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Everything posted by SlipperyBrick

  1. Oooohhhh, now this sounds interesting. Being an owner of the Oculus Rift dev kit I love VR, after experiencing some amazing games with the Oculus (mostly made in Unity) I do believe its the future of gaming
  2. Oh sorry haha I just read back through your post lol. Well I make my textures through Substance Designer 4 so if that helps. I have my 3 usual outputs when making a texture which would be the diffuse and normal etc all I gotta do is making sure my connections in Substance Designer are going through and to the correct nodes. When I have finished my texture Substance Designer will save them as the correct individual files then.
  3. @Rastar. Sorry dude but I am totally new at this and learning as I go along I don't quite understand what you mean when you say, I am using a corresponding shader. Sorry man
  4. My normal maps don't seem to work. I can't really notice them when I'm running my game. I did see that you can generate a normal map just like a material although I do already have normal maps and whenever I load them in the material editor and then run my game they don't seem to show up in - game.
  5. Is there a demo available for Leadwerks?
  6. This is all done from the brushes built into LE?
  7. I've been waiting to see what someones workflow is like in 3D Coat. Considering you can do your topology and UV's in there along with Painting your textures aswell, thanks for the great insight YouGroove good to see other 3D Coat users on here. Hit me up on Steam if you have 3D Coat on there (dazoo10) awesome work!
  8. Cheers Rick! I will check out these commands and learn them. In regards to what YouGroove was saying, I would need to make 3D planes in LE and then put my 2D textures on those 3D planes? Would I still need to do UV mapping for these 3D planes or could I simply use the LE brushes? I will be using Black Ink to draw my images (I feel most comfortable in there doing digital art). Gamecreator, I have the Steam version of LE so unfortunately I cannot code in C++ Is there a way to do a similar command with similar or even the same effect as the 'Texture::SetPixels' command for C++? I would like to also know if in the near future Josh plans on releasing an update for us Steam users to have the ability to code in C++ aswell, I would love to see that!
  9. Hi Guys, I want to work on a small project in Leadwerks for a 2D game. I was wondering how I would start this in the editor and how to script this (I have the Steam version of Leadwerks)
  10. Just wanted to know if there will be an option for us Steam users to upgrade via Steam for Android and iOS game development?
  11. Hey guys, I would like to know how I can use an animation file in Leadwerks that I made in Maya or 3DS Max. At the beginning of my game I would like this animation to play, would I need to make a camera in Leadwerks and then write a script for the location of my animation file and for it to play?
  12. Hey guys, I am having some trouble setting up the water prefab. I have all the necessary files downloaded and placed in their folders. I have done a little bit of Lua scripting and I keep getting an error 'attempt to index 'water' (a nil value)'. I am a novice at Lua scripting and have only started learning in the last few weeks and I am trying to figure out what I am missing. Any help would be appreciated. I can post some screenshots of the script if you need to see it.
  13. For some reason when I try to download a file from the Workshop it says I don't have permission
  14. Just wanted to know about updates and upgrades for us Steam users. I know at the moment the only difference in the two versions of Leadwerks is that one edition uses C++ and Lua and at the moment Steam Indie Edition uses just Lua. I wanted to know if any new and planned features will be available to us Steam users or will the come in the form of an upgrade which will be available to buy on the Steam store?
  15. I believe so, I can't see any issues with files. Everything is set up the correct way.
  16. I don't know whether this is a bug or something I am doing wrong. Whenever I adjust the area of the particle emitter I get the following error. This only seems to happen when I am entering values for the area. Error: Failed to load material "C:/Users/David/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Sewers/Materials/Icons/emitter.mat" Does anyone else have this issue?
  17. I don't know whether this is a bug or something I am doing wrong. Whenever I adjust the area of the particle emitter the higher value I go I suddenly see an error in the console everytime I go past a certain value when adjusting the area. Error: Failed to load material "C:/Users/David/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Sewers/Materials/Icons/emitter.mat" Does anyone else have this issue?
  18. I have a program called HitFlim 2. I would need to record something first in order to edit it in HitFilm and I think this code would be ideal for that. Effects etc can be handled within HitFilm then.
  19. I would like to see a video on the level design process using custom models. Just a tutorial more based on how to get the models in and apply the collisions and do the physics. Advice on level design aswell breaking it in to stages such as "blocking" and "set dressing"? Tutorials like this not only provide advice and information but also inspiration to developers to start their projects.
  20. Yeah it is very easy to use. You choose between preset body limbs, and then build your character on those. You can also change the scale and stuff of those limbs to modify them even more. Best way I can explain is it is pretty much like starting a new game of The Sims, the process of when you make your Sim character, its pretty much like that haha
  21. Wow Rick thats awesome man! Never knew you could do that in Lua. I am still learning Lua in Leadwerks but I got a basic understanding of it (what functions look like and variables etc). I really like how most of the work you can do to make your game is done in Leadwerks unlike other game engines where you have to swap between programs etc.
  22. Hi Guys, Just wondering what you guys use to make your cutscenes for your games? Is there a way to do it inside Leadwerks or do you use Maya or 3DS Max?
  23. Not all of them are Valve characters, you do get some characters from Team Fortress two but the variation in different body parts that you can put together in Fuse is quite a lot. From the content supplied at the moment you can create hundreds of different characters plus they use Substances which have exposed functions for even further modifications. This is just the content that is supplied now. They mention on the Store page that they are still making and adding new features and content which will be added this year I believe.
  24. I would recommend Fuse on Steam, it is pretty cheap at the moment and you can make your own character models and animate them via Mixamo. You get one FREE rig a week if your a Fuse user. http://store.steampowered.com/app/257400/ at the moment its 50% off. New features and updates come really quickly with this program aswell and you also get all this for free. If your looking for a character creation app thats easy to use and creates high quality characters I would highly recommend this Also, I believe that the poly counts for these models are fairly low and when you apply your textures to your model they are automatically baked onto the model. Another thing to add is that if you want to retopologize your model to get a lower poly count you can do this in whatever 3D modelling app you use and you can even add your own custom textures to your model as Fuse exports as OBJ. I tend to use this Fuse as a base to create a character and I'll export as OBJ and edit the model in 3D Coat to my liking.
  25. @YouGroove, yeah sorry thats my fault haha. I am very new to modelling and have recently learnt about topology. I used 3D Coat to make these models and used the AUTOPO feature it has which sometimes isn't the best Once Josh has fixed this bug with the scaling of the models and the polymesh, I will defo be going back to these models and doing the topology again manually, these models also don't have any UV's either, just wanted to see what they looked like in the engine and see if I could get the FPS Controller to be able to walk inside the tunnels Thanks for letting me know though otherwise I would most prob left them as they are haha
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