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Everything posted by Einlander

  1. Lol, it resolved itself. But I now get the unsupported map version error, so I'll wait till there is a solution for that.
  2. He said that he made his level smaller so he could use 1 spotlight to light his level. He can get the Sam effect on a larger level with 1 directional light instead. I didn't say spotlights were useless. In his usage case there was a simpler more efficient method to accomplish the same thin. Spotlights are good for small areas, but not to light your entire level.
  3. Couldn't you use a directional light to light up your scene with shadows, instead of one spotlight? Or changing the color of the scene roots ambient light? I too want to see the return of selective light mapping and some more optimizations in engine performance, but sometimes its a good idea to start from the beginning optimizing your level.
  4. Any chance we can create our own converters for the editor and register file formats for the editor to handle?
  5. SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!! BAN THIS SICK FILTH!!! Oh yeah, some one should add this.
  6. This might be of help, http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7958-navigation-without-physics/ they find a have mesh function in the c++ API that gives you points.
  7. There was an update within the last few hours, and since then i have not been able to launch nor install leadwerks.
  8. Its there, Debug:Error(tostring(math.abs(-5))) Pops up with 5
  9. You can use Delgine/Deled http://www.delgine.com/index.php?filename=product_deled or QuArk http://quark.sourceforge.net/ (both opensource) to create you're level and light map it. Then you can export your map and texture (once you download the proper exporter, neither of them export to fbx but obj is an option) with the lights pre-baked.
  10. I wrote this exact thing last week in lua, I needed to generate some mesh terrains that I could modify in real time. To make the faces/triangles, I did some linear calculations I use to use on my graphics calculator to turn a 1*X matrix into a simulated 3d matrix Script.null = 0 -- choice "Terrain Generator" "By Einlander" -- The size of the terrain in squares, so an extra vertex will be added in both directions, so a 10x10 square will have 11x11 vertices Script.TerrainSize = 10 -- int "Terrain Size" -- 100 is the sweet spot -- 1 is the size the leadwerks edior measurment Script.TerrainSquareSize = 10 -- int "Terrain Square Size" function Script:Start() -- measure performance local timer= Time:Millisecs() local timer2= Time:Millisecs() -- terrain size squared System:Print("Starting ") timer2 = Time:Millisecs() System:Print("Generating terrain ") self.terrain = self:MakeTerrain(self.TerrainSize) System:Print("Done "..(Time:Millisecs()-timer2)/1000) timer2 = Time:Millisecs() System:Print("Modify terrain ") self.terrain = self:ModifyTerrainVertex(self.terrain, 2,2,15) self.terrain = self:ModifyTerrainVertex(self.terrain, 2,3,15) System:Print("Done "..(Time:Millisecs()-timer2)/1000) timer2 = Time:Millisecs() System:Print("Generating Collision Mesh ") -- this is where all the time goes local shape = Shape:PolyMesh(self.terrain:GetSurface(0)) -- has to be a poly mesh, unless it's perfectly flat. System:Print("Done "..(Time:Millisecs()-timer2)/1000) self.terrain:SetShape(shape) self.terrain:SetCollisionType(Collision.Scene) self.terrain:SetPosition(0,0,0) System:Print("Loading Complete "..(Time:Millisecs()-timer)/1000) end function Script:UpdateWorld() end function Script:MakeTerrain(TerrainSize) -- capable of creating non square terrain with slight modification local terrain = nil terrain = Model:Create() terrain:SetColor(0.5,0.5,0.5) local surface = terrain:AddSurface() -- add vertexes System:Print("Generating Vertices") for TerrainWidth=0 , TerrainSize do for TerrainDepth=0 , TerrainSize do surface:AddVertex(TerrainWidth*self.TerrainSquareSize,0,TerrainDepth*self.TerrainSquareSize, 0,1,0) end end -- add triangles local currentrow = 0 System:Print("Generating faces") for trinaglestrip=0 , ((TerrainSize)^2)+(TerrainSize-1) do surface:AddTriangle(trinaglestrip,trinaglestrip+1,trinaglestrip+TerrainSize+1) surface:AddTriangle(trinaglestrip,trinaglestrip+TerrainSize+1,trinaglestrip+TerrainSize) end -- This is where you would add the uv's System:Print("") return terrain end function Script:ModifyTerrainVertex(terrain, X,Y,Elevation) -- Raises individual vertices remeber there is one extra vertex in both directions. local tempterrain = terrain local tempsurface=tempterrain:GetSurface(0) --!!!GET THE VERTEX POSITION FIRST, THEN MODIFY THE VALUES!!! --(X*(self.TerrainSize+1))+(Y)) the linear index tempvertexposition = tempsurface:GetVertexPosition((X*(self.TerrainSize+1))+(Y)) tempsurface:SetVertexPosition((X*(self.TerrainSize+1))+(Y),tempvertexposition[0],Elevation,tempvertexposition[2]) return tempterrain end Attach it to a pivot and run. It generates a collision polymesh, that's where the slowdown is. Otherwise, if you don't need to generate a collision mesh, it goes so much faster. It even has a method to manipulate the vertex elevation.
