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Everything posted by nate066

  1. Hmmmm Interesting. Once i figure out how to make a nice looking explosion, I will do a tutorial on a grenade
  2. Yeah thats a great way of doing it to. It just depends how you want to set it up on the player or jumppad side. I would choose player side for small games and for larger games i would use the jumppad side. There's not really a difference it really just your own personal preference.
  3. Im doing a tutorial on jump-pads right now should be out later today.
  4. Why not have organization and multiple flowgraph tabs
  5. It would be awesome if you could have multiple tabs(Unlimited) in the flowgraph editor each one being separate from each other. That way you could change part of you game without destroying every flowgraph connection when you delete or change a script.
  6. Scrolling down on the emitter page crashes leadwerks. Steps to reproduce: 1. create a particle emitter through the objects window. 2. enable real-time rending 3. select the particle emitter then scroll down on the emitter tab.
  7. a standard character is 1.9 inches tall in 3ds max
  8. Wow, Thats simple, thanks for the help Wow, This forum rocks that was going to be my next question.
  9. In 3ds max what should i be using for modeling measurements in 3ds max
  10. How do i change a lights color
  11. It's the full version of leadwerks 3.1. So it has c++ support in addition to lua
  12. Thats unity i was looking for a leadwerks solution
  13. How would i create nice looking explosions in leadwerks, more of a realistic look. And how would i make physics object get knocked back with the explosion as well as casting lights.
  14. Its a full game engine you just have to program via lua instead of c++
  15. T Thanks that worked
  16. Have you tried validating the files through steam. To Validate the files right click on leadwerks in steam, Then Goto property, Next go in local files tab and select verify integrity of local cache files.
  17. When I draw my text i get these weird blocky characters.
  18. How would i draw text on the screen
  19. precision mediump float; uniform sampler2D vTex; varying vec2 vCoord; const float step_w = 0.0015625; const float step_h = 0.0027778; vec3 blur() { float y = vCoord.t < 0.4 ? vCoord.t : 1.0 - vCoord.t; float dist = 8.0 - 20.0 * y; vec3 acc = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); for (float y=-2.0; y<=2.0; ++y) { for (float x=-2.0; x<=2.0; ++x) { acc += texture2D(vTex, vec2(vCoord.x + dist * x * step_w, vCoord.y + 0.5 * dist * y * step_h)).bgr; } } return acc / 25.0; } void main(void) { vec3 col; if (vCoord.t >= 0.4 && vCoord.t <= 0.6) col = texture2D(vTex, vCoord).bgr; else col = blur(); gl_FragColor.a = 1.0; gl_FragColor.rgb = col; } The code above is faking tilt shift its from this website: http://kodemongki.blogspot.com/2011/06/kameraku-custom-shader-effects-example.html and this topic should help also. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4579020/how-do-i-use-a-glsl-shader-to-apply-a-radial-blur-to-an-entire-scene
  20. I dont think there are any new csg tools in 3.1 This has the list of features for leadwerks 3.1 when it comes out http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/41/entry-1156-leadwerks-31-pre-orders-now-available-indie-edition-coming-to-steam-january-6th/ and this post by josh states that csg tools high-priority for the future but there not implemented yet http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/user/41-marcus/ and if more csg tools come out during 3.1 you wont be able to try them in the trial as the trial is only updated once per major release.
  21. its a major update. You only get minor updates free
  22. Yes i think a intergrated gui maker would be very helpful
  23. No matter what you do you still need support for particle collision with objects unless leadwerks alredy has partical collision which i dont think it does
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