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Everything posted by tjheldna

  1. Hi All I've uploaded all changes I've made to my GUI system today as it can be used for the Penguin competition. I have made many changes since my last update and would be unfair if I didn't post my current version as I plan to use it! If you are using the previous versions in your project there are quite a few changes. Mainly the word "widget" is removed from things like SetWidgetPosX etc. With time being the big constraint with the Machine for Penguins comp this will really get a quick GUI on your screen.This is also a very flexible system as you can create your own widgets from a mixture of others Look at the Button widget for example its made up of a Quad, Border and Label. Hope you can get some use out of it as I have! Enjoy!
  2. OK I've finished coding like a noob. I've added in a quick timer as if you delete it on the fist loop it deletes successfully which I didn't realise also. Just replace the App.ccp and App.h in any new project
  3. Damn, I did that project really fast and missed that, I'll take another look. Thanks!
  4. Would we be allowed to use the GUI system I created for c++? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6407-le3-c-tjui/page__hl__tjui
  5. Hi Josh, Just starting a new thread as the other is locked. Here is a project where Releasing an entity with a velocity crashes the program In my project it doesn't matter where it do it it always causes a crash. I did the project really quickly, so hope it's OK (or not so OK as it should be!). Cheers!
  6. Is the height of the characters collision something we can edit? That would help. Don`t think we can currently, am I wrong? Cheers
  7. So every character has to be the same size, I just cant see that working, will that limitation change eventually?
  8. I'm not sure if this has been looked at as of yet, but is it possible to change the cylinder size of the character controller? Cheers
  9. Use this shader instead, (I didn't code this Shadmar did). Put it in your Dynamic folder.
  10. After some messing around It seems that I can't work out a way to delete one of those objects. I'll put together a simple project to show the issue. Just for my reference though, where is the best place in the game loop to delete an entity? Cheers
  11. Can we use any existing code, and do we have to release the code once the contest is over?
  12. Hi Since todays latest terrain update I'm getting crashes in my projectile class which didn't happen before. The crashes are occurring during the physics update I believe. The crash is only occurring when trying to release an Entity with a Rigid Body and a mass and velocity set aka a projectile. If the entities velociy is set to 0 the crash doesn't occur when released. The entity is released after world->Render(); Here is a screen of the call stack.... If you need I can create a project demonstrating, but that will have to wait till tomorrow. I just thought I'd give a heads up if it's something simple. Cheers!
  13. Ive just had a look at the OSX publish option and had a query. When published under OSX a folder is created with your .app inside and all the game files loose in the same folder. Is it at all possible to get all game files nice and neat inside the .app file so your .app file can go directly into Applications? Cheers!
  14. Having issues creating folders under OSX. It appears the operations are working i.e create file/folder rename file/folder when searched for in Finder. However in the asset browser the changes aren't appearing until I reload the app. Cheers
  15. Since updating today, I no longer have terrain collision with my character controllers. Cheers! Actually it may be something on my end....looking into it now. Nope can't seem to get anything to collide with the terrain.
  16. I don't want to log this as a bug report as I hope for some feedback if any on the issue. ...So I've ditched my test level and started to create a "real level". I've set collectables only to have dynamic shadows and turned off dynamic shadows for the characters. I'm adding small objects like coins etc and as I'm doing so i'm loosing a heap of frame rate with shadows set to Dynamic on these objects. I have no lights in the scene apart from 1 directional light as it's outdoors. Here are the stats: -Distance on the objects is set to near. shadows on fps settles around = 100 - 105 (no objects visible on screen) shadows off fps settles = 220 - 290 (no objects visible on screen) There are 24 objects in the scene that I'm testing with most of them coins at about 38 polys. I'm getting a little worried as this is the start level and it's only going to get more intense from here!
  17. I'll give it a go. Thanks!
  18. Hi Josh, This is not a big one, when you copy an object the collision type is not copied to the new object (always resets to Prop) Cheers!
  19. Would be really nice to have control over the mip map distances. In the game I'm making the camera offset distance is passed the first mipmap distance. So default all the textures look blurry. Is there functionality that I'm unaware of? If not it would be great to have control over the distance and amount. Cheers!
  20. You beat me to it. Possibly [ ] keys like zBrush and sculptris for size?
  21. I too have noticed something with the physics. I have created my own very basic character controller for one of my levels. Even though it's aligned to the floor, when the world is loaded the rigid body jumps in the air then comes to rest. It didn't do that in the last build.
  22. Thanks for clearing it up for me guys, I've ended up placing it at the cameras position.
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