  11. I am trying to implement a molotov cocktail ala Left 4 Dead in lua for Leadwerks. I think I have most of it figured out, but i'm having some issues with the collisions. I would like to be able to throw one at my feet and not have the particles interact with the player. Pardon my spaghetti code: function Script:Start() self.enabled = true self.exploded=false self.particlelist={} self.particalspawntime=.03 self.collisonpoint = Vec3() self.particlecount=15 self.particlecounter=0 self.particlecounter2=0 self.timer=0 self.settle = true self.settletimer = 0 self.settletime = .05 self.burn=false self.burntime=10 self.burntimer=0 self.burnout=false self.burnouttime=.1 self.burnouttimer=0 --self.burnaoutparticlecounter=self.particlecount end function Script:UpdateWorld() end function Script:UpdatePhysics() if (self.exploded==true) and (self.enabled==true) and (self.particlecounter < self.particlecount) then local timer2 = Time:Millisecs() if ((timer2 -self.timer)/1000)>self.particalspawntime then --Debug:Error("Times Up") -- create box local model = Model:Box() -- add to particle list table.insert(self.particlelist,model) --model:SetPosition(self.entity:GetPosition()) model:SetPosition(self.collisonpoint.x,self.collisonpoint.y,self.collisonpoint.z) model:SetColor(0.0,0.0,1.0) model:SetScale(.5,.1,.5) model:SetFriction(0,.3) -- create collision local shape = Shape:ConvexHull(model:GetSurface(0)) --local shape = Shape:PolyMesh(model:GetSurface(0)) model:SetShape(shape) model:SetCollisionType(Collision.Prop) --set mass model:SetMass(5) model:AddForce(math.random(300,500),0,math.random(300,500),false) --model:PhysicsSetPosition(self.collisonpoint.x,self.collisonpoint.y+1,self.collisonpoint.z,.2) self.particlecounter = self.particlecounter + 1 if self.particlecounter == self.particlecount then self.settle = true self.settletimer = Time:Millisecs() self.particlecounter2=#self.particlelist --self.enabled = false end self.timer = Time:Millisecs() end end if (self.enabled == true) and (self.burnout == true) then --Debug:Error("burnout begin") end if (self.enabled == true) and (self.exploded==true) and (self.settle == true) and (self.particlecounter2 > 0) then local timer2 = Time:Millisecs() if ((timer2 -self.settletimer)/1000)>self.settletime then --Debug:Error(((timer2-self.settletimer)/1000)) local mdl= self.particlelist[self.particlecounter2] --mdl:SetCollisionType(Collision.Prop) --mdl:SetRotation(0,mdl:GetRotation().y,0) --mdl:AddForce(math.random(1,1),math.random(1,1),math.random(1,1),false) mdl:PhysicsSetPosition(mdl:GetPosition().x,mdl:GetPosition().y+.5,mdl:GetPosition().z,.1) mdl:SetCollisionType(Collision.Debris) --mdl:Release() --table.remove(self.particlelist,self.particlecounter2) self.settletimer = Time:Millisecs() self.particlecounter2 = self.particlecounter2-1 end end if (self.enabled == true) and (self.exploded==true) and (self.burn == true) and (#self.particlelist > 0) then local timer2 = Time:Millisecs() if ((timer2 -self.burntimer)/1000)>self.burntime then --local mdl= self.particlelist[#self.particlelist] --table.remove(self.particlelist,#self.particlelist) --mdl:Release() --self.burntimer = Time:Millisecs() self.burnout=true self.burn=false self.burnouttimer = Time:Millisecs() end end if (self.enabled == true) and (self.burnout == true) and (self.exploded==true) and (self.burn == false) and (#self.particlelist > 0) then local timer2 = Time:Millisecs() if ((timer2 -self.burnouttimer)/1000)>self.burnouttime then local