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Everything posted by ParaToxic

  1. Yeah I have this nice demo with the window. The problem ist when I put in the refraction shader it doesn't work any more :/
  2. Hmm thanks roland, I looked the video but he says that both skeletons have to be exactly the same. Maybe someone knows a plugin for c4d doing the same like in fragmotion ( merge animation )
  3. Okey Thanks, I tested it but I need it for Cinema4D because I have IK and controllers for the biped
  4. Hei guys, I have here a rigged character ,made with the Character tag and now I have some bvh ( Mocap Data ) files and want to copy the animation of the imported mocap skeleton to my own rigged character. I saw a plugin XReTarget ,which copys the target bone animation keys to a second rigged body.But the plugin doesn't work for me. Does somebody know how I can copy the animation data from the one skeleton to the other ?? Thanks
  5. Hei ya I need some glass for my level and I downloaded the refraction effect for the editor with the material file. Then I put in an other bumpmap for other refraction and now I have no shadows, nothing. Is that possible to add colored shadows to the glass material file ?? I tried the script of the colored shadow tutorial and added the textures and shaders for glass effect to the material file and became a big failure So can somebody help me ?? ( Or maybe explain me how the colored shadows works ) Thanks
  6. Okey I have it now.I created a manager for videos with sound in a second thread with DirectShow , supporting lots of formats, will upload the new player Now I can load assets and play a video at the same time
  7. But I need a Context for video playing, because the Data is loaded into a GLTexture. And how should I separate the App ??
  8. Hei ya I would like to make a loader for gamestarts with a video and a loader for meshes / textures. I would like to make a video at the start like in all games and load at the same time the stuff for the game. The problem is that I can't do that with Threads ( loading a mesh in a second thread close the whole app ) And playing the video in a other thread needs the created GL Context..... An other idea was to load the data in a ifstream to some buffers ( in a thread) and "copy that to the memory" ( I saw that LE loads the data from the memory when you load the same asset the second time ) Have somebody a idea ?
  9. YEAH now it works very good with the newest build of static and dynamic libs, supports VS2010 and plays sound via OpenAL and all in LE 2.5
  10. Now I have the OpenAL 1.1 SDK but there aren't files like OpenAL_AudioInterface (this class inherit TheoraAudioInterface so I think it should be included in the Theora lib ? ) EDIT: Wonderfull after 100 tries to download all libs and SVN documents and 100 rebuilds of static and dynamic libs it works ( not realy but..).Now I have the problem that the first second of the sound of the bunny film is played in a loop and when I close the application it plays normaly on and close. But the question is why ??? Are there commands or adjustments to do ?
  11. Hmmm I saw but can somebody send me the zip or the installer ? Would be nice
  12. Okey now I downloaded RC1 and it works very good with VS2008. I am searching for the SDK where the OpenAL_AudioInterface.h file is . Maybe the owner can tell me where ? Thanks
  13. Its not working for me.There was a guy with the same problem tha the app crash and the answer was tzo compile it with VS2008 ( what I have done but there was the same error )
  14. I think that it is a videostreaming "program", that samples each frame of a video to a texture. This code is only for testing, and it fails. :/
  15. I only create the Manager and the clip.In the console stands: Initializing Theora...<1.0 RC2> Create Video from Data Srouce: bunny.ogg bunny.ogg: fileduration 32... Sec Then follows an error. Code: #pragma comment(lib,"libtheoraplayer.lib") #pragma comment(lib,"opengl32.lib") #include <windows.h> #include <gl/gl.h> #include "TheoraVideoManager.h" #include "TheoraVideoFrame.h" int main() { TheoraVideoManager *mgr = new TheoraVideoManager(); //TheoraVideoClip *clip = mgr->createVideoClip( "bunny.ogg",TH_RGB,0,1); TheoraVideoClip *clip = mgr->createVideoClip( "bunny.ogg",TH_RGB,0,1); clip->setAutoRestart(1); delete mgr; delete clip; return 0; }
  16. Hey ya I have a problem to gets LETheora working for me.I was reading the threads here but I can't complete this. So here are my steps: Copied everything to materials/Scripts/shaders Downloaded Theora Playback Lib 1.0 RC2 Started Project in VS2010 ( also tested with VS2008) and included include und libs When loading the clip my program stops with a error. So I have only the lines: new Instance of The TheoraManager and the clip = mgr->LoadClip("bunny.ogg,...) ( not the real command ) and I get a runtime error. What is wrong ?? (Maybe the LETheora.dll was compiled with a earlier version ? I don't know) Would be cool to hear an answer from a successful build
  17. Wow nice Metatron ! I think the name was Crysis 3 or not ? Really good work. And the Renderer of LE3D is very nice, 240FPS with 45 Billion Polygons and Tesselation, Realtime Raycasting
  18. This is a possible way.Is it possible to create a String where you set the pointer of your value and the String is always changing if the vale changes ?? (By the way I could use void* or not ??? ) Pseudo code: String** mystring ; mystring = pointer to my value; (I have to convert this with stringstream..) So I have a string pointer to my value pointer to my value Here is a code from an other forum: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <unordered_map> #include <utility> struct variable_printer { template <typename T> void insert(std::string const& name, T& ref) { variables_[name] = std::make_pair(&ref, &print_impl<T>); } void print(std::string const& what) const { auto iter = variables_.find(what); if(iter != variables_.end()) iter->second.second(iter->second.first); // else ... } private: typedef void const volatile variable; template <typename T> static void print_impl(variable* ptr) { std::cout << *static_cast<T*>(ptr); } std::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<variable*, void (*) (variable*)>> variables_; }; int main() { variable_printer printer; int const volatile i = 42; printer.insert("i", i); printer.print("i"); }
  19. Hey ya, I want to make a little debugconsole which has the function to add some information like "The Car drives:" and a pointer to the varibale like Car_Speed and this debuginfos were shown in a listbox, so you have a nice overview to all your debug variables you want to see. My problem is that I need a std::map for that like: std::map< int, std::pair<String, (Type) > > a; . the first int is for the index that helps to manage the listing in the listbox, the String is the variable information ( "The Car drives:" ) and the third is the pointer to the variable.Now the problem is that I want to put in different types like int,float,double or vectors, so I want a dynamic Type ( like template<typename a> but that doesn't work). So what can I do here ??? Thanks
  20. Okey I will try it but look at this video with bullet vehicles.When I could edit the suspension stiffness it would be great, because that it one of the big problems I had. (0:44)
  21. I tried without success.Maybe somebody from this two videos could send me the settings/the code.There is another example on youtube with the name "Leadwerks Rally" with a good behaviour. Would be so nice when omne of these guys from the videos could send me the code/settings Thanks
  22. Can you tell me how you did that ?? I found ot that ifstream is about 40% faster than FILE* I can read a 67 MB File in 140 - 170 ms with ifstream , do you think it can be faster ?
  23. Yes but it has this behaiviour of a non-inertia object.It seems that the car's mass is 500g ,it flies away when you drive over a stone or a terrain edge. I want to make a game with racing cars, who can fly over ramps and over the terrain with a realistic (just a little bit) behaviour
  24. Hmmm you are right.I had a similar idea about that, but when you say that.
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