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Everything posted by ParaToxic

  1. Hey I want to learn lua for scripting objects in the Editor.Now I want to turn a child of a model in the script ,but I become an error when I save it. Here my try require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) object.outer = self.model:FindChild("Outer") -- here I become an error end
  2. Ok I'am going to buy it
  3. I tried UU3D and it works very well.Are there any other modellingprogramms available to make that kind of normal smooth ? (Blender,Milkshape...)
  4. Yes but only for display ,so the model itself not going to be changed. I only want to add phong with 32° ,nothing else
  5. I use the shader ,but it is a SSAO shader,which makes corners a little bit darker like in the real world.It think the problem is that the cinema4D phong tag is a kind of deformer and will not be saved in the FBX or the other formats. @saboteur: can I send you a model with the phong problem and you convert it in UU3D like you made with you models ,because I haven't UU3D and when it works well I will buy it.Would be nice test.zip
  6. I found a way to solf this problem ... you have to disconnect the faces which you want to get hard edges ... but of course the number of vertices expands. A few Pictures for demonstratinon
  7. There are no exporter settings to make.I have an old demo version (R11) where I can't change the export settings.I will look at the new R13 version
  8. The idea with the bevel works at the bottom ,but I can't bevel all edges in the model.I will test the C4D importer of UU3D
  9. Have somebody the same problem with C4D and know how to export it correctly? Only the Wavefront exporter of C4D works correctly with the normals
  10. Hey I made a model for some tests in Cinema4D and exported it in FBX to LE.But now my problem is that LE haven't got phong angle limit ,so you can't see the corners of some parts of the model. Is there a way to fix that or use the phong informations of the FBX file? Here some facts C4D: LE: and a test with a model where you can see a phong error: I hope you can help me
  11. Hey I want to make some meshes in my scene with a colored transparent material which should create colored shadows.In the old werkspace was a tutorial for the transparent material and the shadows for it but I can't find it anymore.Have somebody saved this tutorial and can post it? Thanks
  12. So you want both directory's when you drag on a file,from the file itself and the exe.?
  13. Thanks for the answer.Yes think I will unparent the object and move/rotate it manual.
  14. Looks very good.Why you don't use a binary fileformat like a modelfile with chunks for the sections (models) and the other properties like materials.
  15. Ahhh ok now it works,had to set the recursive value to 1
  16. But it doesn't work for me.The default color stays.
  17. Hey I would like to change the color of a cagelight I have add to my scene in C++.I saw that in lua it is made so that the SetKey function is called and the string value is explored and converted to numbers and set to the RGBA vvariables. How can I make it in C++?
  18. Hey ,like the title say I want to move an entity ,which is a parent of the camera from the entitys local coordinatesystem.I want to move it in the Z direction,but with the normal PositionEntity command it moves it in the Z direction of the camera. How can I do that?
  19. Thanks for trying My first idea was to make this kind of fog atmosphere with the bright to make it a little bit more interesting for the player.I think I would first make a kind of zombie game with some levels and weapons.Then I would like to add a multiplayer mode for deathmatch or something like that. So I haven't a accurate idea yet,maybe somebody else have
  20. The idea with the active value is good,so I set the sound entities not to active and set them later in the game to active? To find the entitys I have to use FindChild for the scene and then set the entity keys,but what I have to search for with the Findchild funktion ?(Maybe the name of the Sounds?)
  21. Hey I would like to load a gamescene via LoadScene and disable the sound before the call,because I have some sound "emitter" in the scene and it isn't very good to hear the ambient and some other sounds while loading the scene. Is there a way to disable/enable all sounds in LE? Thanks
  22. Yes I understand ,your not the person I mean,I thought the post "@mumbles - i dont questioning skills ... how could i. By bumping the fine detail of linux however you have to live with remarks, every now and again me thinks. " is a kind of joke about my skills.... I hope you don't think I'm angry about something ,it's only the fact ,that this test/demp whatever don't run on some computers and it is a little bit painful for me
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