  2. Hey, I noticed (in 3.0 and 3.1) that Time::GetSpeed() doesn't return really useful values. When i opened some programs in the back (my computer is slower) I can run much faster and when my computer is very fast i run very slow. Here's the code i used: playerMovement.z = (window->KeyDown(Key::W) - window->KeyDown(Key::S)) * Time::GetSpeed() * moveSpeed; playerMovement.x = (window->KeyDown(Key::A) - window->KeyDown(Key:)) * Time::GetSpeed() * strafeSpeed; PS: if you activate vsync (context->Sync(true)) you can also run faster and when you disable it (more fps) you will run slower. Does somebody else has these problem's and do josh know about this? Or should i create a new bug report?
  3. Hey, I already created some triggers with leadwerks 3.0 but now in 3.1 i have one problem. It says: invalid type conversion at this line: currEnt->AddHook(Entity::CollisionHook, (void*)onCollision); heres my App.h: #pragma once #include "Leadwerks.h" using namespace Leadwerks; class App { public: Leadwerks::Window* window; Context* context; World* world; Camera* camera; App(); virtual ~App(); void onCollision(Entity* entity0, Entity* entity1, float* position, float* normal, float speed); virtual bool Start(); virtual bool Loop(); }; and the important part of my App.cpp [...] //The onCollision function void onCollision(Entity* entity0, Entity* entity1, float* position, float* normal, float speed){ } [...] //and in App::Start [...] list<Entity*>::iterator iter; for (iter = world->entities.begin(); iter != world->entities.end(); ++iter){ Entity* currEnt = (*iter); cout << "Entity loaded: " + currEnt->GetKeyValue("name") << endl; if (currEnt->GetKeyValue("name") == "runner_spawn"){ runner_spawn = currEnt->GetPosition(); } if (currEnt->GetKeyValue("name") == "death_spawn"){ death_spawn = currEnt->GetPosition(); } if (currEnt->GetKeyValue("name") == "runner_mesh"){ runner_mesh = currEnt; } if (currEnt->GetKeyValue("name") == "death_mesh"){ death_mesh = currEnt; } if (currEnt->GetKeyValue("name") == "void"){ currEnt->AddHook(Entity::CollisionHook, (void*)onCollision); } } [...] if you need more code i will give it out, but i think that should be enough Thanks, Mex
  4. Hello. I've taken a close look at my 2D images when they are drawn with DrawImage() and there is a notable quality loss. Not sure if this is a bug in the conversion process or not or if it's my textures... So I've attached the images to see what you all think. One is the original image rendered in Blender. And the other two are screen shots in game; one with the filter mode set to pixel and the other to smooth. Thanks Data.zip
  5. I have been working with the Terrain component in Leadwerks 3.0 outside of the Leadwerks Editor and I was wondering if anyone else has done any programming with the Terrain component in this manner. If so, I was wondering what might be the best way to go about manipulating the Terrain component. Possibly what the different methods in the terrain component do as well as the other components in the Terrain.h file. I am looking to render a 2-d array of Perlin Noise to a Texture object and then using this texture as a heightmap for the terrain. I have already incorporated libNoise into Leadwerks, I just have to write an interface for it to work with the Leadwerks Terrain component.
  6. Laptop with Intel HD Graphics graphics card (Windows 8). The messages appear "Failed to initialize graphics. Your graphics hardware may not be supported"
  7. Hello all! I have been inactive lately because of moving but have a quick question. I was wondering if anyone knows how the Oculus is implemented into game engines. Is it just a DLL you call from? Does it have its own API? Or does it need a "plugin" type thing to communicate with the engine. To Josh:: Maybe you can work with them to implement the Rift into Leadwerks? As a young indie dev I have tons of ideas for it but Leadwerks is the ONLY engine I would do it in. Thanks for your time guys. Cody Mihelich
  8. Dear Josh, It seems that I cannot contact you through the Support e-mail address, hence why I hope to contact you here. I've been having issues with my registration key. I would like to download Leadwerks 3.1, but I need to enter my registration key to download it. I either lost my registration key, or I was never given one so I was hoping you could (re)send this to me. As you can see by my account, I purchased Leadwerks 3 so I hope to make use of 3.1 as soon as possible. Thanks for your time,
  9. Hey I would like to know if VS2013 is needed for leadwerks or if VC++2010 can be used too?
  10. I have both versions installed (Steam beta and windows stand-alone). Load any version of the standard example file, but when I start with F6, exits to the script editor with the error in question. How can I fix it?
