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Everything posted by ParaToxic

  1. Hey is it possible to adjust the intensity value in C++ ?? I would like to create a pointlight and set the intensity about 1.0 but I can't find the command for that.It is possible to adjust that like in the editor? Thanks
  2. I think I will make a shader but later ,because I have to finish my own class Does somebody know how to make a frameupdater (for animationframes) for integers which is dependent from the appspeed? I tryied it with frame = frame + 0.1 * speed * AppSpeed() but when frame is an integer it doesn't work.
  3. I will make a new class design and a new explosion,because that was only a test class ,so it can return errors I try to make it like in Cryengine 2 (not exactly the same )
  4. Thanks.I heard that it's faster to load the frames as separate textures and only change the MaterialTexture.Is that right ,or would you say that the methode with the 2nd buffer is better?
  5. So now I made a class with some function for that. Imagine I have a texture and at the top left is an image like in the pic I posted. I load the texture to my TTexture variable and create a new TTexture with the height and width of 128.So I set my 128*128 texture with SetBuffer(display_texture); and draw only a piece of the first texture like this : SetBuffer(display_texture); DrawImage(loaded_texture,0,0,128,-128); // x and y are 0 ,so we see the left top image But I can't see anything when I display the created image. Does anyone know how to make that?
  6. I didn't become a compiler error but when the application started(1-2 secs after it starts). The window says(in german ) Unbehandelte Ausnahme bei 0x77bfe754 in gui.exe: 0xC0000005: Zugriffsverletzung beim Schreiben an Position 0x00000000. Sorry it was an error in my class with the ifstream Pls delete
  7. Hey , I am very confused right now I make a animated texture class and want to save some coordinates from a file into TVec2 variables. As the loaded file contain the number of the coordinates I have to create a dynamic TVec2 Array. So I write TVec2* coords; and later (only example) coords = new TVec2[5]; But I become an error. Why?
  8. As I make a new explosion class with a crysis like explosion right now,I will fix that in the new version.
  9. Hey I have a question .Can I load a kind of pieces from one texture file ? Look at that: I think when I programmed in Blitz3D it was possible to call every pic in the texture to make an animated texture
  10. In the Explosion.cpp file (overwrite the other): else if(Trailtime < 0.1) { for(int i = 0;i < 6;i++) PauseEmitter(smoke[i]); if(EmitterPaused(smoke[5])) active = false; //The emitter are ready for a new explosions } Now when you check the active state first it works ;D
  11. I think that the Bodys are static(when you load a model a phy file will create) ,so you can't scale that.But you can try to make a physics hull in your game(in C++) with the Surface of the mesh und try to scale it.,
  12. yes I know this error.Have you created some explosions in the same time? You have to wait for the active variable,because when you create a new explosion in the same time as the other isn't ready (not all emitters are created) you overwrite the old emitters,so the old emitter wouldn't stop. When you create only 1 class ,you have to wait for the "active" variable,than it would work Something like : Explode ex; loop: ex.Update(); if(KeyHit(KEY_A) && ex.active == false) ex.CreateExplosions(Vec3(2,3,4),1);
  13. I know I saw the SetEmitterVelocity and SetEmitterAcceleration command.I think I will make it a bit more realistic with that commands.
  14. Here is the source of explosion class.It's very basic and I think everybody can edit it to optimize it for your application. (included materials and textures Explode.rar Test: Explode explosion0; explosion0.CreateExplosions(Vec3(10,10,10),1); and in the loop explosion0.Update(); Why?
  15. The smoke comes a little bit later as shown in the video ,because I recorded only with 30 FPS.When I finish my game you will see it
  16. Here the post for the video : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/4726-explosions-for-my-little-game/
  17. Hey I finished my explosion class and I think it's ok,so I will show it here :] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrnU8z6Jptw&feature=youtu.be (it will work in a few minutes)
  18. Wow nice video.Thanks I think now I can make a cool explosion ;D
  19. Hmm I mean a kind of smoke trails going in all directions who simulates the flying pieces of the exploded material.I tried to make that with the waver value and a trail texture ,but it wasn't good ,because the particles aren't pointed to the start point like here : http://www.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http://images.gamedev.net/features/art/howtoPartFx/fig1.png&imgrefurl=http://www.gamedev.net/page/resources/_/creative/visual-arts/make-a-particle-explosion-effect-r2701&usg=___LeitlfvLbGEjelIi7Z1aoiByF4=&h=380&w=608&sz=244&hl=de&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=5sdX4dDvTDAs-M:&tbnh=135&tbnw=192&ei=UbxoT56cGcWGswbeoPz4Bw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Din%2Bgame%2Bexplosion%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dde%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1599%26bih%3D779%26tbm%3Disch%26prmd%3Dimvnsa&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=559&vpy=300&dur=3629&hovh=177&hovw=284&tx=174&ty=114&sig=101572019509933518421&page=1&ndsp=29&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:0 (look at the sprak and smoke trails emitter) Is there a way to make a kind of splash emitter like in the water demo?
  20. Is there a way to create a smoke trail emitter ?Because it must expand in all directions and I don't know how to make that.
  21. And another question about the framework.For making heat haze I have to get the lightbuffer and set it to the material.I know that the Framework renderer has a lightbuffer ,so it render the lights not in the backbuffer,but I don't know how to get them. I hope somebody can help me ;D
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