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Everything posted by Roland

  1. HA! Its with a red blossom face I admit that the solution was that simple. Thanks Aggror
  2. While working with the LUA script editor, running and debug, suddenly the debug window is gone. I cant get it back even after restart. Any ideas ?
  3. Shad. Those pages contains another anomaly. Default value is set to 0, which is none of the possible choices So I add that to the report
  4. Can't find any documentation on the mouse buttons in the KEY page Key.LButton Key.MButton Key.RButton Key.XButton1 Key.XButton2 While we are at it. What is XButton 1 & 2?
  5. When starting on ChrisV and my Hostile project I discovered that post-effects gets an absolute path which makes project sharing hard. All path's should be project relative in order to make project sharing possible. This becomes a show-stopper for project sharing
  6. Thanks a lot shad. What would we do without you Here is my result using the shader. Great work of you. Again. Many thanks
  7. Looks just great. Is this available somewhere?
  8. Solved it my self. I had set a normal texture as Volume by mistake.
  9. Suddenly I get this when starting the editor Any idea what that is about and how to solve it?
  10. Simple question? Is there any god ray shader hidden somewhere in Leadwerks
  11. If I click the 'pick material' button it seems that there is no way to get rid of that state. Am I missing something?
  12. False report by me. Please delete
  13. I'm not an artist, not at all. But in most models that I have downloaded from various places there is a left and right bone for the eyes. Mostly so you can look sideways in close up's.
  14. YES! Marley you are my favorite Ghost That solved the problem. Thanks a lot
  15. Yes Marley. The model is the same rigged model, just with different animations. It's really strange IDLE WALK RUN
  16. Hello there I have been away soooo long from Leadwerk, but intends to start again. This time I'm trying to use LUA for testing things (C++ will be used more later on). Anyway. I have the same model exported to 3 separate fbx files with a unique animation in each of them (idle, walk and run). Each of them looks and animates OK when dragged into the scene. I then dragged the idle fbx to the scene and attached a script to load the animations and toggle between them. Whooo that came out weird! Here is the script I have attached to the guy out on the left side in the attached video function Script:Start() self.idle = self.entity:LoadAnimation("Models/Characters/eric/eric_idle.mdl") self.walk = self.entity:LoadAnimation("Models/Characters/eric/eric_walk.mdl") self.run = self.entity:LoadAnimation("Models/Characters/eric/eric_run.mdl") self.cur = self.idle end function Script:UpdateWorld() local window = Window:GetCurrent() if window:KeyHit(Key.Space) then if self.cur == self.idle then self.cur = self.walk elseif self.cur == self.walk then self.cur = self.run elseif self.cur == self.run then self.cur = self.idle end end self.entity:SetAnimationFrame(Time:GetCurrent()/30.0,1,self.cur,true) end Is this code a wrong or is the problem somewhere else? Any suggestions? Here is a video showing the problem http://northwerk.com/videos/le2.mp4
  17. Looking good here Shad. As I reinstalled Windows a day ago the test was a success with a totally clean LE3.2 install.
  18. Press Ctrl+Alt+U Select Addons Select Category = Import Export Mark Leadwerks
  19. I'm not sure what the problem actually is. What you need is VisualStudio 2013 Express Desktop and nothing more. Create a C++ project in project manager. Then in the project folder you created you will find a Visual Studio solution file in Project/Windows (projectname.sln) Open that one and compile. Should work. If that doesn't work show some screenshot or list of the error you get.
  20. param.. Looks really awesome. Thumbs up
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