mdl= self.particlelist[#self.particlelist] table.remove(self.particlelist,#self.particlelist) mdl:Release() self.burnouttimer = Time:Millisecs() end end if (self.enabled == true) and (self.burnout == true) and (self.exploded==true) and (self.burn == false) and (#self.particlelist <= 0) then self.enabled=false collectgarbage() self.entity:Release() end if (self.enabled == true) and (self.exploded==true) and (self.settle == true) and (self.particlecounter2 <1) and (self.burn==false)then self.settle =false self.burn=true self.burntimer = Time:Millisecs() end end function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) if (self.exploded==false) and (self.enabled == true) and (speed > 8) then --Debug:Error("break "..tostring(speed)) self.collisonpoint = self.entity:GetPosition() self.entity:SetCollisionType(Collision.Debris) self:Detonate() end end function Script:Detonate() --in if self.exploded==false and (self.enabled == true) then self.exploded=true self.timer = Time:Millisecs() self.entity:Hide() end end --This function will be called when the entity is deleted. function Script:Delete() collectgarbage() end --This function will be called when the last instance of this script is deleted. function Script:Cleanup() collectgarbage() end This was designed to be used with the fpsplayer. Instructions: Attach the script to an object with a collision type of prop. Set the mass to something between 1 and 5 so you can pick it up. The object needs to hit an object at a speed greater than 8 The object on impact will on impact dissapear and blocks will explode out of it. It will "burn" for 10 seconds, then it will clean up, removing the particles oldest to newest. When there are no more molotovs in the scene it will clean up after itself. It also attempts to flow down slopes for a little distance to simulate liquids. THE REQUEST: Got to bold it for the TL;DR crowd. Is there a way to make it interact with the world but not interact with the character controller? ToDo: Replace blocks with Emitters to similate fire, create trigger areas to hurt player when inside.
  12. Not possible in the lua version. The game doesn't even attempt to run. In windows, the console version immediately terminates.
  13. I have modular rooms repeated throughout my map, I would like to move some sub rooms in the prefab and then run through the level, experiment with the placement of destructible walls and see how it changes the flow of my game. It does help when you can see the change in the prefab within the context of the level instead of in a map by itself, then having to load your level then making sure its set correctly.
  14. @Scrotie, You saw it right. That is the fpsplayer prefab. Nothing has been changed other than disabling fall damage, and the teleporting.
  15. I would love this. Sometimes I need to compare 2 maps, or edit a prefab and see the results in a map. Leadwerks only runs in one instance and it gets frustrating.
  16. Foes blender gave a batch conversion function? I know fragmotion does, but it tends to collapse meshes to single objects
  17. True, but there should be a way to distribute your game without having to include steam dlls or it's dependencies. I want to release games on Desura and i don't want people thinking it's going to steam because they find evidence from dlls.
  18. How many sound devices do you have? This might be a funny question, but on my computer I have 4, one on each video card, 1 built in and one Usb Headset. Some programs such as winamp can get confused when an audio devices change. Knowing your OS and sound card helps too.