  11. Hello leadwerks community! I have been trying to find a good way to add Line of Sight to ranged enemies. At the moment I can get them to attack from a decent range by taking the MonsterAI.lua script from the tutorials and changing the attack range to a higher number. Now I run into the issue of the enemies being able to attack me when I am behind objects like walls/trees/etc. So I have attempted using the Pick() function but I just can't seem to figure it out. Can anybody out there point me in the right direction or give me some ideas for how to do this? Any help would be much appreciated.
  12. Hello, is it possible to crate groups in my Level, to organize it a bit more? Grouping all the different Boxes and Models to "tidy a bit up". Is such a function avilable? Someone might help me with this question, that would be great. Have a nice day, C.U. R.E.Z.
  13. Hello, the value returned by Window::GetMousePosition() is only changing when scrolling downwards: Leadwerks::Vec3 mspos = Leadwerks::Window::GetCurrent()->GetMousePosition(); printf("%d\n", mspos.z); It does never change when scrolling up. Thank you. PS: I am using Leadwerks 3.0.
  14. Hello, when trying to release an Leadwerks::Source my program immediately crashes with error code 1: Loading: Sound* buffer; buffer = Sound::Load("Sounds/Weapons/" + name + "/fire.wav"); source[sND_FIRE] = Source::Create(); source[sND_FIRE]->SetSound(buffer); buffer->Release(); buffer = nullptr; Playing: // Play source if (source[sND_FIRE]->GetState() == Source::Playing) { source[sND_FIRE]->Stop(); } source[sND_FIRE]->SetPosition(entity->GetPosition(true)); source[sND_FIRE]->Play(); Deleting: for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SOUNDS; i++) { if (source[i]) { if (source[i]->GetState() == Source::Playing) { source[i]->Stop(); } source[i]->Release(); // Crashes here source[i] = nullptr; } } The last thing Leadwerks writes to console is "Open AL: AL_INVALID_OPERATION". I noticed exactly the same behavior when trying to play a sound that is already playing. I attached the sound used in the example above. A screenshot of the object after the crash: source[0] is the object on which the crash occurred.
  15. I'm using leadwerks steam edition. Had windows critical on attempt to clear world before, now it fail on the self.world:Clear() line with following output: and here is the project i've created just to test that http://yadi.sk/d/7oKiE7UEK2cgM aaand the thread there it all started. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8840-levelchange-problems/
  16. Sup guys, long time no see. I've just wanted to know, if there anyway to get chain physics for the model? For swinging things around on the end of that chain, you know, all that stuff. I can't think of any good method to do this. Any tips?
  17. Any chance we could see some compressed audio formats support, like .mp3? It's really a pain then project gets twice the size, just from adding music.
  18. Hi guys. Yep, that's me again. I've got windows critical error (and it says nothing? like bla-bla programm should be closed) on attempt to change level. Lua debug says nothing on this account. Here's the app code --This function will be called once when the program starts function App:Start() --Initialize Steamworks (optional) Steamworks:Initialize() --Set the application title self.title="DungeonScrolls" --Create a window self.window=Window:Create(self.title,0,0,1366,768,Window.Titlebar+Window.Center+8) self.window:HideMouse() --Create the graphics context self.context=Context:Create(self.window,0) if self.context==nil then return false end self.menumusic=Sound:Load("Sound/Music/Main theme.wav") if self.menumusic~=nil then self.musicsource = Source:Create() self.musicsource:SetSound(self.menumusic) self.menumusic:Release() self.menumusic=nil self.musicsource:SetVolume(1) self.musicsource:SetLoopMode(true) self.musicsource:Play() end --Create settings table and add defaults self.settings={} self.settings.vsync=True --Create a world self.world=World:Create() --Load a map --local mapfile = System:GetProperty("map","Maps/start.map") self.mapfile = "Maps/start.map" if Map:Load(self.mapfile)==false then return false end self.mapfile = "" return true end function App:SwitchLevel(name) self.mapfile = name end function App:LevelCheck() if self.mapfile ~= "" then self.world:Release() self.world = World:Create() Map:Load(self.mapfile) self.mapfile = "" end end --This is our main program loop and will be called continuously until the program ends function App:Loop() self:LevelCheck() --If window has been closed, end the program if self.window:Closed() or self.window:KeyDown(Key.Escape) then return false end --Update the app timing Time:Update() --Update the world self.world:Update() --Render the world self.world:Render() --Render statistics self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) if DEBUG then self.context:SetColor(1,0,0,1) self.context:DrawText("Debug Mode",2,2) self.context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) self.context:DrawStats(2,22) self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) else --Toggle statistics on and off if (self.window:KeyHit(Key.F11)) then self.showstats = not self.showstats end if self.showstats then