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Everything posted by YouGroove

  1. I find it highly undesirable to put all my code in one method. What advantage is gained by locking developers into this? What is keeping you from defining your own update method? Here we talk about the high level scripting system , and in Unity you can go for C# also and developp as many classes as you want. No worry about the thread , it's an open discussion, no need to close it, it is somewhat friendly for the moment Like in real life each people is own life, each people is own point of view. If with LE3 i will be able to only have to script my game behaviour and have all entities, game tweaks, lights automatically loaded, so have to only "attach" code to entities, i 'll buy it. If it is not the case i'll continue with Unity 3D free, why ? because my goal is making the tetxures, models, and the game. The less time i spend coding, the more time i have to do 3D objects and tweak gameplay. My point of view and experinec with 3D engines is : -I don't find pleasure at all programming shaders, complicated math routines, or other stuff, and i'm ok for gameplay programming indeed. Its' really different with lot of people using LE2 i agree, and i don't have any problem with that ! I also don't ask LE3 to become some pure 3D visual artist tool also, caus it would be too much limited like some modding engines. And LE3 have already the "open side" for 3D artists with new scripting and plugin systems, so both worlds : programming , 3D artists should be happy !
  2. Both Unity (and others such as C4 for that matter) do force you to follow the engine developer's paradigm. Sorry, but anyone do any kind of game with unity. It is that hard to follow the simple rule of putting code in the method named "FrameUpdate()" ?? And sorry but lof ot simple commands are as simple as in LE to program, it's fluid also. LE3 will keep the full programmer side, and it is going to offer some Unity3D or UT3 scipting similarity , where is the problem ? programmers won't have to use the scripting system if they don't want. And sorry, but i thik it's the way to go if simplicity is needed, with new scripting system and plugin possibility it's the way LE3 is going : more open to 3D artists. And its not Unity, they have not exactly same features and sorry but the price is totally different also Unity Pro is really a big big price, only possible for people making lot of money with their titles or people having lot of cash ! We don't say to LE3 to become FPS Creator indeed, this sort of template will be given to people making plugins for the editor that will generate the code ; this way 3D some artists will be happy to use some template made by some user and baught in the store ! Where is the problem to open up the engine and let some people making plugins or templates to help 3D artists ? (Programmer keeping entirely their programming side)
  3. I think LE3 is going in the good way : -it will remain programming engine for all people wanting to see lot more code than visual things -new plugin system : people will be able to bring new tools and visual helpers for avoiding coding values instead of visually adjusting them (Character controller visual adjustment on top of the character like in Unity 3D for example) Or simply make some sort of game templates ready for modding like in UT3 ? - new way of coding in Lua , all entities beeing loaded and that can interact between them This way both camps should be happy if i'm not wrong on some point ?
  4. I also think for 3D artists the game will require a minmum scripting like it is the case in Unity 3D. But easy programming like integrated framework, you just insert code logic in the init() and frameUpdate() methods, like : frameupdate() { me.turnYaxis(180); } It's just an example, because actually the alreday discussed points lot of times i had was that all the things you do in the editor (HDR, DOF , Lights, entities) where not loaded by the loading command , and you have to place and manage all entities by seeking them by names and manages them with some sort of tables of objects ! All that should be transparant like in Unity3D for 3D artists Besides , if LE3 will really have the plugin system, who knows perhaps some people will be able to create Hight level Visual logic editors Tools for pure 3D artists ? There are already some 2 or 3 such tools for Unity ! Brain Builder for Unity But pure visual indeed would remain some tool made by some user , and why not to be sold on the store !
  5. so you can control characters with just a few lines of script code Great, i like this It will be incredibly helpfull to make games similar to Dead Space , Bioshock or RPG games using complex indoor dungeons.
  6. Yes i also like that response But some really approximative thing is good to take anyway for me , and who know we talk about a beta , people buying knowing that it could be bugs or missing things, but something that could be used to produce something.
