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Everything posted by ParaToxic

  1. yes thanks An other problem is that the engine render the emitter before the postfilter and I become with the DOF shader a funny bug : I render the emitter like said in the wiki ,with the framework in the first layer(-1,0,1)
  2. Hmm I don't know why the emitter crash my FPS down.I have an emitter with 100 Particles and when I stand near of it my FPS goes from 100 to 30 .
  3. Wow very nive picture and description.I will try it but how do I make this Blast wave?The normal emitter with an spec. texture?
  4. Hey volks, I make a little game right now where I use a RPG and need a explosion effect when the rocket collides with the ground. I think I have to make that with emitters but how?
  5. There is no direct way to do that , because the Editor looks for Models in the path of itself
  6. Yes the PointEntity function is good but I need a function that need the entity and the new position.I haven't got 2 object ,only one and a position
  7. Hey,I would like to make a kind of bullet for a rocket and have to rotate the rocket object in the direction of the given point(TVec3 position).So that I can move it in the Z axis and it would head to this point. What function I have to use? (That's what happen's when you didn't learn all the 3D mathematic ) Thanks
  8. Hey I am working on a little game and have a problem with the framework.When I write in the main loop UpdateFramework() and UpdateAppTime() I have with all effects 130 FPS ,but the controller I use is very smoothlie even if I set the accelerations to 40 or 100 and you have the feeling as the gravity is very low. When I write only UpdateFramework(); the controller and all works very good ,but I have only 50-60 FPS??!! Why is that so?
  9. Have you used gui->enable2D before and gui->desable2D after the draw command?
  10. Now I made a shader which make specular areas glowing with bloom.Iam going to write a new bloom shader an upload the specular bloom and the new bloom shader. In the pictures the specular is everywhere,so I don't use a specularmap,as you see,because the hands have specular. A little preview: and
  11. Yes it was written in your example ,but I mean to the PFWGui Window on the Desktop like a Win32 Window.
  12. Hey first thanks to franck for the compiled lib.Very good GUI,very good system,I hope franck can upload the lib for other users,who have errors with there own libs. Is there a way to create a GUI Window without the hwnd of the LE window.I mean only the GUI window on the desktop.I tried to use the HWND of the desktop with GetDesktopWindow in the contructor of the GUI ,but it doesn't work.
  13. No you need to use the mesh and write something like: function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) self.model:SetKey(key,value) end
  14. Yes you set for example in lua : object.SetKey("Impact","Wood"); And in Bmax(sry I can't programm in Bmax ,only pseudocode) for picked entity : string keyvalue = GetEntityKey(pick.entity,"Impact"); if(keyvalue == "Wood") .......
  15. Metatron: Can you post your example of the vehicle,made with bodys here?
  16. For example you can work with the Entity Keys.For example if you need the impact sounds of different materials,you give the entitys keys in the group "Impact" f.x : SetEntityKey(...,"Impact","Wood"); or SetEntityKey(...,"Impact","Sand"); and soone.
  17. I think with some little tricks you can make it a little bit more realistic,like: -The car hasn't this weights feeling,it jumps and turns when you drive over a little stone -> Maybe call SetBodyMassCenter and put the position under the car ->take a lower gravity value,but when all tires are in the air the gravity value should get (slowly) higher.
  18. What is about the suspension and the inertia?
  19. Hey,in the future we want to make a kind of racing game with guns and soone,but the first problem is that the physics behavior of the standart vehicles isn't very realistic. Is there a way to make it more realistic or write an own controller with the standart leadwerks physics funktions. Thanks
  20. One question.As this effect has (I think 8) passes I have to save the stages in buffers/textures.But how to do that? Maybe: SetBuffer(RTBloom); SetShader(Pass1); BindTexture(GetColorBuffer(gbuffer),0); //Now I want to get the output of the shader,because the shader have a 2D sampler for input and now I need the output written in the //RTBloom buffer DrawTexture(GetColorBuffer(gbuffer)....); //???? maybe so? SetShader(NULL); So I made it as explained at the top. But in the last shader I have to put the normnal rendered colorbuffer and the other 4 buffers(blured).So I bind the buffers with BindTexture to the shader ,but now I have to call DrawImage() ,but I have 5 buffers......how to do that?????
  21. Try to export it to FBX and use the FBX2gmf.exe tool for converting
  22. Hey Guys,a little question.I see the whole time the bloomblurx/y.frag files in the shader folder ,but I can't see any includings for it.I looked for example in the postfilter tutorial,where only bloom.frag is included(indirect in postfilter.frag) but nothing about the bloomblux/y. Are these files inaktive ,or how they are included? Thanks
  23. Good luck ,I try it too ,because the example is very nice
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