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Everything posted by tjheldna

  1. Hi Josh, Adding Terrain Layers works fine in the editor. The problem is occurring when I load the world in code. - If the terrain has greater than 4 layers only the base texture displays when a world is loaded. - If I remove the 5th layer textures, layers 1 - 4 display again. Hope this one makes sense. If you need any more info just let me know. Cheers
  2. Could anyone tell me what I need to do with a Listener? How many do you need if more than one? Where do they go? I don't quite understand this object. Cheers
  3. Hi Josh, The character controller doesn't collide with a trigger controller at all any more. I set a break point in the collision hook and it is never hit. Cheers! EDIT Looks like it's the character controller only. Rigid body shapes fire the collision hook. EDIT Again Looks like it's between the character controller and Collision Type Trigger. If the rigid body is set to Prop etc the hook fires.
  4. Try a clean and rebuild of your project.
  5. This can't download fast enough, been really looking forward to this update. Thanks!
  6. Hi Admin, I get a similar result on my desktop, however if you press 1 to show collision, the cylinder does go into the ground a bit. This screen is taken on my Mac pro, the results are worse. Your right I should have made sure the model was more correctly orientated first.
  7. Hi Josh, Here is another quick project demonstrating the unwanted collision with the inside of a trigger box and a character controller. As you will notice the controller will eventually force his way through the box. If you stop applying a force the player falls straight through as expected, while inside the box it's a different story. I don't know if this happens if the character controller is replaced with a Rigid body object. Cheers, Tim
  8. I like your art Pancakes. Not just from the above, but other screens you have shown also.
  9. Hi Josh, I've just done a quick project to show the first of my character controller issues. The character controller goes through walls floors at higher velocities. In this demo the higher the character falls, the more he passes through the floor. Cheers
  10. Just did a quick one if anyone is interested. Just add it to a Pivot or some other node.
  11. Is there currently any way to add a sound node into the level editor? I understand I could create a quick lua script, but Is there an official way?
  12. Hi Josh, Don't forget I messaged you a link download to my project which shows many character controller physic issues. The title of the message is "Project" Cheers!
  13. Hi Cassius Here is something Ive adapted from the lua code... void GameCharacter::SetAnimationSequence(float blendTime) { blendStart = Time::GetCurrent(); blendFinish = blendStart + blendTime; } if(characterState != prevCharacterState) { SetAnimationSequence(500); //This only gets hit once. } sequence = 1; // or whatever float animSpeed = 0.04F; float blend = (Time::GetCurrent() - blendStart) / (blendFinish - blendStart); blend = Math::Min(1.0, blend); frame = (Time::GetCurrent() - blendStart) * animSpeed; float length = entity->GetAnimationLength(sequence, true); if(frame >= (length - 1)) { frame = length -1; characterState = kStateIdle; } entity->SetAnimationFrame(frame, blend, sequence, true); Hope this helps
  14. It worked for me, have you added a specular map and played around with the specular values in the material editor? (after you added shadmar's fixes)
  15. Hi YouGroove In the Entities SetInput(-character->GetYaw(), character->GetMove(), 0.0F, character->GetJump(), 0.8, 0.8) Its for 4th parameter which applies a jump force. I've set it on a timer so the force is applied for a fraction of a second when you hit a key. hope this helps.
  16. Hi Andy Try this in your entities physics update to keep it on the z axis... Vec3 pos = entity->GetPosition(); pos.x = 0.0F; entity->PhysicsSetPosition(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 0.01F); This works on all physics apart from a character controller, I still haven't found a way to restrict an axis for a character.
  17. I have created an entity, and called it's member EmitSound(sound) The emitted sound plays however it does not follow the entity that called it and remains stays at it's creation point. Setting the sound to loop is a good test. Also Set the Draw stats to 1. keep emitting a sound. Watch your memory usage go up and up. It says in the doc's the sound is supposed to be released after playing, but it doesn't look like it's happening to me. Memory usage goes up with the Play() function too. Cheers!
  18. What I do with tree[d] is create very large leaves and fewer of them and apply the branch texture. To create branches I create a tree in tree[d] and render it out as a branch.
  19. Invert the Y channel on the normal map texture?
  20. Tree[d] http://www.frecle.net/index.php?show=treed.about
  21. Hi yes, They are under the Objects tab then select Effects from the first drop down. After that you can then add them to the scene.
  22. Hi Josh, Just want to confirm you have downloaded the project? I want to remove it that's all. Cheers!
  23. Hi Rick, Was having the same issue when compiling in release for my project, debug is fine for sounds. It's pointing to a bug imo.
  24. Hmm no idea if it works in Lua. Good Luck!
  25. enum { kCollisionProjectile = 6, kCollisionEnemyAI = 7, kCollisionCorpse = 8 }; PhysicsDriver::GetCurrent()->SetCollisionResponse(kCollisionProjectile, Collision::Scene, 1); PhysicsDriver::GetCurrent()->SetCollisionResponse(kCollisionProjectile, Collision::Prop, 1); PhysicsDriver::GetCurrent()->SetCollisionResponse(kCollisionProjectile, kCollisionEnemyAI, 1); PhysicsDriver::GetCurrent()->SetCollisionResponse(kCollisionProjectile, Collision::Trigger, 0); PhysicsDriver::GetCurrent()->SetCollisionResponse(kCollisionProjectile, Collision::Character, 0); PhysicsDriver::GetCurrent()->SetCollisionResponse(kCollisionProjectile, kCollisionProjectile, 0); done =)
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