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Everything posted by Roland

  1. This looks so darn cool. Looking forward to see the outcome of this.
  2. Your LE2 manual was the only one worth the name manual, so its great that you are making one for LE3 also. Great Job
  3. Everything in this world should be taken with some sense, this holds for OOP also.
  4. I have been following this at a distance for a while to see where it goes. The direction has been a bit 'floating' as I have seen it. Going back to Windows/Mac/Linux PC is a good thing in my humble opinion and a 3.1 with high end rendering and a good terrain sound promising. So + for that.
  5. maybe not http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1070-open-invitation-to-shiva-users/
  6. http://www.two-sdg.demon.co.uk/curbralan/code/dirent/dirent.html
  7. Roland

    Launch Day

  8. Roland

    Solo Warrior

    New Game you started on ?
  9. Hey Digital .. you are really really making some awesome work. I'm a big fan of that style.
  10. As usual you are full of good ideas
  11. Roland

    One Little Thing

    Here is the way I do things. I don't mean to lecture or something like that. Just my view of this, Good or Bad when argument is a simple data type that won't be changed by called function - use int arg, float arg etc... when argument is a complex data type that won't be changed by called function - use const TVec3& arg, const std::string& arg etc when argument is a simple data type that will be changed by called function - use int& arg, float& arg when argument is a complex data type that will be changed by called function - use TVec3& arg, std::string& arg Depending of situation and implementation you can use pointers (*) instead of references (&) If a function does not change any internal state (variable) of the class is should be declared const, like void myClass::isEverytingOK( ) const; I strongly recommend to avoid to much typedef's. Use them with care like in typedef std::map<std::string,myObect*> ObjectMap; I strongly recommend to avoid macros and defines. Most time const static's, enums or inline functions can be used instead. This make things typed. And no "typedef int Speed;" or any such silly things. An int is an int Furthermore in my experience (I'm no speed guru by anyway) the devil lies in nested inner loops and loading/saving. But in the projects I have done (99% non game related) the biggest time thief has ALWAYS been the program design. Those are my humble thoughts that I live by. Surely not the truth or even the best thing but so far i found it best for me. Maybe for you also. If not, just ignore this post
  12. Roland

    One Little Thing

    got you on that Carnadian. For long I had both VS and CodelBlocks.. Now its only CodeBlocks 100%. He! I even uninstalled VS as I found my self very comfortable with the simplicity of CodeBlocks
  13. I'm a programmer who loves art and also making music. Even worse .. I have had my own company Damn ... I wont fit into any category. Lets not drive this (in my view a bit insane discussion) into something that splits the community. Just wait until you see what LE3 actually is or isn't and then judge. We all are driven by our own goals. No goal is a bad goal. A goal is a goal for a person. Right. So weather you like programming or making art it doesn't matter as long as you follow your personal goal. My personal goal is to finish the SCOT game and I don't think swapping engine's now and then will get me any closer to that goal. A nice team and some hard work is what its all about. I might be totally wrong, but I have to live with that then I would not even dream of swapping engine just BEFORE the new version is out, that would just be silly. Better wait and see whats in the basket before throwing it away.
  14. Hmm... even if I could get Mac compiling to work on Windows I wouldn't do that. How should the testing be done? You will need a Mac anyway to do that.
  15. Roland

    It's Friday

    Added to my shopping list. Beer and a Whiteboard
  16. okay.. I got it. Thanks a lot Pixel.. I got a great deal of inspiration and ideas from this
  17. So in essential each character in the game would have a list of Actions where the Action implementation (which animation to run) is triggered by a message from ... what? The picked objects or by something else.
  18. Yes indeed. I get what you saying... more efficient just send over the key. Nice idea
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