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Everything posted by Einlander

  1. Being the lazy person I am, when I get around to networking I'm going to have a modified entity tracking script. All networkable objects will be prefabs with a script saying whether the object needs to be networked and I it has physics. Every time it syncs it will compare the old list to the new list of entities and only syncs the changed entities. Alas I'm lazy and it will be a while before I get to it.
  2. Since the last update, options in the appearance tab such as diffuse, specular and the colors are ignored in game. Also there is no longer an option in the material editor to make a material not cast a shadow. apperance tab.zip
  3. Hmmm, Now it seems like nothing in the appearance tab works in game. It looks and works fine in the editor, but not in game. Map : apperance tab.zip
  4. Works beautifully. I can make buildings and prefabs and move them without worrying about the textures shifting.
  5. I have 3d World studio, still use it.
  6. Threads are the way to go, but it would be a hard feat to in lua. I know in .net it's not that hard, but its not exactly simple.
  7. If he is using static models with simple textures, he could make his own model format, or make an obj loader, and on every cycle load some of the model into a surface untill its completely loaded. He can do the same thing with the texture. So now he has a deferred model loader and texture loading system. Split the world into sectors, and load all neighboring sectors and discard sectors farther than X sectors. This takes care of memory requirements and and allows for sudden u-turns.SOURCE: I use to make rpgs on graphing calculators.
  8. Is it anything you can publicly request?
  9. YouGroove, it can have uv mapping and it did, 3d world studio (past Leadworks product) has it, Valves Hammer has it, 3d Game Studio has it, Sledge Editor has it (open source), Runtime World editor (open source) has it. So telling me csg cant have uv mapping when it quite obviously has been demonstrated that it can is a blatantly false claim. Hammer demonstrates that you can indeed manipulate the vertex of a csg to have complex models. You can even export them as a model. I would use Hammer on my Leadworks projects, but there is obviously a file format barrier that takes some effort to go around.
  10. Just went back to look at 3d World Studio, Can we get 'Texture Lock' Back?
  11. This has completely drove me crazy, I can no longer use the editor to build levels. It has essentially become a model placement editor. So here's my problem and suggestion: I am building a mall and want to make the floors a tileable prefab. I build the prefab just fine, spend a considerable amount of time texturing it.: I save it then then load the prefab into my level, move it where I need it. Lo and behold, it doesn't look how it should look: The textures are stationary and the csg's change thier uv's when moved. Do not like! Can we have an option to keep the csg's uv stationary no matter where it's moved or what size it is? Or an option to export it as a model complete with textures and uv's to we can preserve our work?
  12. For tunnels you soul use the complex tube csg.
  13. The character controller has a non modifiable cylinder, so you can't replace it as far as lua is concerned. A solution I to manually create your own character controller. I have a feeling more people will end up doing this as they start making games that don't exactly fit in the COD FPS mold, or as they use non human characters.
  14. If it its on steam I'm fine with that, but I would like to be able to write to the user/documents folder if I use other distribution methods. Or make a data visualization program that need to get data in random directories
  15. Nilvalue = no value/nothing
  16. We can turn the sandboxing off right? Some what makes it difficult to make applications and integrate networking via lua.^^^^^^^DISREGARD ALL OF THAT, I AM STUPID AND NO READ GOOD. Didn't look at the pictures at all.
  17. You might have a multistory building/platform where floor depth matters or is visible. Floor depth of .5 you can get away with, but when you start climbing stairs, you'll notice how thick a floor is.
  18. Thanks Rick, helped alot. Is the callback script is supposed to change to the modules scope right?
  19. My computer specs and benchmark http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/2774891? I tend to do multiple 180 per second, its a habit developed from playing modded L4d2 servers. Never know where that super boomer is coming from.
