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Everything posted by SlipperyBrick

  1. Is it possible to implement PBR in Leadwerks? I've seen some examples of deferred renderers with PBR but none with OpenGL just DirectX.
  2. I would love to see this in Leadwerks, would definitely be easier for 3D artists. As mentioned above most tools are turning to PBR now and old methods of producing game art and textures etc are slowly going away.
  3. Hmmm where is this Wiki? Do you have a link? I got the Leadwerks Wiki page but can't find anything about shaders on the Wiki page.
  4. So, I have been learning shaders for the past month or so. I really struggled to find the information I needed to learn before getting started. Programming knowledge is required here, if you are interested in learning shaders though I found a fantastic tutorial series on this. There is a lot of reading involved but it is worth it to get a fundamental understanding on what shaders are and the different parts to a shader etc. http://coolcodea.wordpress.com/category/shaders/page/5/
  5. It was the best ever guys. There was a buffet and free beers! A dancer was hired for entertainment as well which was nice
  6. For the mentally impaired (such as myself) could you post up something here for when you start the hangout Josh?
  7. I personally think its very cool Josh wants to hang out with the users of his program. The guy is very busy and for him to take time out to video chat with us, I think its awesome!
  8. Sweet man, I got you on Google Hangout already. Will see you 8PM my time
  9. Very nice review! I enjoy the Rift and find that the DK2 does give a nicer feeling when moving around than the DK1, the 'sick feeling' is less intense. Bring it to LE so I can start play testing levels in VR XD If you're feeling like a bad *** play 'Dreadhalls'
  10. Is there a limit to how many people can go onto Google Hangout? Or is it cos you don't really want over a dozen people speaking over each other lol.
  11. Yeah I noticed that as well haha. Thought I would just come back here and say that I could make it on Saturday 8th
  12. I can make the one on Saturday 8th Nov
  13. Just to big up Dan cos this is impressive work. I only taught him a few days ago some modelling basics and UV mapping in Maya and he is already making stuff like this! Keep up the great work man, love the renders! Them spelling blocks are gonna be the shiz in Phobia XD
  14. Maya users if you want your grid synced with Leadwerks and your modelling in centimetres to the Leadwerks mapping standards I've found the following settings for your Maya grid to work perfectly when getting your models in to Leadwerks (especially if your working modular) Length and width = 480 (you can change this to what works best for you) Grid lines every = 480 Subdivisions = 15 Hope this helps some of you and as I said this is to work with centimetres so you may have to change your grid in Leadwerks from metres to centimetres. Here are the mapping standards Josh recommends for Leadwerks http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10016-mapping-standards/
  15. Just to add to this post. It looks like this only happens when the light is very close to the mesh.
  16. I am having some problems with lighting and artifacts. I have uploaded a GIF here so you guys can see my problem. I have updated my graphics card drivers so I have no clue why this is happening. I know this one is a little quick but gyazo doesn't give me a lot of time lol. If you look at the ceiling where the light is though you can see when I get close that there is what looks like a square that forms around the light. I have no clue why its happening or what the right 'terminology' is to explain this http://gyazo.com/06d860410ae1fc4c2ec051ff044ca077 Here is another GIF of the problem. http://gyazo.com/1e1867fa6c10a2710492e8d1bcd92e2f I also sometimes get what I can only call seams. They are very slight and look like white speckles on the edges of my meshes.
  17. Here is some information for the people like me http://antongerdelan.net/opengl/ Scroll down to find the 'basic' tutorials, great place to start learning
  18. It's confirmed http://steamcommunity.com/app/314720/discussions/0/619568793965056914/
  19. I'll be honest I have no idea what that all means, so I got a ton of learning ahead of me haha. Where would be the best place to start with learning about the shader code?
  20. @macklebee. For me its the visual side of it. Working with the nodes seeing how they are all hooked up just makes more sense to me than code. I understand coding is still required but this seems an easier way for me to get into making shaders rather than jumping straight into the deep end. I have no knowledge of how to make shaders so I'll be hitting the tuts hard very soon, but this just seems more appealing than staring at words and numbers, these seems like a nice 'entry level' program
  21. Oh my lord! This is exciting. Everyone here is their forum http://www.cloddy.com/forum/index.php?page=Board&boardID=17. Get posting!!! I am waiting for admin approval for signing up
  22. I agree with Patrick here. I love this engine and my learning experience has come easy with help from the community and a lot of tutorial watching for modelling and texturing and everything else that comes with game development. People who are getting involved in this now though have zero experience and no idea where to start, no clue what a polygon is, no clue about CSG or what a variable is. For us this is understandable but for a person who knows nothing it can be daunting and an easier option to say 'ok I don't think this is right for me'. It's easy to look away and not try it. Which can impact interest in the engine. I think a focus on not documentation but videos on the Leadwerks Youtube from you Josh, or even an experienced user would be amazing! Some new users might be a bit shy to ask the guys on here for help. Building up tutorials in video form where they are easily obtainable would definitely get users more creative. It's good giving the community assets to play with but even that is limiting because you won't be able to cover things for everyones ideas. A prime example of good access to tutorials even for newbies is, Unreal Engine 4. Their Youtube channel is full of tutorials explaining bit by bit what you need to know about making a game and how to use the engine. Leadwerks needs something similar (if your thinking big) possibly better than what they have. As the saying goes "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime" Idea's for training/tutorials for the engine you can start off with a beginners guide playlist on Youtube, 'Lesson One' Leadwerks UI. An in depth tutorial on the Leadwerks interface and go from there. I'll be happy to do a beginners tutorial video/playlist and get feedback from the community on what they think
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