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Everything posted by Einlander

  1. Keep in mind, as awesome as blender is, it suffers from a community driven user interface. Blender simply doesn't make any logical sense to me, that's why I use Anim8or. Other people will pay for software even though there may be better and more viable open source tools. For me, its because I simply don't like Blender but its the first tool I would recommend after Anim8or.
  2. Steam version does c++ also, but you can only run one instance and you must have steam running.
  3. $50 USD a month? Nope, I'll cope with Blender thank you.
  4. Can you recommend any alternatives? I mostly use Anim8or and 3dCoat, Blender is installed, but I'm not at a competent skill level at that yet.
  5. Doesn't the video card convert it into raw data anyway? If it was compressed the engine would still have to decompress the image and feed it to the video card. That's an extra time consuming step added instead of just uncompressing it ahead of time.
  6. I had the same issue yesterday with some models I was working on. I was modeling it and Leadwerks was updating the mesh in real time. I just wanted to run the scene and have the collision update accordingly. So I wrote a lua script that automates it for me. I'll share the script tomorrow when I get off work.
  7. I wonder what the steam price will be. If it has a full price option it will have to wait. I'm not ready to drop that kind of money on software so soon after getting 3dCoat.
  8. Agreed, also in the lua version can we load all the steam APIs and dlls when the steam lua command is called?
  9. It's when the graphics card takes a model and renders it multiple time at once. http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=179372 Basically you have one tree model but you pasted it 100 times in your level. The game engine would recognize this and would tell the graphics card this model is used alot, then when the card renders it, it will render all 100 trees at one time instead of having the engine tell it 100 different time to draw this tree. Saves time and memory.
  10. Depends on the engine. For Leadwerks in my opinion, that's high poly, especially if you need to have multiple non instanced trees. I had 6 trees and the frame rate drop was amazing.
  11. We would need to see your callback function to know if Leadwerks is doing something wrong or if you did something wrong.
  12. Click on your username. It should make a menu appear
  13. Leadwerks also provides you with a blog area. Just click on your username in the top right corner, then click manage blogs. Here you can make a new one.
  14. A little modification of what Shadoh said %localappdata%\leadwerks will take you to the leadwerks folder. There are log files and settings there.
  15. I wouldn't know, never bothered to check. I'm at work right now so some other kind soul would have to look it up for you.
  16. It seems like what your looking for is a hot key/ shift state for the Ignore groups option. So if you press a button it will turn it on or stay on as long as you hold it.
  17. Windows msdn documentation frowns on people directly writing to that folder. But yeah its a hidden folder. how to view hidden files/folders http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/show-hidden-files-and-folders-in-windows-vista/
  18. http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/wiki:face-entity
  19. I want to be able to change the resolution of the game while I debug it. I have a very inelegant solution where I set the old window to nil and create a new window and get it's context. What I came up with: function App:Start() self.Fullscreen = false end function App:Loop() if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.F8)) and (self.Fullscreen == false) then self.window:Hide() self.window=Window:Create(self.title, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, Window.FullScreen) self.context=Context:Create(self.window,0) self.context:SetColor(0,0,0) self.context:Clear() self.context:Sync() self.context:SetColor(1,1,1) self.Fullscreen = true end end *add the code in the right functions This will switch the window fullscreen, but the old window is still lurking about. Is there a way to close the window or would I need to make a topic in the suggestions sub forum? Bonus: My setup for debug and relase function App:Start() --Create a window if DEBUG then self.window=Window:Create(self.title) else self.window=Window:Create(self.title, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, Window.FullScreen) end end function App:Loop() self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) if DEBUG then self.context:SetColor(1,0,0,1) self.context:DrawText("Debug Mode",2,2) self.context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) self.context:DrawStats(2,22) self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) else self.context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) self.context:DrawText("FPS: "..Math:Round(Time:UPS()),2,2) self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) end --Refresh the screen if DEBUG then self.context:Sync(false) else self.context:Sync(true) end end *add the code in the right functions This one runs debug in a window and release fullscreen
  20. I don't think you can modify bone data with the lua commands.
  21. I would suggest Assimp, http://assimp.sourceforge.net/main_features.html its BSD licensed and can convert alot of formats. The downside is it doesn't convert to any formats that Leadwerks uses. Also I don't know how it treats animated models, if at all. Josh released the gmf/mdl SDK someone who understands both code bases (not me, I'm not that bright) can add a Leadwerks export to assimp, or port the unwrap 3d plugin to assimp.
  22. Can you add _nmap ? That's what 3dcoat uses, but Leadwerks dosen't detect that it's a normal map.
  23. Finally had some time to take a look at my map. Added self.world:SetLightQuality(2) to app.lua and things look a lot better. I guess I can remedy some of the small areas by breaking up long corridors, or scripting the light to turn off when they reach a certain area.
  24. wu= World Unit. The actual world size of a editor measurement. Grid unit is the grid based measurement of an object . But I assume Leadwerks uses 1grid unit = 1 meter? I tend to use alot of hammer / source engine terms since I've mad server mods for some games.EDIT:Got some turns swapped around, Fixed.
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