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Everything posted by tjheldna

  1. Just wondering if at some stage we could edit prefabs if they are a world?
  2. I think this may be a Modo issue, but does anyone know if Modo 701 exports the models smoothing groups? I create them but they never seem to come through when imported into LE.
  3. mass = 100 move speed = 1.7 gravity = true
  4. I'm using set friction for an entity however the values are more like this. For me it is making a difference. entity->SetFriction(0.05F, 0.05F);
  5. Hey Rick, This works for me, I think the problem might be in your shape constructor as I think size is the 7th, 8th, 9th param so your box doesn't have a size. Shape *shape = Shape::Box(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.4F, 0.4F, 0.4F); Pivot *pivot = Pivot::Create(); pivot->SetShape(shape); shape->Release(); pivot->SetPhysicsMode(Entity::RigidBodyPhysics); pivot->SetMass(10.0F);
  6. Hi Josh, I had my project working last night on Android and then updated to the latest build with the touch fixes. Since then I'm getting the following compile errors in Eclipse. C:\Leadwerks\Projects/ColdFeet/Projects/Android/jni/main.cpp: In function 'void Java_com_leadwerks_leandroidb_AndroidRenderer_move(JNIEnv*, _jobject*, jfloat, jfloat, jint)': C:\Leadwerks\Projects/ColdFeet/Projects/Android/jni/main.cpp:391: error: '_TouchPosition' is not a member of 'Leadwerks::Window' C:\Leadwerks\Projects/ColdFeet/Projects/Android/jni/main.cpp:391: error: 'pointerIndex' was not declared in this scope C:\Leadwerks\Projects/ColdFeet/Projects/Android/jni/main.cpp:391: error: '_TouchPosition' is not a member of 'Leadwerks::Window' C:\Leadwerks\Projects/ColdFeet/Projects/Android/jni/main.cpp:393: error: 'Leadwerks3D' has not been declared C:\Leadwerks\Projects/ColdFeet/Projects/Android/jni/main.cpp:394: error: 'Leadwerks3D' has not been declared C:\Leadwerks\Projects/ColdFeet/Projects/Android/jni/main.cpp:395: error: 'Leadwerks3D' has not been declared C:\Leadwerks\Projects/ColdFeet/Projects/Android/jni/main.cpp:395: error: 'EVENT_TOUCH_MOVE' was not declared in this scope make: *** [C:\Leadwerks\Projects/ColdFeet/Projects/Android/obj/local/armeabi/objs/app/main.o] Error 1 make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... Cheers!
  7. I'll research Factory Pattern, I just don't know what to search for! Cheers, Rick
  8. Hi All, I'm trying to make my code more efficient and have come across a problem that I'm not sure how I can get around and I’m banging my head against the wall. enum { typeSpawn = 'spaw' }; //Base class class Object { long type; public: Object(long type) }; //Derived class class Spawn : public Object { public: Spawn(long type) }; Say each object that needs to be saved has a 'type' for this example the inherited class is a spawn. When Loading I need to re-create these objects with the type being the only identifier for what to type of object to create. At the moment I have a switch statement long type = typeReadFromFile Object *object = Null; Switch(type) { case typeSpawn: { object = new Spawn(); break; } } This works however it would be nice to be able to call a base class function object->Create(type) which acts like a virtual constructor (which is not possible in C++). This will save having to add a new case each time I create a new object which needs serialisation. Anyone have any info or ideas on how to solve this problem? Cheers!!!
  9. Nice that would be handy, What I'm using some scripts for is to add key values to the entity. So I need to check that if there is no script attached the entity gets assigned default key values in code.
  10. Thanks, I really enjoyed creating this game from concept right to the end. I plan to keep this game updated and add the features, art and polish that didn't make it in. Next on the list is to get it compiling on Android and touch controls obviously!
  11. Just though I'd just share something that some people may find interesting. I recently purchased a new wacom intuos small for around $140. With it you get some free software downloads including a piece of software I've never heard of before called Clip Studio Paint. Usually I throw this bundled software in the bin or in this case don't download it, however I chose to take a look at it. To my surprise the software mimics Photoshop very nicely and in some ways does things a little better. It also has some great character design tools where you pose a 3D model and use that as a background template. This software also works with ZappLink in zBrush too. Anyway just thought I'd share this as I'm preferring using this over Photoshop at the moment and didn't really cost me a cent... nice cheaper alternative.
