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Everything posted by SlipperyBrick

  1. Is this two separate models connected to each other? If so how did you get rid of the seams? I can't understand the method your explaining above Would really love to know how you've done this though as the level me and my team are making for our game uses a lot of modular pieces and I have found some seams in my map that I can't get rid of (no matter how perfect I align the models together)
  2. Complete noob question here. I am going to get the Standard Edition on Steam the end of this month and I don't know what version of VS to download, there is quite a lot of them to choose from would it be the for Windows Desktop, or for Windows? I know I need VS Express 2013 but don't know what one I need haha.
  3. This is what Josh is building towards with the Steam Workshop. There is already some items that users can download from the Workshop. I believe that the Workshop is going to be user generated content, I'm not sure though if you can buy and sell items on there. I know that the items on there will be user generated though. This can be anything from scripts, code snippets, wav files for soundtracks/sound effects, models/animated characters/props etc. If you want to see the Workshop do well I suggest making some content to put up on there
  4. Try setting your light quality higher. This fixed most problems for me in regards to shadows. Try, self.world:SetLightQuality(2) if your working with LUA. The max setting you can give for the light quality is 2, (0 = None, 1 = Low, 2 = High, I could be wrong on that though haha.) You'll want to put that command in your App.lua script.
  5. I think the pricing is gonna be the same guys. Unless they have the very basics in here, I'm not to sure. I'm in the UK and this unlocks in about 7 hours so I will defo check it out. I can't see them working on a sub basis for Steam though cos I don't think Steam works that way.
  6. Hey guys, Incase no one has seen this already. I am pretty stoked for this, modelling and animation software all in one on Steam. Maya LT is aimed for indie developers so should be pretty affordable http://store.steampowered.com/app/243580/
  7. If you go to face mode on the editor and choose your faces you want smoothed in the Objects tab you'll get the smoothing groups option. You can try add smoothing groups on the faces of your models and see if that helps. I haven't tried this yet but I've been using the angular threshold method to calculate normals and it's worked great for me.
  8. For a model with holes you may need to export with smoothing groups. I know in 3D - Coat when you export you can choose the smoothing angle. Then when you bring the model into LE3 and calculate normals you can choose the angular threshold method and put that to whatever angle your smoothing angle was when you exported from 3D - Coat. I would try this for you but I am stuck at work today. Try bringing that model into 3D - Coat and export it as FBX in the export options you'll notice a option called 'Smoothing Angle' I think it's called that. Put in something between 30 and 45 then bring it into LE3 and calculate normals choosing the angular threshold and your done
  9. Looks great YouGroove. Did you export without smoothing groups from 3D - Coat? What method did you use to calculate normals as well in LE3? Angular Threshold?
  10. @shadmar. I used Smoothing Groups on export from 3D - Coat with a 45 smoothing angle. When I brought the model into LE3 and then calculated normals at an angular threshold of 45 it worked great for me. What would happen if I didn't export using smoothing groups from 3D - Coat? I'll post a blog on this when I am home from work
  11. All UV'ed in 3D - Coat now. Ready to start texturing!
  12. Oh yeah I'm gonna try a render with LE3 as well as UE4 This is mainly practice for me to get used to modelling and texturing (the whole workflow of finishing a model/scene) to better my skills
  13. Awesome thanks Michael. Yeah I agree if nothing has value in the model there is no point in it being there. I am hoping to do something cool for the door though but right now I've moved onto UV'ing. Due to so much stuff being in the model I think I may have to work with at least 3 or 4 UV sets. Here is an update on the walls I'm gonna use 4k maps and try to keep the UV layout as clean as possible, just for practice.
  14. So I am looking for an opinion. Being new to everything modelling I am making a scene that I would like to still render in Leadwerks. I am starting a portfolio to showcase my work but I would like to hear opinions on it (good or bad, please be harsh ). I have been building my scene in Wings 3D, reason I've used this over my other modelling tools is to understand box modelling more and to work with limitations (Wings 3D seems pretty limited in its functions). Just to set myself a challenge and for practice. I feel I need more practice at modelling and this is a nice exercise for my brain Here is a shot of what I have so far, I am going to be adding more things into the scene as I go along. This has all been done with no idea in mind, no concept to work from I've just been winging it (no pun intended). Big thanks to Digman for showing me this software and for teaching me it (your my guru ) Also I would like to thank Michael_J, I got my inspiration from your Rouge System project
  15. I had this exact same problem last night. I updated my project with all my scripts took out the ones that come with the Leadwerks. Did the same for the materials and the models etc. Pressed update and it updated 107 files lmao. I'm sure I have seen a project cleaner in the Werkshop that you can download that will remove all the Leadwerks sample stuff, I dunno how well it works and wouldn't recommend using it on an important project lol
  16. @Rastar. Sounds a lot like what they have in CryEngine. Just to get my opinion across and I am still learning about a lot of things. I have used a few engines and I find that nearly every engine focuses a lot on the whole outdoor big world environment making. If you want to make a game that is indoors or may be outdoors and indoors, I think something new for this needs to come along. I don't think I am explaining myself correctly here but, game makers who are making an environment set indoors have to model their environment. I would love to see tools available for setting up structures inside an engine (if that makes sense) something other than CSG. Something similar to the spline tool idea that Rastar mentioned. Working with splines you could easily model complex shapes the only different is for building structures instead of roads you'd be working vertically on the Y axis. This is just an idea and I know there is implications to this but some innovation needs to happen
  17. Yeah I've had problems adding post effects. Even when putting the camera line of code in my FPS player script it doesn't seem to show in the game. I get no errors when running though so it must be working, I just can't see a difference. I've tried this with bloom and some others, it's most prob me doing something wrong though lol.
  18. Ahh wow this is Killzone I think. Yeah those ships look pretty high poly. I've played Killzone on the PS3 and framerate is actually really smooth. I've found there is no set guideline in place for poly count in games. I suppose the main thing you want to look for is how the game engines are going to triangulate your models, obviously more polys is more tris. At the moment one of my modular pieces for my game has over 120 tris and I get frames between 100 and 120 and that's testing with separate versions of that model. Poly count isn't something I would take to much time in taking care of. For me it's just a case of making the model and then testing in the engine, if it's no good then bring it back in and redo topology I'm a very patient person, most people may not want to work that way haha
  19. Quick question. Is there any manual or PDF I can read about the particle emitter? Would like to know it's functions and what all those lovely sliders do haha I managed to get a nice fog effect in my menu scene using the particle emitter but that was by luck
  20. Awesome thanks DerRidda. Yeah I've noticed myself that my tracks are missing that wide spectrum. I kinda keep most things in the mids which doesn't help very much but I'll defo keep practising on the mastering and eq'ing
  21. Haha yes! Love all the awesome drone texture sounds from the Tron soundtracks Glad you like it, plenty more to come. I'll be uploading a whole collection of tracks that I'll tag the best I can so everyone can use them and make sense of what track goes well with what game style
  22. Been working somemore on this soundtrack to get it massive sounding. Remastered and ready to go up on the Workshop
  23. Just another update for a new soundtrack I've made for you guys https://soundcloud.com/dev_dave-james/deception-game-soundtrack
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