  19. I was trying to run my game from the exe, but I keet running into memory allocation errors. It reaches around 290mb ram in the windows task manager, then quits. If I load the Leadwerks editor and start it, it runs, but it will not run from the exe. Initializing Lua... Executing file "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Scripts/Error.lua" Executing file "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Scripts/App.lua" Initializing OpenGL4 graphics driver... OpenGL version 431 GLSL version 430 Device: AMD Radeon R7 200 Series Loading map "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Maps/Hotel_Holdout v2.map"... Loading model "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/models/characters/generic/generic.mdl" Loading material "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/bricks/bricklargebare0168_7_small.mat..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/bricks/BrickLargeBare0168_7_Small.tex..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/bricks/BrickLargeBare0168_7_Small_dot3.tex..." Loading shader "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Shaders/Model/diffuse+normal.shader"... Loading material "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/developer/bluegrid.mat..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/developer/BlueGrid.tex..." Loading shader "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Shaders/Model/diffuse.shader"... Loading material "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/bricks/brickround0044_5_small.mat..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/bricks/brickround0044_5_small.tex..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/bricks/brickround0044_5_small_dot3.tex..." Loading material "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/metal/metalplateszinc0014_3_small.mat..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/metal/metalplateszinc0014_3_small.tex..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/metal/metalplateszinc0014_3_small_dot3.tex..." Loading material "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/concrete/concrete_dirty.mat..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/concrete/concrete_dirty_diff.tex..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/concrete/concrete_dirty_dot3.tex..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/concrete/concrete_dirty_spec.tex..." Loading shader "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Shaders/Model/diffuse+normal+specular.shader"... Loading material "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/developer/orangegrid.mat..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/developer/orangegrid.tex..." Loading material "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/developer/greygrid.mat..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/developer/greygrid.tex..." Loading prefab "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/prefabs/vehicles/pickuptruck.pfb"... Loading model "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/models/vehicles/pickuptruck.mdl" Loading material "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/models/vehicles/truck_black.mat..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/models/vehicles/truck_black_diff.tex..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/models/vehicles/truck_nmap.tex..." Loading shape "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/models/vehicles/pickuptruck.phy..." Loading model "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/models/vehicles/tiretruck.mdl" Loading material "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/models/vehicles/trucktire.mat..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/models/vehicles/trucktire_diff.tex..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/models/vehicles/trucktire_nmap.tex..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/models/vehicles/trucktire_spec.tex..." Loading material "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/floors/floorsregular0301_2_medium.mat..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/floors/floorsregular0301_2_medium.tex..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/floors/floorsregular0301_2_small_dot3.tex..." Loading material "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/metal/metalplatesnew0009_1_medium.mat..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/metal/metalplatesnew0009_1_medium.tex..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/metal/metalplatesnew0009_1_medium_dot3.tex..." Loading material "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/developer/greengrid.mat..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/developer/greengrid.tex..." Loading material "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/wallpaper/wallpaperseventies0048_medium.mat..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/wallpaper/WallpaperSeventies0048_Medium.tex..." Loading material "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/carpets/carpetstextureno7620_1600x1200.mat..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/carpets/carpetstextureno7620_1600x1200.tex..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/carpets/carpetstextureno7620_1600x1200_dot3.tex..." Loading material "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/wallpaper/wallpaperforties0033_medium.mat..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/wallpaper/WallpaperForties0033_Medium.tex..." Loading material "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/wood/woodplanksclean0036_1_small.mat..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/wood/woodplanksclean0036_1_small.tex..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/wood/woodplanksclean0036_1_small_dot3.tex..." Loading material "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/plaster/concretestucco0179_12_medium.mat..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/plaster/ConcreteStucco0179_12_Medium.tex..." Loading material "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/wallpaper/wallpaperstextureno8618_1600x1200.mat..