  7. Perhaps we could have some approximate date release why not ? LE2 is not that complicated, what is complicated for a 3D artist, is to search for all tools like DNA tool that changes a lot the life ;and pieces of code needed to complete a game. (and the project system and directories is a little confusing to me). And by artist coding, i mean, you place only the game management directly on entities without to manage for example an array of entities or seek the name of each entitie to use it etc ... the scripting system is not the same and the framework is already integrated you don't have to care about that and just remember to put the code where it is needed like frameUpdate() or other ! My goal as 3D artists is programming Gameplay only, make HUD, 3D models and textures, and beeing able to import them fast and easily. I mean making the game lot more than coding These subjects have been discussed already and thats' the way LE3 is going, so that's why i asked that questions. (And the price is not as expensive as the full Unity : Pro version not affordable until you sell a game or have a solid team and funds) But i don't say i won't i won't make a game with LE2 ...
  8. Buying LE2 i didn't know how programming would be , i tried it, i found the editor great, the demos cool, and i thaught : ok it has scripting it must be as easy as Unity 3D. But it's really different, it's not put script on entities directly for game interaction, lot more work is needed and you need actually (like taking some framework and other specific coding stuff) to be able to have the 3D world you want. It's really good engine, i can do some little things, but when i'm back to Unity 3D Free, i have difficulty to turn back to LE2, i mean this time again in terms of 3D Artist Workflow and 3D artist coding. The less i have to put specific engine coding stuff (level properties loading, entities seeking and management ) the best i feel Well i just question myself, how will cost the upgrade to version 3.0 for people owning the old version ? And could we have an approximative date like for example "first quarter 2012" for the Beta version ? I ask that because i'm interested lot more in V3 than V2 actually , i'm lot more 3D artist than programmer, and i seek the fastest workflow i can.
  9. Perhaps the problem can be the sword if it uses collision that is all time enabled ? Or do you use collision detection for sword only when the character attack and with a ray intersection or with the real sword body mesh ? You could test, by not putting the sword in the scene to see how things behave that way !
  10. I'm not planning for the moment multiplayer games, but i could be interested later , is Racknet allowed to use for free and sell a commercial game ?
  11. I really hope it will have lot more smooth workflow like direct import of models, materail auto generated by the textures we choose, no more need to loose all the time converting, tweaking the names material by hand etc ... it's so borring, once again for a simple model with color, normal , specular i have lost 30 minutes finding the problem on workflow, exporting it , importing, renaming material! Something you just put 5 minutes in Unity for example : you choose the model, it's imported, you select the textures directly in the object panel properties in the world editor, you choose a shader among all standard conventionnal available shaders and that's it I hope to not be stucked , stopped to use LE2 engine , caus the engine itself is great ! But well i hope it will be LE3 improvments, i'm among the people that will privilegiate workflow before latest AAA shader of full 3D effect !
  12. In fact it was too much big even on Blender, i have scaled it down and ,now that's ok ! The 3D sculpt tool export used too much big dimensions that needs to be resized in fact
  13. it's what i used ,but after doing some 30 dore more rag mouse again and again from down to up along my screen , i was perhaps at middle of the mesh, well after some minutes i was very borred Ok so i think the tool remain really basic for now and the last solution will be to resize it under Blender and redo the tool converter !
  14. Well i made a new model, but in model viewer the camera is at center ! So is there a way to move out the camera with zoom/dezoom ? i didn't find any way of doing it ? I can't wait for LE3 and better integrated workflow, so if someone have an idea ??
  15. I'm ok with that point of view ! Just that Physix used in AAA industry i don't thinks it is buggy everywhere. And i don't need a physic engien for my game types , actual physics are enought form me so ... I just hope we will have choice to use the physic engine or not ! So no need to put it on the final distributable product game if no physic engine is used ?
  16. Sorry but 3D game Studio don't have any terrain tools ! And for multiplayer you'll have to code all yourself , using racknet or whatever , it's not an oriented multiplayer engine, just browse the forum or ask the question on them. --------------------- What do you mean by MMO Fps ? lot of player like COD games, or real MMo like WOW but with rifles, or a real FPS with 256 players ? It's hard to find a real MMO engine in indie market, you'll have to coed the network management yourself, account management also, inventory and items management , login etc ... etc ... -------------- You should look at Esenthel engine , that is designed for MMo ,there is some MMO videos on their site , but be carefull and ask on their forums at what you want to do wiht it ! And there is a trial version : Try to achieve something with the trial version before going further ! ------------- Another solutin, could be Torque 3D , but some people told me that it was doc lacking and a real mess on the code (not at coding), but it is already multiplayer oriented and there are some sort of mmo made with it : I found that also : MMO in 10 seconds ------------- I htink it's better to make that type of game in a team : one guy make network code and optimisations , another gameplay, another physics for example. Alone i don't know if it's possible, or it can take long time and hard work ? (you should aks at some guys working on mmos on the videos i posted perhaps ?)