  12. In C++ is there any way to check if an entity has a script attached? Cheers!
  13. Hi Rick, If I understand the question correctly I think the answer is no. I also have a few bug fixes to upload also, I'll probably do it in a few days. Disabled widgets aren't disabling properly as I found out last night.
  14. Hi panz3r, If your after a Lua solution I know Aggror is working on one currently so search for forums for that. If your after a C++ solution I have created one which I update periodically. I have uploaded a working project to get you started and there are quite a few widgets to choose from. It's also easy to create your own. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6407-le3-c-tjui/page__hl__tjui Cheers!
  15. Hi All, Introducing my “Machine For Penguins” submission with the tentative name of “Cold Feet”. I've actually had quite a bit of time to work on it as I’ve taken some annual leave I then fell sick for a bit and there have also been a few late nights also. Although it’s a big work in progress I am more than happy with the progress that has been made. What I have currently is a working demo so it’s on to fixing bugs and hopefully some more artwork and polish. Introduction Keeping things simple and expectations realistic is the theme for this project and no scope creep, which happens to invade all of my previous projects. It was then time for an idea. I used Google doc’s for some brainstorming using the Machine For Penguins theme with physics and joints gave me some solid ideas for the game and game play features. Google docs was used again for the brainstorming of the games classes, bug tracking, features, storyline. Models and Artwork To keep things simple pretty much all art is to be hand drawn with maybe a texture overlay here or there. I can’t afford to be bogged down here, and to me this is the danger area. Models are to be very low poly and only textured if I have time and the texturing is to be very simple. Level For this demo 1 level will be created and is to be very simple with the play area being a rectangle. Game Play With the gameplay idea I was hoping to have a fast paced game where time is against you. Your goal is to crush ice cubes to create snow cones. You must push ice cubes (Rigid Body shapes) onto a hatch (Joint motor) and release the hatch to drop the cubes into the crusher! Difficulty increases and more cubes drop down until you complete the level or time runs out (end of game). Story Line I came up with a quick dramatic storyline to simply explain what is going on, this is to be spoken in a deep serious voice ackhem….. For centuries mankind has been searched in vein for the perfect Snow Cone on that hot summers day. Legend has it that deep in the Arctic, an elite unit of penguins have unlocked the secrets to this overwhelming problem humanity faces. The heat wave is unbearable; as a last resort we turned to these “Masters of Ice” to do what mankind has failed to do…. Start a Franchise to make perfect snow cones and FAST! Progress I've been taking a few screenshots and videos along the way so here they are! Video one: In this video the game structure has been basically completed by using the “How to structure a game tutorial” in the tutorial section as this had to be done from scratch however it’s always a work in progress. Also showing the main character, character movement, camera tracking, and cubes (rigid body). This is the core of the game play! How simple is that! Video two: Shows the implementation of two hinge joints which are released by pressing a key. The joint motor is then released for a time period and then activated. Basic gameplay rules have been completed; ice cube drops and crush. So cubes drop down, you push them onto the trap, you open the trap and the cube is ground into a snow cone Ha! Since the video I have created some more models and textured the level.
  16. Hi Josh, Just sent you a message, but no it's not resolved. Chuck this in a new project for an example, hopefully it will do the same for you as it does for me. Code.zip 1.33K 1 downloads Cheers
  17. Crazy Bump makes quite nice spec maps too, not free though. It was worth it IMO.
  18. Just wondering are we to post any progress on the forums?
  19. Is there a good way to check for memory leaks in LE? or is there a way to do this via VS? Cheers
  20. If you select an object i.e a pivot in a viewport and zoom in super close you cant select the movement gizmo anymore. Cheers
  21. Just uploaded the latest version. Progress Bar added with flags for vertical or default horizontal movement, and many important fixes.
  22. Thanks! Also any feedback optimisations etc are also appreciated. Next on the cards is a progress bar, which is done and I think it's in the project already, but It's not used in the demo. And FYI there are a few functions that aren't working as the widget is not applying to the children (Hide Show and ModifierTime). I've fixed them I just need to upload.
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