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/wallpaper/wallpapersTextureNo8618_1600x1200.tex..." Loading material "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/floortiles/tilesbroken0013_2.mat..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/floortiles/tilesbroken0013_2.tex..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/materials/floortiles/tilesbroken0013_2_dot3.tex..." Loading component "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/scripts/objects/player/fpsplayer.lua..." Executing file "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/scripts/objects/player/fpsplayer.lua" Executing file "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Scripts/Functions/ReleaseTableObjects.lua" Loading component "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/scripts/objects/triggers/simpledestruction.lua..." Executing file "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/scripts/objects/triggers/simpledestruction.lua" Loading material "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Materials/Common/NavMesh.mat..." Loading shader "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/shaders/model/flat/default.shader"... Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Materials/HUD/crosshair.tex..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Materials/HUD/use.tex..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Materials/HUD/blood1.tex..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Materials/HUD/blood2.tex..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Materials/HUD/blood3.tex..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Materials/HUD/blood4.tex..." Loading sound "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Sound/Player/flashlight_02_on.wav..." Loading sound "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Sound/Impact/body_punch_03.wav..." Loading sound "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Sound/Impact/body_punch_04.wav..." Loading sound "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Sound/Footsteps/Concrete/step1.wav..." Loading sound "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Sound/Footsteps/Concrete/step2.wav..." Loading sound "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Sound/Footsteps/Concrete/step3.wav..." Loading sound "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Sound/Footsteps/Concrete/step4.wav..." Loading sound "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Sound/Footsteps/Concrete/jump.wav..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/Materials/Common/bfn.tex..." Loading prefab "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/prefabs/weapons/autopistol.pfb"... Loading model "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/models/weapons/autopistol/fpsautopistol.mdl" Loading material "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/models/weapons/autopistol/45_.mat..." Loading shader "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/shaders/model/animated/diffuse+normal+specular.shader"... Loading shader "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/shaders/model/shadow/shadow+animation.shader"... Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/models/weapons/autopistol/45__color.tex..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/models/weapons/autopistol/45_dot3.tex..." Loading texture "C:/Users/Einlander/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Holdout/models/weapons/autopistol/45_spec.tex..." Error: Memory allocation error. I have 2 AMD Radeon R7 200's in crossfire, but leadwerks runs in a manner that the crossfire does not enable itself. My specs: Windows 7 Pro DirectX 11 8GB Ram AMD FX™-8350 Eight-Core Processor, 4000 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s) 2 X (AMD Radeon R7 200 2GB) CrossfireX Enabled AMD Catalyst 13.12 WHQL dual 1080p monitors (game runs in one screen anyway)
  20. Don't walk near the wall, line up like the first picture, and walk right INTO the wall, you will fall through. There is no pick code involved. it simply hides the model and as per documentation, it's physics simply should stop functioning, which in this case it is not. If you look at the hand and walk slowly you can see it bounce when it walks where the block use to be. I Don't want to shrink, thicken, or move the wall, nor do I want to restrict where or how it gets damaged. It has to be a normal wall, and it has to disappear, leading to such issues. In my game, the cars will be movable and if for whatever reason a player or an AI places the car in such a situation, I want to be able to have it resolved beforehand or come up with a solution to mediate it. I can not dictate how a person will play a game or solve an issue, I can only preemptively counter known issues and behavior and reactivate fix emergent ones.
  21. This is a small map that contains both physics bugs. First bug, shoot the wall, then walk directly into the wall on your left Second bug, walk between the 2 trucks:
  22. This reminds me of the bullet hell game Ikaruga. You can switch the color of your ship between black or white. Your enemies either are black or white and shoot corresponding colors. Your ship is invulnerable to whatever color it is currently and the enemies take extra damage when shot with the opposite color.
  23. Question for Everyone having this problem, are you on the release version of the steam client or the beta version? I'm running the beta steam client and leadwerks steam beta and haven't got this issue yet.
  24. The map blocks are not dynamically generated. I just have one block dynamically removed. The thickness does mot matter, the block I fell through was 4 units thick. I will make an example map tomorrow, I'll be at work all day and wont have time.
  25. While testing my game level, I came across a few situations where you can fall through the game map. It doesn't matter what size the csg is, you can fall through it at certain reproducible instances. I have only used the built in character controller, i have not created a manual controller and tested it so your mileage may vary. Video is still uploading.
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