  17. It is possible to use Sketchup basic for BLender ? i don't think ? Caus i find the pro version too much expensive and prefer to keep Blender for modeling even if Sketchup is great !
  18. PhysX : - Solid physic framework used in AAA industry - Evolving - Easy to integrate for some tasks (a programmer incopored clothes easily with another 3D engine) - Fast with Nvidia cards So is the Physix software version, running wihtout hardware support (Iphone, PC ATI cards ....) enought good or powerfull compared to Bullet for commeon Physics ? Now for breakable or forest features, not all people will need them indeed ,specially someone making an RPG or other game type. And for Mobile, games like AngryBirds and some others uses lightweight 2D physic engine , perhaps we could integrate a simple 2D engine for mobile , at user choice. http://box2d.org/ I plan more RPG and tactics games so i don't need Physics a lot, i'm not sure Physics will bring me more precision or tools for something if i have to detect a shoot hitting an ennemy also, So actual collision is ok for me ; but if i had to produce on PC it will be with Physix instead, (the user could tweak detail of physix on some menu depending on his PC)
  19. I mainly used Blender, than i given a try to Google Sketchup. And yes, i find it incredibly fast to use and make things, like we would be drawing. One point , it is for hard surface things like 3D assets, outdoor buildings etc ... But it is not suited at al for making characters even low poly, because it lacks lot of basic things like : loop cut, Edge/Face loop select etc ... What must be done , is to import your final model to Blender or another program to Merge all Duplicated vetex, caus depending on what you model, you can see different objects Snapped with lot of duplicated vertex. So you welld all into one Object than Merge the vertex. For making outdoor buildings, 3D assets , it is very fast and fun to create with that tool, it can be used to make 3D assets also, it's fun to use.
  20. ok i must stop asking things if all is already in the works ??
  21. Well Why not having in the engine some sample projects like Third person level with some simple basic HUD , and some interaction and stupid ennemy in the level ? All that with the assets like having an animated character for the third person camera. I know there is an animated character in the Store, but well perhaps the engine distribution could have it no ? Caus today, you don't have any animated character with basic distribution, no level with some ennemies demonstrating an engine level ! Something to begin to modify uppon it, a basic level to work on. It's not to compare each time with Unity, but in Unity you can add any time the camera template you want and you have an animated character with different general animations you could need, to already begin to make your game. Caus lot of games uses animated characters So why not having one on the engine package by default without needing to search on the store or whatever ?? Once again it asks time and it's not the priority
  22. I'm not programmer, but can wee move a decal ? In that case you could gain an improvment by creating a stock of decals , then move them to the position you want, or move them far from the sceen if you don't use them ? or make them invisible ? So i think by limiting the number of decals simultanoues at screen would be a way ! Another way would be to activate only decals when they are near (for example decals used for tree shadows or dynamic "faked" lightmap, or whatever !
  23. Well , LE have a really great terrain editor. Now what it would need would be some tree editor, to make different landscapes. I think in RPG games or adventure / action, why not FPS RPG, where a tree editor would allow to make easily trees and let people concentrate in making all other 3D assets to make the world. In fact it's Unity idea cpoying http://www.unifycommunity.com/wiki/index.php?title=TreeCreator_Tutorial It's just a wish, i know LE3 is indeed priority , and some things i think are lot more important like a better workflow as i posted here in another post. But it can be an idea for making later a plugin by someone also why not ?
  24. Wht do you mean by fisrt version ? that LE3 have already a model and material editor directly in the World Editor ? Or do you talk about the possibility to choose a working directory and all is generated in it ?
  25. Goog looking , i like the screenshots ! Will you put some effects ? little wind storm slightly visible on floor ? some birds , insects to make it alive ?
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