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Everything posted by SlipperyBrick

  1. ShaderTool actually looks very good! For someone like me who can't really code and wants to learn how to make shaders I think I will be picking this up. Unless somebody has already tried and tested and thinks it isn't worth it? An honest opinion would be great! I can see it is OpenGL compatible which is perfect for LE and they are raving about it having the latest 'shader models'. This looks promising
  2. @gamecreator. Ahh sweet man, I totally forgot about the lighting settings! I'll be upgrading to the C++ version next month so I am hoping to do some reading up on what extra stuff I can play with (changing shadow map resolution etc.) I'm pretty new to code but I am slowly learning
  3. Just dropping a post again to let you guys know that you were actually right haha! It was the thickness of the walls. The seams are now gone, although shadows that are far away don't seem to be drawn until I get up close to them. This would be a setting in the lights though I think. I would like to say thank you though, you guys are awesome! XD
  4. I made these walls in Maya LT for modularity. The measurements are in meters and are 500x10x500. I will defo try and make them thicker though and see if that fixes the issues
  5. I don't know whether this is something that I would need to change in code, or whether there is an option in the editor for this. I have some issues with seams and shadows. Here are some pictures to explain what the problem is, hopefully you can see what I mean http://gyazo.com/211e1bb46df91025ebcfdefecd5657c9 http://gyazo.com/7fb736366e1b430433f544728feb4a06 http://gyazo.com/c870d09a1f1b661a76f4c1075a991852 http://gyazo.com/c7c437d307cf40100013d495eafc2a95 All the meshes in this level are modular and fit to scale. I have snapped every single mesh so I wouldn't say this is an issue with my meshes not snapping together or having some slight seams that is leaking light. I think this is possibly an AO issue because when I get up close to these seams they disappear and are filled with shadow. Is this something that would involve AO and draw distance or am I completely wrong?
  6. Awesome cheers Guppy I will have a look when I am home. Only reason I ask is so I can take texel density into consideration when making game art for Leadwerks. @Josh, thanks man. That defo clears everything up XD
  7. I feel a bit embarrassed asking this (been using Leadwerks for awhile now). What unit system does Leadwerks use. Is it meters or centimetres?
  8. Guy's in regards to third person stuff. There is Fuse. You can now create a character and modify all the geometry on him. Once your done you can then animate him through a neat website called Mixamo. Very easy stuff if you don't know how to model or animate. Most of the stuff you have to pay for on Mixamo but you can get a basic walk cycle and the rig for free, once you have those you can animate your character however you see fit Also for the guys who know how to model but don't have cash to spare you can also use Sculptris (http://pixologic.com/sculptris/) it is totally free and if you like sculpting then its the easiest sculpting program I have come across. The only draw back with this though is that you cannot do any topology to your model once you have finished, you can use custom brushes for stamps you got all the tools like grab, draw, smooth etc. Topogun is very cheap and it's soley a topology tool and a very good one. These are just some idea's for you guys who want to do the modelling but are strapped for cash, I think it would be cool if in our spare time we pulled together to get some more custom content, I can try as I am always looking to learn and practice my skills so I can see if I can help out where I can (no promises though)
  9. No change Rick Was hoping we could get a teaser trailer for Christian to start promotion with. Got a lot of changes to make on it though. I was hoping to use the map I created and bring it into Source SDK for use in Source Filmmaker but I can't figure out how to do it lol. I used HitFilm 2 for this trailer but I can only animate VFX into the video. Source Filmmaker lets us animate characters without rigging them which is really handy to get stuff done quick
  10. So I've managed to squeeze in sometime to make a teaser trailer for Phobia. This is a work in progress and alot more things will be added, sound effects will most prob change. Just wanted to get some opinions on this though before carrying on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuglEuHyvsU And yes, the items in the map are Workshop Items given by all you handsome werkers! XD
  11. I have a few suggestions. With character design you wanna make sure you get a good silhouette for form. Mean and scary usually means broad and big. Try making his shoulders big look at the back and neck areas (getting technical here but try messing with his traps and lattes etc). Remember I said broad and big, for the facial region try a strong jaw kinda chiselled/boxy looking (like a really square sharp jaw line). Muscle would be good on this guy, get some badass bi's and tri's not over the top though you don't want him looking deformed. Cos your going for a rock man look might be a good idea to use the stone guy from Fantastic 4 as a reference. If you want you can send me the OBJ file and I can give you a hand bro. I don't mind beasting up this guy for you. I can do some sort of tutorial as I go along Quick question, is this a sculpt? Looks like your using ZBrush there.
  12. @Ma-Shell. Don't wanna sound like a noob Myself and Dan aren't coders by nature lol. What is fragData and what would we be doing if we were adjusting the threshold for these fragData variables?