self.context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) self.context:DrawText("FPS: "..Math:Round(Time:UPS()),2,2) end end --Refresh the screen self.context:Sync(false) --Returning true tells the main program to keep looping return true end And here's the trigger code Script.entered = false Script.exited = false Script.hadCollision = false Script.Map = "" --path function Script:UpdatePhysics() if self.entered then if self.hadCollision == false then if self.exited == false then self.exited = true self.component:CallOutputs("OnExit") self.entered = false end end end self.hadCollision = false end function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) self.hadCollision = true self.component:CallOutputs("OnCollide") if self.entered == false then self.component:CallOutputs("OnEnter") App:SwitchLevel(self.Map) self.entered = true self.exited = false end end
  19. So, i've tried to do a simple spawner script, like in the video here ( ) and i keep having that error. If i change argument for mob.SetPosition to entity (at least by simply adding Script.SpawnPlace) it wants Vec3. I have no idea what went wrong
  20. Well here we are again. It's always such a pleasure. So, I have these turrets that shoot out missiles. They do as they're supposed to and sail in the direction they are shot. HOWEVER, it doesn't seem to collide with anything and only collides with the player if the player is moving. I have the collision type for the missile set to 'Prop'. I have tried the 'Projectile' collision type, and it just makes it not collide at all. I have tried detecting collisions from both the player's script and the missile's script. The missile also has Swept collision enabled, a mass of 0, and gravity turned off. I am using Move(x, y, z) to move the missile within the UpdateWorld() function.
  21. Hello, Leadwerks is not creating correctly sized windows. When setting the resolution to 800 x 600: window = Window::Create("UISystem", 0, 0, 800, 600); A window with the window size of 800 x 600 will be created, it seems correct at first but what I really wanted (and expected) this command to do is create a client area with the size of 800 x 600. Leadwerks behavior: Expected behavior: Thank you.
  22. Sup guys. I hope you all having a nice day and all that stuff. My english is not so good, so i must ask you to forgive me about that, but i hope that you will understand me. (But some build-in grammar check on this forum would be nice...). Well, i've recently bought leadwerks steam edition. It's pretty cool and simple IDE, but i have some questions about it. First, i can't find any info 'bout .lua file that starts the game. Well, the thing i wanna do is to create a map file from starting .lua script and load it. But i cant figure out where that starting script is. I'm pretty new to all that object coding stuff, since in the time of my education i've used such languaches as asm/C and Haskell/Lisp. All this OOP is just very confusing to me Second, there are many tutorials about compiling the game, but they all seems to be outdated. I don't have any "source" folder in my projects. Well, i can run the game allright with the leadwerks editor, but i want to share it with friends of mine, for example. So what did i do? I've packed whole project folder and sent it. Surprice, it works. With steam integration, no less. All that shift + tab stuff. Works like some black magic. I've tried searching throught the tutorials, no effect. So, any help/tutorial links would be much appreciated. Thanks for your time
  23. Hi, i think this could be useful for multimonitor usage,be able to detach the viewports and the panels too.
  24. Began to deal with lua looked lessons (http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/getting-started-with-leadwerks-r8) and encountered this error message as pictured tested concentration with what seems to me a lesson all right local pos -- обьявление локальной переменной function App:Start() --название в правом углу self.title="1_начало" --создаем акно self.window=Window:Create(self.title) self.window:HideMouse() --графическая часть self.context=Context:Create(self.window,0) if self.context==nil then return false end --Создает мир self.word=World:Create() pos=Vec3(2, 2) return true end function App:Loop() --If window has been closed, end the program if self.window:Closed() or self.window:KeyDown(Key.Escape) then return false end pos.x=pos.x+(1*Time:GetSpeed())-- обновление х координаты ---обновление приложения современем Time:Update() ---обновление мира self.world:Update() ---рендер мира self.world:Render() self.context:Clear(); ---ресуем жолтый квадрат self.context:SetColor(120,255,0) self.context:DrawRect(0,0,256,256) ------text self.context:SetColor(0,255,0) self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpfa) self.context:DrawText("Hello world",pos.s,500) self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) ---цвет фона self.context:SetColor(0,0,0) --обновление экрана self.context:Sync() --- return true end
  25. I'm struggling even with a buddy already, on learning LUA. He's busy I dont like bothering him, so the next best thing would be to learn with some one strictly on learning coding or to be taught. Any body up for the task or want to learn together?
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