  20. Making a large mall level, not many brushes, but i'm running into issues with the occlusion simply being greedy. If you are looking in one direction and then turn to look at a wall 180 degrees behind you, it's has been culled and takes around .5 seconds to appear. Is there a way to stop this behavior? I don't know if this is something to do with the lua version or not. An scenario for why I need it changed: You are running through the mall being chased. You do a split second 180 to look behind you, to see where your pursuer is. The map behind you isn't there. The map renders from the farthest object from you, and comes closer to you, allowing you to see through all the walls and know where everything is. This simply is unacceptable for a twitch based shooter, and I would assume it would be further exaggerated if the game was multiplayer. It gets progressively worse the more populated the world is. Map to test with. Prerequisites: Fullscreen 1080p, vsync on (self.context:Sync(true)) Mall.zip
  21. Gui's at the moment seem to be all the rage on the Leadwerks forum. We have the recent release of the noesisGUI, Patrik's showing of his gui's progress, and tjheldna's release of tjui and probaly many others. I also decided to try my hand at gui creation. Coming from a BASIC background (started with qb 1.0), I don't have the proper skills to use a third party gui without malloc errors or segfaulting everything. That, and my game is a lua game. Taking inspiration from Tjhldna's gui I started off making something similar in pure lua. After 2 days I managed to create a window manager and the windows themselves. It's a good start but a lot of things still need to be worked out. !!ANIMATED, CLICK TO VIEW!! Frontfacing code to make the demo: function Script:Start() -- Load Module lwgui = require "/scripts/lwgui" --Create Window Manger self.windowmanager = lwgui.WindowManager() --Create Windows self.window1 = lwgui.Window(200,200,300,300,windowcallback) -- window1 callback self.window2 = lwgui.Window(280,200,300,300) self.window3 = lwgui.Window(480,180,300,300) -- make the window see through --self.window.SetTransparancy(100) self.window2.SetTransparancy(100) --self.window3.SetTransparancy(100) --self.window.SetCallback(windowcallback) -- you can manually set a callback self.window1.SetTitle("Einlanders' Leadwerks Gui Window") self.window2.SetTitle("Einlanders' Leadwerks Gui WIndow 2") self.window3.SetTitle("Einlanders' Leadwerks Gui WIndow 2") -- set window color self.window2.SetWindowBodyColor({0,0,255}) self.window3.SetWindowBodyColor({0,30,0}) --Add Window To Window Manager self.windowmanager:AddWindow(self.window2)-- type checked self.windowmanager:AddWindow(self.window1)-- type checked self.windowmanager:AddWindow(self.window3)-- type checked --self.window.testwm() end function Script:UpdateWorld() -- update title self.window1.SetTitle(self.window1.GetX()..":"..self.window1.GetY().." Einlanders' Leadwerks Gui Window:"..self.window1.GetDepth()) self.window2.SetTitle(self.window2.GetX()..":"..self.window2.GetY().." Einlanders' Leadwerks Gui WIndow 2:"..self.window2.GetDepth()) self.window3.SetTitle(self.window3.GetX()..":"..self.window3.GetY().." Einlanders' Leadwerks Gui WIndow 2:"..self.window3.GetDepth()) local window = Window:GetCurrent() -- remove a window if window:KeyHit(Key.Q) then self.windowmanager:RemoveWindow(self.window1)-- type checked self.window1 = nil collectgarbage() end end --This function will be called after the world is rendered, before the screen is refreshed. --Use this to perform any 2D drawing you want the entity to display. function Script:PostRender(context) --process all logic inside the windows and window manager self.windowmanager.Process() -- Render all windows self.windowmanager.Render() end function windowcallback(e) -- window 1 callback System:Print(e[1]) end
  22. Try using a shader with an alpha mask
  23. Ahh deferred texture loading, reminds me of every single unreal engine game and the swimming textures that get sharper over time. Now I can say I'm using the Unreal engine when asked, wink:wink:nudge:nudge. But seriously, loading is almost instantaneous now. Thanks you for your work Josh. Now I need to find more bugs to give me an excuse for why I'm not being productive with my game making.
  24. That would require workshop uploads to carry with it licensing metadata. If you want to modify the files then the workshop creator should be able to mandate that you credit them for the base work. We know there has been a rash of get rich quick, steam greenlight projects that use misappropriated assets. Until there can be a line of ownership that shows who created what, and what projects used what assets. As an asset creator I want to be as lenient and liberal as possible with my creations, but I don't want to give my assets away and the next person say "I created this, so called originator is a liar. He just put my stuff on the workshop before me". The messed up things I have seen going on in the Left 4 Dead 2 workshop and the hatred it receives from l4dmaps.com . This exact thing goes on in the workshop now even with the creator posting on the originating website complete with timestamps that workshop publisher is a thief.
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