  13. Ohhhh almighty Steam Gods, we call upon your power to banish this evil curse that has taken over our Leadwerks! Chant with me everyone! The power of Leadwerks compels you, the power of Leadwerks compels you! EDIT: It didn't work but I think it changed my Windows sounds,
  14. So I don't know if this is an issue everyone is having (or even a Leadwerks issue) but for the past few hours I haven't been able to access my beloved Leadwerks from my Steam library. Everytime I click on Leadwerks in my Steam library Steam instantly crashes and I cannot click on anything else. I'm not 100% sure but I think it's to do with the new Workshop integration on the landing page you get when clicking on Leadwerks from your Steam library although I'm most probably totally incorrect. Screenies (not that they show much): http://gyazo.com/2cb68243989111106b7b31faa965b883 http://gyazo.com/6c2cb90d5e3de731a113229ab0013329 I checked with another game that has Workshop integration (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Left 4 Dead 2) and I am able to click and select them and I can click on the Workshop Items which load fine. I have uninstalled Steam and re-installed and tried again and the problem persists. I've removed steamui.dll (this was brought up in a google search) and that didn't fix it
  15. Yeah me and the guys Rick, Dan and Dave use Google Drive and have put our .werk file up there so we all work from the same project. We each have our own specific roles as you can guess Rick does the programming and myself I like to do loads of things. Dave does artwork and modelling and Dan does level design in Leadwerks. We call each other on Skype when we need to talk, other than that we have a pretty tight workflow and everyone knows what they are doing. It's defo possible man
  16. Ahh if we get features like this you can say goodbye for using CSG as 'stand in' geometry.
  17. Can we give this thread a sticky? Some useful stuff here. I read this and went back to the forums to view other topics then wanted to come back here and couldn't find it lol (forgot the name of the thread).
  18. Ahh yes haha the headless man from The Forest. The way we are going to do it is include the full model of the player (as Rick said like in Outlast) but push the models head back a little so we don't have clipping on the camera. We could possibly use an invisible material on the head instead so the shadow still shows but you won't be able to see the head. First person games don't usually include a full body when the player looks down, it's usually just a pair of floating arms. We agreed though that something like this would add to the realism of the game plus this opens doors for some really cool player animations
  19. Just wondering, how do you apply physics to the workshop models? Polymesh isn't available to do. Would it be a case of just using the CSG brushes?
  20. Photoshop isn't expensive on a per month basis. I have CC and it only cost's me £12 a month. That's pennies compared to how much it would be to buy it outright. As Rick said the cool thing is you can go from month to month, or do what I did and opt into a year contract. It's cheaper than Maya/3DS Max (for you British guys that's £45 a month!) total con if you ask me You get all the updates for free as well. Plus you get to use software like this @YouGroove. I think they are hoping to make it non dependant on Photoshop. Although at the moment the Suite runs on scripts that are used (think they are XML files) that kind of automate the process, even if you aren't good at art and texturing this Suite makes it so easy you can get real AAA looking textures from it at the click of a button. Amazing for the people who don't do texturing by hand and even speeding up the process for adding those wear and tear effects that take hours to hand paint.
  21. So just letting you guys know that Quixel released an open beta for the new Quixel Suite (dDo, nDo2, 3Do and Megascan's) This is an open beta so the tool is for everyone to use, it's a plugin for Photoshop. If you have anything below version CS4 then don't expect it to work (as far as I'm aware.) Have fun with this though guys, I have been waiting for months after pre purchasing this and finally it's arrived! https://d85clmw03d1co.cloudfront.net/suite/Install_Quixel_SUITE.zip Just to show off how it works: Manual for anyone who needs it: http://quixel.se/usermanual/quixelsuite/doku.php?id=start
  22. So I am in talk with Joachim the guy who made Shader Forge about him sharing the source code for us Leadwerks guys. I don't mind if he is willing to sell the source code in buying from him and getting someone who knows how to code to make it work exclusively for Leadwerks. For the time being though I have found this which also looks interesting. http://glsl.heroku.com/ Don't know if it is of any use
  23. So I have done some digging and this looks very interesting. You have a number of target renderers here and OpenGL is one of them. I am talking to the developer of this software because he has specifically made this for Unity only (don't know why) I am hoping we can use this for Leadwerks though would be real nice. Klepto and Shadmar won't have to do all the work with the shaders then http://acegikmo.com/shaderforge/ If this works with Leadwerks which I can't see any reason why it won't then I'll be buying it
  24. How did you get this effect with the emitter? Really nice smokey look. I am trying to get some fog in LE3, I don't think the emitter would be the right thing to use though.
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