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Everything posted by nate066

  1. Did you script the weapon? You have to add and customize the Weapon script for it to work.
  2. Thanks Shadmar, I haven't been able to test it out yet but i will post what i do with it.
  3. Is there a way to use a folder with a image sequence inside to animate the the texture on the model. It would be a lot more powerful then just moving the uv's.
  4. I see there is a animated texture shader in the shaders folder but how do I get it to work?
  5. I dont think it is possible without external libraries
  6. I guess it depends what your used to. I have never wrote a shader before but i have worked with blenders node shader creator and 3ds max's as well. It opens up more possibilities for more users.
  7. I think it would be cool if there was a built in command to turn SSAO on in c++ and lua.
  8. I would love to see this in leadwerks. It would make creating shaders a lot easier and quicker
  9. I agree leadwerks needs optimization but i think first we should worry about the bugs and basic features that need to be implemented.
  10. Could you add support for changing the background color of the main editor. so that we can make it a dark grey. To fix the icons that are black if the color goes below a certain darkness threshhold you invert the color of the icons. Because it would be nice to work in a darker grey. It looks cooler and when your working in a dark place its not so bright.
  11. Could you add support for changing the background color of the main editor. so that we can make it a dark grey. To fix the icons that are black if the color goes below a certain darkness threshhold you invert the color of the icons. Because it would be nice to work in a darker grey. It looks cooler and when your working in a dark place its not so bright.
  12. Or in leadwerks editor you in the model editor. Goto tools then calculate normals and then flip face that should fix the issue. To open the model editor double click on the model in the asset view. I would still apply the scale though.
  13. You need to flip the normals. You also need to apply the scale. Its the same thing as freezing the transform in 3ds max or deleting history in maya you can do this by hitting ctrl + a then use the rotation + scale
  14. Josh has already said hes not moving backwards to opengl 3.0, We want to move forward not backwards. According to the steam hard ware survey most people on steam have a opengl 4.0 card. Lightmaps can be handy but i would rather not have them. Steam Hardware survey: http://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey Where josh said he's not moving backwards: http://steamcommunity.com/app/251810/discussions/0/630802979287089496/
  15. It seems like there are tons of bugs that result in Exspection Access Violations. heres mine http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8266-windows-access-violation/
  16. Heres the link to the full project, Hopefully it helps. i would upload it here but it was to large. And if it helps deleting the Solid.shader or textured.shader will give the exact same error when selecting the model. To get the error open the map "Magic Map" then select one of the pillars and goto the scene tab. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/27400094/Tutorials.zip
  17. i think you would have to add it
  18. This is most certainly not true, If games do crash its do to a lack of programming on the developers side. Lua is one of the most stable scripting languages,in addition to that its the fastest scripting language, so if your going to make a 3d game lua is a good choice compared to other scripting languages.
  19. You have pass the ammo varible to the draw command. And set the physics charactor angle to 180 degrees
  20. It also happens with models and random objects now. Im working with a model that is 1000verts and i have a light and 2 other models in the hierarchy and the editor crashes whenever i select them in the scene tab. i made a new project and it didn't happen at first then all of a sudden it started happening again. Duplicating models as well will also result in this error. In one project it happens so often you can't do anything without the editor crashing.
  21. in the editor goto TOOLS->Options
  22. this command doesnt work in lua for some reason
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